In the Folds of the Flesh
In the Folds of the Flesh
| 02 May 1970 (USA)
In the Folds of the Flesh Trailers

Pascal Gorriot, an escaped criminal, accidentally witnesses Lucille disposing of her second husband Andre's body at sea. Thirteen years later, Andre's cousin turns up at Lucille's villa with his Alastian dog. It's not long before creepy Colin, Andre's son, strangles the unfortunate hound and Falaise, Andre's daughter, stabs their unwelcome family member to death. Another unwanted visitor friend arrives and rapidly seduces Falais. Colin is jealous and warns the Don Juan about the dangers of being a male praying mantis and it's not long before Falaise decapitates him. Pascal, the ex-convict who witnessed the murder of Andre is the next intruder. He takes the family hostage and demands blackmail money, prompting them to do away with him in an acid bath. The police investigate and a chain of deception and murder is revealed...

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A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

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Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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Sam Panico

This is one strange movie - it combines Nazi elements, a police procedural, a giallo, a psychological examining of identity and even comes close to a Last House on the Left vibe.Severin released this film several years ago, but it's sadly out of print. It's certainly one of the oddest entries in the genre and one you should track down. I've only barely touched on the many twists and turns of the plot because I believe that you should enjoy them for yourself.

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This movie is completely over the top! Why and how it escaped getting played around the world, on the midnight circuit, is beyond me. It's like someone made a soup out of a Spanish Soap Opera, a Giallo, Gothic Thriller, and a Film Noir... It's loaded with ridiculous double crosses, kinky incest (is it incest?), countless decapitations, pet vultures, plot twists that make little to no sense, random Freudian Psychology, and extraneous WWII Concentration Camp flashbacks! The score is over-dramatic, as is the acting, and just about everything else. It certainly can't be taken seriously, but that's what's so appealing. Don't be fooled though, if it's the Classic Bava, Martino or Argento-esque formula you're looking for, that's not what you'll get. Despite that it is often listed and cited as a Giallo. This movie came out in 1970, when the genre was just beginning to take root, so while it's certainly got all of the necessary elements to be classified as 'Gialli', the elements are scattered, appearing in different places in the plot than is common to the traditional Giallo formula. That said, it could be of interest to hardcore fans in that respect. That's how I came upon it, and I'm not upset. Think something along the lines of Luciano Ercoli's "Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion" or even Lucio Fulci's "Perversion Story," only much more ridiculous! Wonderfully ridiculous, psychedelic and melodramatic. Wow.

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This is some wild and crazy film. There is some dispute as to whether it is a 'giallo' or not but I'm happy to include it, even if it is the ladies doing the killing. Pretty sleazy too, with very colourful depictions of decapitation, rape and extensive use of an acid bath, not to mention b/w 'flashbacks' to nazi gas scenes including numerous naked girls about to take that final 'shower'. The acting is not the finest but then there are moments in this quite delirious movie where you look around the cast and they seem to be suspended in disbelief as to what they are to do next. Indeed, the cast seems to have even less idea who they are or what has happened than we do. Some super décor though and the costumes, especially the brother and sister who get very friendly quite a lot, are out of this world, which is to say 1968-1970 precisely. Don't expect too much coherence but for a good looking and very quirky giallo, this certainly suites me.

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This is another case of a movie which seems to have been highly underestimate. This is not the crap the score rate seems to testify. When you approach such a product a minimum of historical perspective should be the norm... we cannot judge a movie filmed in 1971 with standards of today's taste. This is a thriller with a weird plot,a definite stress on turbid sexual themes, some gore scenes, some Gothic and fetish elements that can make the joy of the true Italian b-movie lover. In my opinion this movie has everything a movie should have to let you spend an hour and a half before the screen and even enjoying your time. We are a few and we're happy, please let us dream alone.

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