Horrible High Heels
Horrible High Heels
| 06 January 1996 (USA)
Horrible High Heels Trailers

Someone has been skinning dead bodies and using their hide to make shoes. All of a sudden, a shoe factory whose business has been on the low side for some time improves tremendously.


Why so much hype?

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Very disappointed :(

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

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I knew it'd happen again one day, another poor CAT3 film came my way. With quotes such as The Chinese Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it's a movie you almost HAVE to see. Well, that ain't the case. Really, this is a completely passable CAT3 entry that is utterly a completely below average flick. And if you compare it to other classic CAT3's, it feels much worse. The story is about a killer who takes the skin of his victims to make....duuhhh, High Heels. Well, neither the killings nor the high heels are very impressive. There are a few nice scenes involving some sleazy rape n sex, but besides those choice scenes, even the murders and death is almost yawn worthy. All actors involved are very forgettable, well besides the killer, he may fit in the "so bad it's good" category for acting. Everyone else is emotionless and just plain bad. The story itself sucks. Big surprise there! Combine crappy actors, weak writing and not enough of the "good stuff" the movie begins to become boring and feel uneventful.Horrible High Heels isn't completely horrible, but it isn't even close to be worthy of being talked among some of the classic CAT3 flicks. Film such as Chinese Torture Chamber Story, Untold Story, Red to Kill, these are where it's at. If I were you, I'd pass on this and re-watch one of the classicks. But if you are like me and are in love with the CAT3 universe, then I suppose check it out. Just don't expect anything fantastic.

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Category III rating of Hong Kong cinema was created to classify those films filled with extreme violence and graphic sex,allowing them to be released free from censorship.Unfortunately "Horrible High Heels" is a slightly boring Cat III shocker that offers plenty of sex and some grisly gore.A sadistic killer has been skinning dead bodies and using their skin to make shoes.He sells such products to some unknowing shoemakers whose shoes are praised for their comfortable soft leather."Horrible High Heels" is a pretty depraved flick,but it's nowhere nearly as powerful as "Red to Kill" or "The Untold Story".The killings are mean-spirited and sadistic(the dismemberment of a young Chinese woman is especially memorable),but there is absolutely no suspense.The film is pretty hard to take seriously and the acting is absolutely bad.The sex scenes are plentiful and the sleaze factor is pretty high.Overall,"Horrible High Heels" is a mildly enjoyable piece of HK exploitation,so if you liked "Ebola Syndrome" give this one a try.6 out of 10.

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This is a thoroughly perverse and gore addled category 3 film from Hong Kong. For those who don't know, category 3 basically means 'rated as containing nudity and/or hardcore violence', and if thats what your looking for, this totally incoherent film delivers. I'm not too sure if the lack of linear structure is down to bad subtitles, s****y cuts or a godard fetish or even an excess of drugs, but this does deliver on important scores of bezerk originality, up front nastiness, and frothing insanity. If you manage to track a copy of this increasingly rare film down you will see what i mean; human skin is turned into ladies leather shoes at a luckless shoe factory, a maniac does something very very odd with a duck and a photo of a co-worker, cute asian girls are hassled in pretty bizarre ways by the killer of the title....... Well its a sleazy piece of schlock. Its very good but make sure you've got a 6 pack and you aint expecting Kurosawa, if you get my drift. L8R

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If you want to watch this movie after my comments I will suggest you use the fast forward button. This movie is very confused..it is poorly acted and lousy written. I could forgive all this if it was groundbreaking in any way, but no. It´s about this shoefactory were people disappear and end up as fine quality shoes. All the characters are unpleasant, so who cares who kills who. There is a subplot involving some local thugs - an excuse to make some lame shootout in the end. The only good thing about this movie is a lot of softcore scenes, but it cant save this turkey. A fair amount of blood though, if anyones interested.

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