It's Alive III: Island of the Alive
It's Alive III: Island of the Alive
R | 27 May 1987 (USA)
It's Alive III: Island of the Alive Trailers

The mutant babies have been placed by court order on a deserted island. Appalled by the cynicism and exploitation of the children by the legal system and the media, the man responsible for them leads an expedition to the island to free them.

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What a waste of my time!!!

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Surprisingly incoherent and boring

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brilliant actors, brilliant editing

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Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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Wanting to rid themselves of the babies, the decision to import the mutants to an uninhabited island leads to a later expedition to study the creatures which shows that they're attempting to get back to the mainland to continue their line and must prevent them from doing so.This was the best of the series but is still somewhat of an issue. Among the more enjoyable elements found here is the opening manner of what to do with the creatures in society which is a unique take. The exploits of the courtroom trial, which has some nice work in the ability to showcase how friendly they can be and the overall outcome of the verdict, start this off on a nice note while setting up what's going to occur with the later half. The concept of the tropical island where they're being stored away from humanity gives this a solid and nicely appealing storyline involving the continuation of the themes and ideas from the previous films coming together into the fine series of attacks shown in the final half. From the scenes of the expedition members getting wiped out to the carnage shown onboard the boat with the dead bodies and the search for the creatures back on the mainline, these here are what make this one somewhat fun. Along with the nice gore in the few kills we do get to see, these here are enough to hold this one up over its many flaws. Like the past films in the series, this one is mostly hurt by the fact that so much of this one is just not that interesting to sit through. The creatures are given the motive of wanting to return to civilization in order to seek out the mother of their conception which should be quite a fun concept to go through but instead, there's just no sympathy given for this kind of storyline here. It's just quite impossible to get into why this should matter with how this plays out and the film just never makes it over into that realm here due to the inherent stupidity of everyone in the film. The idea of a secret mission to the island without any kind of backup with a rinky-dink sort of operation and background just seems moronic, the way it carries out is quite appropriate and the whole affair is just so hum-drum that it doesn't really make any impact. As well, there's also the lame special effects here with the shoddy-looking creature suits substituting for the few shots they get on-screen as they are mostly just shown flashes of arms, claws or fangs or just done in their point-of-view so it leaves quite a distasteful feeling. Overall, these here are what hold this one down.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and an attempted Rape.

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Michael O'Keefe

Whether for good or bad, Larry Cohen's mutant baby sage continues. Razor-sharp toothed killer infants are shipped to a remote deserted island. Of course, this is to completely keep the killing tykes from civilization. The government is closer to eliminating them when a father (Michael Moriarty) of one of the babies gathers a group to protest in mass the wholesale demise of the mutants. Cohen's trilogy seems to have gone unappreciated. Yes, some of the scenes are disturbing...but overall special effects could have been improved. This doesn't mean this flick can't satisfy the fans of cheesy gore. Also in the cast: Laurene Landon, James Dixon, Gerrit Graham and Karen Black.

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It's Alive 3 (1987) ** (out of 4) A court orders that all mutant babies must be sent to a deserted island. Four years later a group goes there to see how the babies have grown up. I saw bits and pieces of this years ago but this was my first time going through the whole thing and man what a bitter disappointment. Larry Cohen takes this film a lot less serious and goes over the top with things but he didn't go far enough. The thought of seeing the babies grown up was a great idea but it takes an hour for us to reach the island. When the humor does come it isn't enough so most of the time the film is just a bore.

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I can't possibly figure out why the movie is rated so low here on IMDb... It's a very entertaining movie and an excellent closure to Larry Cohen's wild 'monstrous infants' trilogy. It already starts out terrific with a brilliant casting job: Michael Moriarty ("The Stuff") and Karen Black ("Burnt Offerings") together as parents?? No wonder that results in murderous offspring! This quirky B-movie implements a great tempo right from the beginning, with the cliché delivery of a killer-baby in a cab, and becomes even better when the entire freakshow is replaced to a courtroom. In this particularly fantastic opening, Stephen Jarvis (Moriarty), father of a mutant-baby, defends the rights of these ugly creatures and wants to prevent that more unfortunate babies are destroyed immediately after birth. After a powerfully scripted emotional speech, he wins the case and the babies are quarantined on a secret island location, down South of Florida. Five years later, Stephen Jarvis is forced against his will to join a scientific expedition towards to island to see how the babies have developed. The expedition crew will soon find out that the former babies still have ferocious tendencies but Jarvis equally discovers that they gained telekinetic powers and that they formed a community on their own...Larry Cohen's still growing sense of black, offbeat humor is terrifically illustrated through some of the deranged plot-twists and – especially – through Moriarty's eccentric character. His sarcastic one-liners about his unsuccessful acting career or his unwanted popularity as the "father of the monster" makes this "Island of the Alive" one of Cohen's wittiest achievements to date. Also, this final chapter obviously disposed of a much larger budget as the previous installments which allows Cohen's to zoom in more on the malevolent babies and the mess they make when slaughtering. Keep your eyes open for all the ingenious little ideas Cohen adds during the trip to, and return from the island! There are too many to list, such as a side-trip to Fidel Castro's Cuba, a demented singing choir (which looks like it's spoofing "Jaws") or Jarvis' self-indulgent harassing-efforts towards a female scientist. Naturally, this movie has its flaws I can't overlook.. Maybe the finished product is a little long and some sequences should have stayed in the cutting room. Like for example a totally unrelated hunting-trip of greedy thrill-seekers to the island early in the film or a study of Karen Black's troubled love-life after giving birth to a monster. The climax is great, rewarding and makes Cohen's "It's Alive" circle complete. If you appreciate imaginative plotting and absurd horror tales, I recommend the entire It's Alive-cycle as well as every other production Larry Cohen was ever involved in.

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