Funny Valentine
Funny Valentine
R | 12 December 2005 (USA)
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Funny-Valentine is romantic comedy about what it takes to find true love in the city.

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Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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I recently viewed this romantic comedy some years ago and just recently purchased it online to view again with my husband. He normally is not a big fan of romantic comedies, but enjoyed this one more than most. The beginning of the the story line starts off a little slow and at first seems to being going nowhere. It quickly picks up and becomes apparent that it was all necessary in developing the characters. You can not help but fall in love with the main characters who are perfectly cast in their roles. Their chemistry is terrific and the story line genuine. Anyone who has ever been in love will relate to the range of emotions that accompany a true love, all of which are portrayed in this story. This comedy will have you laughing, crying and wanting more.

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We just finished watching this on DVD. I like A.M.H. He's done his hard knocks. With that in mind, we rented the movie.The film was a bit disjointed. Half an hour into the movie someone secondary character starts with a direct-to-camera monologue -- which was fine, but it just came out of the blue. That treatment was repeated a few times and it worked once the precedent had been set. My girlfriend and I both do community theater. The direction of the play made us both think that it had been adapted from a stage play but that there were moments where the director didn't quite know how to make a scene work. Cathfinn's (other commenter) point is very valid about the borderline softcore porn opening scene. Almost like the director put that in on a dare. Doesn't contribute one lick to the plot and the dialogue about the archetypes of women could have been better supported.Most of my problems with this movie has to do with the director's decisions. The acting was adequate or better; the plot was sound; the scene changes and camera shots did a lot of harm to the picture as a whole.***(Possible spoiler)*** Our biggest problem was with the two buddies. Throughout most of the movie, they're a couple of "playahs"; masters of the one night stand. They begin some inevitable progression as a result of Josh's search. Great. Then, once Josh seems to have found someone, they both totally regress into their pre-growth mindsets and then, a little later, seem to (but not clearly) suggest that they might be back on the learned track. Waaaay to up & down to be credible.

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Seen this movie recently...definitely one of the weirder romantic comedies which I've seen.Much of the acting is laughable, and the directer seems to have shot it in the style of a 1980's soft, Not joking! There is regular tacky female semi-nudity at the start of the film, which is just plain weird for a Rom com.The main characters 'buddies' are hard to like. Their characters are so outta whack u wonder what they could possibly have in common. The only saving grace is the watchable performances of the two leads who do their best with a dire script. Girls if your looking for a likable chick flick ..avoid this like a disease.

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The story is lame. The acting is terrible. It's one of those films that opens poorly and you sit and think that it just has to get better. Don't hold your breath. If someone forces you into a room to watch this film, not the nearest exit. The film contains a string of unrelated cheesy shots of many women who I am sure are very beautiful in real life. But the photographer seems to have gone out of his way to make them appear ghastly. The marketing for this film promises a chick-flick for Valentines Day. What the director delivers is a poorly written concept about a guy who is tempted to take advice from his friends about finding a girl. He should have spent some time finding better friends first. These are people you do not want to visit. This is not "Sleepless in Seattle". It is more like "Brain-Dead in the Big City".

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