Gang Bullets
Gang Bullets
NR | 10 November 1938 (USA)
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A Capone-like racketeer named Anderson, who after being chased out of one town by the authorities immediately sets up shop in another. Unable to get any tangible evidence against Anderson, DA Wayne orders his assistant Carter to dig up some dirt on the gangster boss. To do this, Carter pretends to turned crooked, joining Anderson's gang in order to accumulate evidence. Alas, Carter's girl friend Patricia knows nothing of her boyfriend's subterfuge, and she suspects the worst.


This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.

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The greatest movie ever made..!

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Stylish but barely mediocre overall

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All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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When the theaters were owned by the major studios in the 30's and 40's the price of a ticket got you a feature film, cartoon, news reel, and what is now called a 'B' movie. "Gang Bullets" is one from Monogram, a major player during this era. If this film is judged against others in the same class I would put it in the upper 25%. Starring Anne Nagel (a rare top billing), Robert Kent, and Charles Towbridge it tells the story of a fast talking racketeer who thinks the district attorney can't touch him. The law has other ideas but can they capture the criminal? The 63 minute film moves along under the direction of Lambert Hillyer and the watchful eye of Scott Dunlap. There are hacked up versions including the internet archive version which is not as sharp and shorter. The DVD I purchased is much better quality and available for under $5.00. Abe Meyer, who made his living providing source music for many of these films did an adequate job with this one. A good watch.

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GANG BULLETS is a low rent mobster story from cheapie studio Monogram Pictures, notorious for making endless B-movies on a shoestring. This film's about the efforts of an entire city's law and justice departments to bring a notorious criminal to book. Morgan Wallace plays said criminal, 'Big Bill' Anderson, with relish and certainly dominates the film with his larger-than-life persona. I loved the sly joke when he tells the cops that his tax records are up to date so they can't bring him to book.With a running time clocking in at just over an hour, GANG BULLETS is never boring for a moment and the plot constantly twists and turns as first the cops and then the criminals get the upper hand. The usual clichés of the gangster genre are played out here, including protection rackets, stings, and shoot-outs, and they're all handled with surprising aplomb given the paucity of the budget. The film lacks any big-name actors for recognition but works anyway despite this.

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Forced out of one city by some extralegal methods of one district attorney, gangster Morgan Wallace simply moves to another to set up shop. Wallace is into all kinds of illegal rackets and has the police and DA really stumped. The press is clamoring for DA Charles Trowbridge's scalp, a prospect not pleasing to Trowbridge's daughter Anne Nagel and her fiancé Robert Kent who is also Trowbridge's number one assistant.Gang Bullets comes from out of Monogram Pictures so you can't expect too much and believe me you won't get it. The film has some interesting ideas that don't seem to follow up. At one point Wallace talks about building his racket by letting a few suckers win some big pots at his gambling establishment and then becoming advertisements. It sounded like an interesting film idea that is never followed up on. There's also an interlude where two of Wallace's henchmen bring a third wounded comrade into some woman's home with her 12 year old boy. It plays like a bit from another film entirely. In fact that whole premise was used later on with much greater effect in The Desperate Hours.In the end Trowbridge goes to some extraordinary lengths to bring down Wallace. But even the end is rather anti-climatic. Stuff like Gang Bullets was done so much better over at Warner Brothers.

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***SPOLIERS*** One of many Monogram Pictures contribution to fighting crime in the thirties, before the company went into horror films. "Gang Bullets" has to do with how the law is tilted on the side of the criminals and how a crusading and clever D.A turned the tables of a group of ruthless mobsters by almost becoming a member of their gang.Having been run out of a number of towns big time gangster Big Bill Anderson, Morgan Wallace, finally settles in this unnamed city where he quickly and secretly sets up his organization. Bill Bill's syndicate terrorized everyone from the local cleaners and grocery store owners to the mayor himself.Big Bill Anderson had learned over the years to stay out of the limelight by letting others, in his criminal organization, do the walking and talking as well as dirty work for him. Smart enough to hire himself a top criminal lawyer Meade, John T. Murrary, Big Bill is even immune, something that even the infamous Al Capone wasn't, from the feds by carefully paying his income tax and keeping records of all his receipts from the tax department to keep it off his back.Making a shambles of the city's law enforcement agencies it begins to look like Big Bill would never be stopped from doing his dirty dealing as organized crime engulfs the entire metropolis. Big Bill's crimes syndicate uses shake downs, or protection rackets, and has bordellos and illegal gambling dens sprouting up all over the city with the law, unable to pin Big Bill & Co down with an indictment, helpless to stop or run them out of business.City D.A Dexter Wayne,Charles Trowbidge, frustrated with his inability to get anything on Big Bill devises a secret plan to get the arrogant hood with his pants down by plying into his hubris and sense of invincibility. The plan would expose D.A Wayne to criminal prosecution himself and even death at the hands of Big Bill's gang if they ever should find out that he's setting them up.Having a secret meeting with Big Bill D.A Wayne agrees to take a $10,000.00 bribe from him to lay off his boys and with everyone expecting Wayne to be thrown out of office in the coming elections he's assured by Big Bill that he'll have a place in his organization as one of his high paid legal mouthpieces.Unknown to Big Bill is that D.A Wayne's assistant and future son-in-law John Carter, Robert Kent, had secretly recorded his conversation with the D.A not knowing that his boss, the D.A Wayne, is throwing in his lot with the Big Bill Gang. Hurt and distraught D.A Wayne's daughter Pat, Ann Nagel, after listening to the secret Dictaphones recording of Big Bill and her dad breaks the record in half destroying it so the facts on it wouldn't be made public. Unknown to her an unknown news source, code named Julius, reported the entire story to the newspapers leaving John Carter no choice to indite both Big Bill and his boss and future father-in-law D.A Wayne for extortion and bribery.It's only after when D.A Wayne and Big Bill break out of police custody that the truth comes out to D.A Wayne's true motives. As the police and assistant D.A Carter race against the clock to not only capture Big Bill before he takes off, on a private plane, to South America as well as double-crosses his partner in crime the disgraced D.A Dexter Wayne by blowing him to pieces in his hide out leaving nothing of the D.A left to be buried.Predictable ending with Carter and the cops getting to the hideout just in time. With Big Bill not only getting arrested together with his gang of hoodlums but, with the help of the undercover D.A Wayne, being caught with the goods on them making the law, for once in the movie, work on the side of those who observe it not break it. And yes it was non-other then D.A Dexter Wayne himself, using the news reporter pseudonym Julius, who leaked the story about himself taking a bribe from Big Bill. This was to get on his good side and make the big guy think that he's got the goods on him. When in truth it was Dexter Wayne that got Big Bill to let his guard down and thus set him up for the big fall at the end of the movie.

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