Invasion From Inner Earth
Invasion From Inner Earth
G | 30 October 1974 (USA)
Invasion From Inner Earth Trailers

Plane passengers are stranded in the snow at the mercy of an alien death ray.

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I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.

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Absolutely the worst movie.

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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It's the end of the world with aliens invading and a mysterious plague spreading! But don't worry, Bill Rebane is here, he'll make sure things don't get scary or exciting or even interesting. You're trapped in a cabin with the most boring people in the world (maybe being dull is some kind of immunity?). Occasionally we'll cut away, once to a smarmy talk-show guy who prattles on cheerfully about the plague before introducing his befuddled guests, then to a bar with a comical drunk, and a couple of times to a bad DJ and some fleeing crowds. Most of the time, though, we're stuck with these terrible actors. The guy with the beard, seriously, he's just flat-out awful. When he tries to be romantic or funny, he makes the whole universe worse. Couple that with special effects that must have cost eighty-five cents, the most inappropriate music cues ever (I never knew one of those New Year's noisemakers meant "suspense"), dialog that makes you want to strangle your ears, and aliens who ask "How are you?" over the radio. There are two reasons to watch this: the first is the music over the titles. It's such a jaw-droppingly blatant rip-off of Ennio Morricone's "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly" theme that you'll be glad you heard it, just so you can believe it. The second is the ending, which is one of those "Wait, what?" endings that make you think you must have fallen asleep and missed something crucial. You didn't, though.

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Mark Honhorst

Or, I should say, the first Bill Rebane film I can make it through without being bored to tears. I got this film on one of those 50 movie packs called "Nightmare Worlds", so you know I couldn't have wasted too much money on it. I don't know why, but I really like this film. Maybe it's the goofy music that sometimes sounds like an off key version of the theme from "The Good, the Bad,and the Ugly". Maybe it's the attention grabbing beginning. Maybe it's the original characters that I actually started to like about a third of the way through the movie. There's the drab but somehow attractive female protagonist, her brother who cares so much about the group that he actually leaves the cabin for help, the rich snob who is slightly reminiscent of Charles Winchester from M*A*S*H, the guy the female protagonist is infatuated with, and the brainy, slightly crazy nerd who looks somewhat like a walrus, and is actually more important to the story than you think he is at first. The atmosphere and cinematography were also above average. Now, I'm not saying this is a great movie. Heck, I'm not even saying it's a GOOD movie... it's slow paced, has bad acting, and the quality of the DVD transfer is god-awful... but you might like it if you have a very distinct taste in cinema... a BAD taste.

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I have seen a lot of bad movies in my life, ranging from "Glen or Glenda", to "Manos, the Hands of Fate", to "Wild Women of Wongo", but I have never encountered a movie that horrible. That is, and until someone makes a movie consisting entirely of scraping chalk on a fingernail, my least favorite movie ever. Why, you ask? Prepare to know. Mainly, it's because the people who made this film have no sense of pacing. For each important scene that actually advances the plot, there are two scenes that are completely random, freakishly annoying, and utterly irrelevant to anything. Many of these scenes focus on character development of characters who then proceed to do nothing with their newfound character traits, but others include boring walking and snowmobiling and random cuts to other people doing other things that relate at best tangentially to our friends back at the cabin. Add to this the acting, the budget, and the general plotting, and you've got yourself a physically painful little piece of cinema. Incidentally, what the deuce was up with the ending? Everyone disappears except for two people who turn into half naked children in a random meadow in soft focus? That's right down there with "Monster a Go-Go". Don't watch this.

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It's amazing how often the words 'god-awful' appear in the reviews of this movie - er - on second thoughts, no it isn't. This really is a god-awful movie and the most god-awful part of it - eclipsing the non-script, the non-acting and the execrable un-special effects, is the incredible amount of really bloody awful music in this movie. The soundtrack is a masterpiece of incoherence ranging from tinny renditions of what sounded suspiciously like Morricone's 'The Good The Bad and The Ugly' theme played on a Stylophone to mellow Spanish guitar music, to 10 second loops of synthesised rock - ALL IN THE SAME SCENE! This isn't a soundtrack to a movie. It's a John Cage concert.

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