This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
... View MoreEach character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
... View MoreExcellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
... View MoreThis movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
... View MoreThe movie's DVD cover quoted Movie Buzzers with "bursting with energy.. laugh out found funny.. an absolute joy". Really? I wonder if I watched the same movie, because I didn't find any of those statements to be true.It is rare that I turn off a movie before having actually seen the entire movie, and even more so rare that I turn off an Asian movie prematurely. But that happened about halfway through "How to Use Guys With Secret Tips" (aka "Nam-ja sa-yong-seol-myeong-seo"). I just didn't enjoy this movie one bit and there wasn't anything appealing to the movie, aside from the lead actress.The story is about Choi Bo-Na (played by Lee Si-Young) who is overlooked and underpaid, slaving away for a director who doesn't acknowledge her. When she comes across an eccentric guy selling various user manuals. Here she find a manual to turn her life around.This movie was weak for a comedy, and I didn't laugh once before getting up halfway through and turning it off. And there wasn't any real chemistry between the lead actress and actor.Usually Third Window films put out some great movies, but "How to Use Guys With Secret Tips" was a swing and a miss.
... View More'How to Use a Guy with Secret Tips' (also titled in English as 'Men's Manual' & 'Male Instruction Manual') is a 2013 Korean romantic-comedy-drama. It's a corny & predictable female-centric coming of age story, but it's solid & likable and, it is absolutely hilarious.SPOILERS AHEAD!Here's your story: Bo-na is a 30 year old assistant ad director that's fed up with being stuck in an unappreciative man's world; she can't make her male boss respect her talents in her professional life, can't find a man to notice her as a woman in her personal life, can't even get a random guy on the street to open a door for her.After getting left behind one day in the middle of nowhere by her idiot male coworkers, Bo-na wanders upon a mysterious roadside salesman pushing all sorts of self-help instructional videos. It's late at night, and it's been another extraordinarily frustrating day with zero attention and help from the men in her life, so Bo-na is an easy mark to be sold one particular VHS box set that's supposed to solve all her man-related problems. Bo-Na soon starts watching these videos, which are both cheaply produced and completely absurd but, they do eventually begin to offer her some helpful tidbits that she awkwardly sets out to employ in her daily life, and, it works. As such, it doesn't take long before Bo-na starts absorbing all she can from these videos, and is off on her journey to evolve from "ignored dorky girl" to "desirable successful woman".Soon enough, Bo-na starts getting ahead at work, meets a top actor she quickly wins over as a love interest, and so forth and so on. It's all thanks to the tips in the videos, and everything is well on its way to working out perfectly for our young heroine. Naturally, there is a potential price to pay though for all this newfound success in the classic "be careful what you wish for" sense. You'll just have to see for yourself if Bo-na can accomplish her career goals and find love while not losing sight of who she is as a person along the way.As these types of films are wont to do, it's obvious that Bo-na is already perfectly fine to begin with; she's attractive, smart, kind, fun, etc there are few, if any, qualities she's seemingly lacking. She just needs that one little traditional cinematic boost of confidence (and a makeover, of course), if she wants to transform into the woman she's always dreamt of being. The entire story here is so familiar, and there's very little doubt how everything will ultimately play out; it's really just a matter of how entertaining it will be going from Point A to Point B, and this film certainly delivers when it comes to accomplishing that.Lee Si-Young is the star of the film in her role of Bo-na. Among Si-young's many talents (actress, singer, model, amateur boxer, etc ), this type of rom-com-drama part might be what she's best suited for. She possesses a nice comedic timing, particularly for physical comedy, and she's quite impressive and just delightful throughout this entire film. Oh Jung-se plays the male co-star as the top actor love interest I don't think I've ever seen him in anything other than supporting parts over the years, but I really have to hand it to him for the performance he turned in here; he's good with every facet of his role, and, he's asked to do a number of semi-embarrassing scenes that he just rolls along with in an admirable fashion. I wasn't really sold with the pairing of these two stars going into this film, but they both turn in