Girlfriend Experience
Girlfriend Experience
| 06 December 2008 (USA)
Girlfriend Experience Trailers

A man obsessed with prostitutes discovers that love is a lot more expensive than sex. An entertaining peek into the world of prostitution from the client's point of view.


Instant Favorite.

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Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

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This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

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A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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If you are looking for a big budget, Hollywood style film, you are out of luck. If you are looking for a big budget, Michael Moore style documentary, try again. There are no real action scenes, no real dramatic build ups to an exciting climax. This is exactly what it is supposed to be, a thoughtful documentary focusing on the part of an underground business and addiction that no one has tried to achieve before.The first time I saw this movie I had the benefit of watching it with one of the actresses, who clearly explained to me before and during what the director was trying to do.The next time I watched it, I tried to view it as a regular documentary and at that I think it did a great job, though I may still have been a little biased due to the first viewing.Now, reading the Directors comments, it all makes perfect sense and I realize just how well done this movie really is. She really worked at making you see GFE from the John's perspective, not just from the prostitutes as most movies will do.The movie itself is well shot and I did not see any really poor acting. Quite the opposite, it all felt real and yet not quite at the same time. Truly well done and I believe the director achieved the tone and style she was trying to create.

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So this is basically a fake documentary about guys who regularly see prostitutes and imagine them being girlfriends.Could be interesting, but somehow it isn't.I didn't like this movie. All action is filmed in a dull and uninteresting way. When the women talk, you can barely hear it because they purposely (what purpose?) quieted down their voices. In many scenes there is a flashing subtitle that reads "re-enactment" - that puts the final nail in the coffin of what is this movie's believability. Why should you engage your fantasy in something that doesn't even claim to be the real thing?The movie also has a continuous undercurrent of sadness. That is maybe related to the fact that prostitution is illegal in the US (an absurd state of affairs to be sure). Or the un-reality of the imagined girlfriend experience. But none of these things really explains it. Apparently the director chose to make a sad movie for unknown personal reasons.{SPOILER AHEAD - although it doesn't matter much if anything is spoiled because there is no tension anyway}The movie also ends sadly, with the client being arrested by undercover officers for seeing the prostitute who claims to be underage. Maybe that is the movie's message?But then, what is the message? The movie stays strangely detached from all that happens and you never really know what it's trying to say. I don't know. I feel cheated and I don't want to watch this ever again. There isn't even any wisdom or anything surprising in what the guys say - and they basically talk all the time.Nah. This movie isn't even a turn-on.I'll give it a 2 for the fairly original concept. And for making a movie at all. But give us something enjoyable next time, please.

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Although not much of an indie lover I saw this movie at a Women in Film fest last year. At first i found the camera work distracting but as the film progressed i got the "voyeuristic" slant that i assume the director was going for. In fact it very much added to the "documentary". The cinematography is beautiful and yet gives the effect of a minimum of stage lighting which enhances it's street feel. The use of tag along camera work only increased my sense of intruding on this characters life. I don't believe i'm giving anything away by stating this is not a documentary as the re-creation scenes clearly inform the viewer. It's a testament to the actors that the performances all around are so natural that I would imagine the lines begin to blur as far as realism and acting are blended together. It was interesting seeing this from the POV of the john, as every film out there seems to focus entirely on the prostitute. I had no idea GFE actually existed but of course it makes perfect sense. It's less about the sex act and more about the overall fantasy for these men/Daniel. Justification on how he can handle this lifestyle is a very powerful motivator for the main character and yet he goes against his own "code" by doing something he tells us is an absolute no. I will say this movie may not be for everyone as it doesn't sugar coat the lifestyle. It's rather gritty but I think the director does a fantastic job of laying it out there for the audience to experience. Definitely watchable. It's the worlds oldest profession and isn't going away anytime soon.

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Ultimately this is a depressing and boring movie about a sex addicts delusional self destruction. It's shot in a documentary style with several fake "re-enactment" scenes. If you enjoy watch people on a boring course of self-destruction you'll have fun. If you're sane you'll skip this car crash and not waste your time on this well crafted disaster of a movie. I suppose somebody needs to tackle this issues of this movie but the people who did this movie clearly did it for their own glory without any concerns about how they are torturing the audience that the are boring with their "art". This movie typifies what is WRONG with the "Indie" scene in that it's more of an ego fest of production talents rather than containing ANY entertainment value. You should skip it!

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