It's the Old Army Game
It's the Old Army Game
NR | 10 July 1926 (USA)
It's the Old Army Game Trailers

Druggist Elmer Prettywillie is sleeping. A woman rings the night bell only to buy a two-cent stamp. Then garbage collectors waken him. Next it's firemen on a false alarm. And then a real fire.


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.

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Murphy Howard

I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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It's the Old Army Game (1926) ** 1/2 (out of 4)Entertaining comedy has W.C. Fields playing Elmer Prettywillie, a druggist who constantly finds himself unhappy due to other people. One day he catches a break, which could lead to him getting rich but it might turn out to be a scam.IT'S THE OLD ARMY GAME certainly isn't what you'd call "classic Fields" but there's no doubt that fans of his will enjoy seeing him here. This is especially true since IT'S A GIFT is basically a sound version of this. The biggest problem with the movie is that the fact that the screenplay comes across like four or five short films instead of a real feature.I say that because we basically got different scenarios that Fields gets himself into. The first one is him trying to get some sleep yet a woman will stop at nothing for him to open his store. There's another subplot dealing with a very annoying kid that lives with him and who is constantly trying to get his way. You've got another subplot where Fields gets involved with someone who might be a bit shady.

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The big surprise for me when viewing the KINO release of the 1926 W.C. Fields comedy IT'S THE OLD ARMY GAME was how beautiful the print is. For the most part it is pristine. For any Fields fan who is familiar with his classic sound feature IT'S A GIFT there is much to compare and enjoy in this silent rendering. No doubt the routines work better with sound and polishing but it's fun to see it being attempted without the sound. Fields looks youthful and fit. Louise Brooks is not only beautiful but very animated and delightful in this her fourth film. The Ben Model pipe organ score works very well and is authentic to the way many audiences would have experienced the film originally.. The only Extra is a commentary track by author James L. Neilbaur. It has its original tinting. If you are a fan of Fields or comedy from the silent era then this release is worth taking a look at. The film title don't really do justice to the film content but it is explained during the course of the film. bro

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While I've always considered by self a movie fan, I've never really been big on silent films. My favorite silents tend to be horror related - movies like The Unknown with Lon Chaney and M with Peter Lorre. But having recently "discovered" Louise Brooks, I'm determined to watch more of her films. So, my Louise Brooks journey starts with It's the Old Army Game. While it's definitely a W.C. Fields vehicle, Louise Brooks really shines in the moments she's on screen.Most of It's the Old Army Game is made up of various gags or comedic bits featuring Fields. I've never been much of a Fields' fan and this movie doesn't change that much. He's hit or miss here. The two best gags are the baby and the boy in the shop. They would have been even better had the "children" involved not been so creepy looking - especially the "baby". But scenes like the picnic didn't really work with me. It overstays its welcome. I did enjoy the subplot featuring the con man's land deal in New York. More of this would have been good. In the end, this plot thread felt horribly rushed.But as I said at the start, I watched It's the Old Army Game mostly for Louise Brooks. And she did not disappoint. She is the center of attention anytime she's on screen. She has that something special about her. Two scenes that show what I mean about Brooks are the ice cream soda scene at the beginning and the scene where Fields is trying to get something out of a lady's eye. In the first, just watching her sitting on that stool in the middle of the firemen is such an engaging visual. Those eyes - she's gorgeous. In the second scene, Brooks isn't really even in it - she's watching the events from above. But her smile is mesmerizing and infectious. You could feel her joy in what she's watching. I've got to see more of her stuff.

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W.C. Fields was never at his best in the silent film medium, but It's the Old Army Game is nonetheless a treat for his fans, revealing our hero in characteristic form as he offers early versions of routines later perfected in talkie classics The Pharmacist and It's a Gift. The Great Man himself looks quite youthful here, still trim in his mid-40s and quite stylish in his checked trousers and straw boater, although he also sports the unfortunate mustache he wore in all his silent comedies. Like The Cocoanuts, the stage vehicle and subsequent movie debut for The Marx Brothers, the plot of this film was inspired by the Florida land boom, a highly topical subject in the 1920s. It's the Old Army Game is built around a satirical twist, however: instead of New Yorkers snapping up cheap land in Florida, we find Florida residents snapping up cheap real estate in New York! In any case, Fields' movies were never valued for their plots, it's the gag sequences that count. This film's highlights include our hero's repeatedly thwarted attempts to take a nap on his back porch, a rather nasty confrontation with an obnoxious baby in a stroller, a very messy picnic on the lawn of a ritzy estate, and traffic difficulties filmed on location in midtown Manhattan. The porch bit is something of a dry run for the immortal sequence in It's a Gift, but here's where the silent version suffers in comparison to the talkie remake: much of the humor depends on abrupt, irritating bursts of noise, so by its very nature this routine, which was first performed on stage, wasn't ideal for silent cinema.Incidentally, during the traffic sequence Fields has an encounter with a fellow motorist who is done up in stereotypical Jewish costume, complete with derby and grizzled beard. Happily, and surprisingly, their encounter turns out to be benign, without the heavy-handed ethnic humor that mars so many comedies of the period. The gent in the derby owns a junk wagon pulled by a mule, and when Fields has auto trouble the gent tries to help out. The situation does not end happily for our hero, but that's no one's fault but his own.Broadway buffs will be interested to find that the leading man is William Gaxton, best known for his stage performance in the Gershwin musical "Of Thee I Sing," but Gaxton never had much of a movie career and frankly doesn't register strongly in this role. Then again, he was up against formidable competition, not only from Fields but from his leading lady, Louise Brooks. A major bonus of this film is the sight of this beautiful young woman in her prime. There's a memorable scene featuring Brooks and Gaxton skipping a picnic so they can romp in the woods. Every close-up of Louise is worth the price of admission-- that is, if you can find a copy of this movie in the first place. Like all too many W.C. Fields films, It's the Old Army Game is not readily available in any home-viewable format. I saw it about ten years ago at the American Museum of the Moving Image in Queens, New York. We were told before the screening that the film was still in the process of restoration, "a work in progress" soon to be completed. For the first hour or so the image looked clean and bright, but then suddenly we found ourselves watching a heavily scratched and yellowed 16mm print for the last portion. I hope the restoration work was completed, but haven't heard of any public screenings since. In any case, here's a film ripe for recovery and rediscovery!

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