outstanding individual performances, and they play off each other so very well throughout. There are numerous secondary characters on hand; the ever-present "doctor" from the instructional videos is primary among them, along with various oddballs & bit players that mostly serve to add to the hijinks while helping to advance the plot they're all more than serviceable or better.This movie does a lot of things well, but its unrelenting humor is perhaps its strongest aspect; no tricks are spared in an attempt to illicit some laughs, and it succeeds in doing so way more often than not subtle comedy, physical comedy, and slapstick comedy are all on display, along with a myriad of gender & industry & cultural related jokes, plus numerous semi-interactive cut scenes & animations & pop-ups, etc...A considerable amount of credit for this film should also be given to the behind the scenes crew; the director coaxed some terrific performances from the cast, the writing is consistently engaging & witty, and it features some razor sharp editing. The pacing here is also very unique It's hard to tell how much of this is intentional or not, but this movie deftly shifts back and forth from "unhurried & low key" to "blisteringly fast & outrageous" in a seemingly effortless manner.Note: While this movie could hardly be considered raunchy, it's not really suited for children or someone too young so, keep that in mind. It utilizes little vulgar or offensive material, and there are no sex scenes, but it is primarily geared more towards adults and those who are mature enough to understand the overall story & humor. There's an occasional bit of blurred out light nudity, a lengthy shot of a man's bare ass, lots of adult themed gender related jokes, etc it's all presented in a mostly harmless & safe manner, but a bit of viewer discretion should be in order nonetheless.Summary: At the end of the day, this is just a sweet & silly modern rom-com that won't get confused with cinematic greats but, it is creative, charming, and often hysterical. I'd be hard pressed to name very many recent films I've watched that left a bigger smile on my face more than this one.Bottom Line: 9 out of 10 stars!...Absolutely Recommended!
... View MoreI wanted to like this movie, because of the neat ideas that went into it. Maybe some audiences can enjoy a movie such as this, but I just didn't enjoy the direction of it all. The premise is about a woman that gets rebuked by men. However after finding a video store that gives her tapes to become more confident and attractive in the eyes of men. It has a lot of those comic book pop up moments which is fine, but it would have been nice if it focused more on the build up of the insecure woman protagonist. Like how to use and execute certain techniques and such. Instead it goes more towards the slapstick comedy direction. It has it's moments although very few, for most of the way through it just seem to drag. Like I said, the build up and more integration of the how to use a guys with secret tips techniques would have made this movie a blast to watch. The build up is poorly done and the climax is abrupt. However it does show a realistic portrayal of stars lives in order to succeed in the entertainment industry in Korea. Since I could somewhat feel the connection with character and I think a lot of other audiences could as well.5.8/10
... View MoreNote: Check me out as the "Asian Movie Enthusiast" on YouTube, where I review tons of Asian movies.How To Use Guys With Secret Tips (aka Man Manual) (2013) (Korean Romantic Comedy) Have you ever had your mouth hurt after watching a movie because it made you smile the whole way through? Well, my mouth hurts right now. This film was delightful.An assistant director for commercials pays big money for a "man manual" video that supposedly helps awkward girls deal with guys in both romance and business. She then studies the video and implements its strategies with great success. The star of this film is Si-young Lee, who is an outstanding actress that recently demonstrated her charisma in the excellent Korean romantic comedy "Couples" (2011). She can venture into expressionistic acting in the most natural, charming ways imaginable. With her as a foundation, the quirky yet oddly dry humor succeeds admirably in laugh-out-loud fashion. There are a lot of jokes and almost all of them work. I especially liked the many video tips.The direction of the film is very stylish, at times feeling like a comic book. A handful of sequences insert relevant video clip tips, while others will have the lecturer appear outside of the video to give tips to the protagonist or the viewer. The visuals are very engaging from start to finish. This film moves at a blistering pace and will leave a perpetual smile on the viewer's face. This will surely end up as one of the most purely entertaining films of 2013. Highly recommended.
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