PG-13 | 11 November 2011 (USA)
EVA Trailers

In 2041, humans live side-by-side with robots and androids. A well-known cybernetic engineer, Alex Garel, returns to his hometown to create a new model of robot child.


good back-story, and good acting

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Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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This is the kind of amazing sci-fi fairytale movie that can never get made in corporatised Hollywood. I loved it, even the overly simplistic robot "programming" by dragging and dropping emotion modules. The hard part would be creating those emotion modules in the first place. I loved the characters in this movie, the acting was superb and the script was excellent. I loved moments such as the flirtatious android secretary near the start. Major Spoiler: Sometimes I am looking for twists, but in this movie I wasn't analysing the plot too much, mainly because I was distracted by the plot hole of the unrealistic robot tech. I wasn't alert to the clues, in particular the extremely clever hint that Alex's prototype robot reacted in a similar way to the emotion-recognition tests as the girl had earlier. The movie has similar themes to the excellent AI, though this movie had much more warmth and AI had a final act that weakened it. If you liked Eva, a darker, obscure movie you should see is One Point O

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When I first saw the initial teaser for Eva many years ago I was intrigued, and I hoped dearly that upon release it would deliver what appeared to be a brilliant, understated sci-fi drama with a strong focus on characters.That first teaser has since been removed, it simply doesn't exist any more on the internet. The promise that once was had disappeared.Eva is not a clever film, everything you are told and shown only insults the intelligence of the viewer. The plot is far too predictable and heavy handed, this could've perhaps been improved in editing but the amount of material you'd have to cut to get something workable out of this film would leave you with very little remaining. Had this just been any other indie sci-fi I simply wouldn't have cared, but knowing the direction this could have taken in competent hands made it unbearable to watch.

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Ian Hinton

I haven't seen any decent sci-films for years. This one came as a very pleasant surprise. Interesting story, good script, well directed and excellent actors. I also enjoyed the photography.As the story unfolded, I was surprised that I was not correctly predicting the outcome. This made it even more enjoyable. I hate it when I can continuously see what's coming - so boring.I was also intrigued that a sci-fi film had been made in Spain. Not the sort of genre I would have expected.As a long-term British resident in Spain, I always find it a source of pleasure when, once again, a quality film is made in this country. Too many Spaniards do not value the excellent level that the local film industry can reach over here.Overall, a thoroughly well made and enjoyable film for any sci-fi fan, and even for any others who will easily understand the story.

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G Reagan

Watching this reminds me of the Isaac Asimov robot stories because it feels like the world his stories were set in. There's even an allusion to the Asimov laws of robotics by stating that robots have to pass a safety test and the cat is illegal because it has free will. The effects are well done and the interactions look believable. The animation physics are slightly wrong in a couple scenes but nothing major.My main problem with the movie is that there isn't enough character development which makes the motives a little ambiguous. The main plot lines are tied up by the end but there's obviously more going on than is ever told. I get just enough to want to know more and that is frustrating.The sci-fi is light enough that I would probably recommend this to anyone even if they would normally skip anything sci-fi.

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