Escape from the Bronx
Escape from the Bronx
R | 02 September 1983 (USA)
Escape from the Bronx Trailers

A ragtag group of people have to fight extermination squads amid their ruined city.

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Such a frustrating disappointment

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Mehdi Hoffman

There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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Scotty Burke

It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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WOW!!! this sequel to the very good The Bronx Warriors is way better & action packed fun from beginning to end!!! Trash is back & fighting futuristic death squads who are exterminating what's left of the bronx gangs & tenants & it's a brutal battle among the ruins of the bronx. TRASH was better in this movie i liked his character more & his outfit looked way better & cooler,he makes a cool cult Hero. A great late night entertaining Trashy sci-fi action Thriller & i loved it & one of those cases where the sequel is better!!! Tons of shoot outs & a massive body count,it was ridiculously entertaining fun full of action. Gritty violent action packed fun that is so rewatchable!!!

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Nexus Engel

Yes, I actually bothered to watch the sequel to the 1982 Italian exploitation snoozefest Bronx Warriors, which I found really boring with little redeeming entertainment value (I'd rated it a 4). I'm kinda glad I did, though, because while this one is just as stupid as its predecessor, it's also twice as enjoyable. Most of the movie is like the final battle in Death Wish 3--unhinged, unrestrained madness cranked to 11. It's got a lot more action and carnage than the first one did, and its action scenes are also major improvements. The story is still idiotic, with a greedy corporation trying to force the inhabitants of the 'No-Man's-Land' Bronx out of their homes so that they can build a shiny new city on top of it, resorting to spaceman suits and Nazi tactics to get the job done.The acting still sucks as much as it did in the first one, but at least here, it's got a more corny, hilarious vibe to go with it. Before, all we saw for an hour and a half was a bunch of guys in leather running around a post-apocalyptic Bronx, talking tough and riding bikes, and doing nothing for long periods of time. Now, we're seeing endless carnage and gratuitous destruction of model buildings, model cars, and plenty of surprisingly well-done stunts in slow-motion (a favourite of the director's seems to be an often- repeated shot of people launched into the air by explosions--back before John Woo's Heroic Bloodshed glory days).If you're looking for a trashy, entertaining action fest with more cheese than a bag of Tex Mex, see this movie. If you're looking for something with intelligence and restraint, skip it--although I don't know why you'd go into this movie expecting those things anyway.

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*Spoiler/plot- 1983, The Bronx New York in the year 2000. The choking city has been reduced to a decaying desolate wasteland. Its crumbled remains infested with swarms of vicious street gangs and scavengers. General Buildings Corp—an imperialistic mega-nation corporation is proceeding with its sinister plans to rebuild the doomed Bronx area into a perfect ordered metropolis. The Bronx will be raised to the ground and the few inhabitants are to be either removed to New Mexico or killed by death squads called The Disinfectors. Beneath the ruins, in an underground tunnels a valiant rebel defender with several street gangs arms itself to stop the final onslaught. The legion of resistance fighters is ready to die for their neighborhoods and are ready to kill others to save it.*Special Stars- Henry Silva, Mark Gregory, Timothy Brent *Theme- Killing millions for a good cause is an honorable ethic.*Trivia/location/goofs- Italian, dubbed. You must watch for the already 'dead' to jump and react to gunshots, explosions, and car accidents. Shot in Italy and New York City, pre-9-11. The extremely low budget is reflected in the laughable use of wrong-size consumer size and brand camcorders by the media press camera people during the news conferences. The costuming and weapons for 2000 future is unintentionally humorous.*Emotion- More of a good shoot-'em-up video game than film plot. Henry Silva turns in another cookie-cutter boring performance as a baddie here. The killing is incessant and mindless. This film looks like a badly done A-Team episode without the good writing and acting. Skip this one except if you need gunshots or explosion sound efxs or footage of killings.

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Arlis Fuson

Mark Greggory is back as Trash and now it's ten years later and he still lives in the "no mans land" dubbed the Bronx. His gang is no longer with him, but he finds new underground thugs to help him battle a rich politician and his crooked cops that want to demolish whats left of the Bronx.I ask myself, why in the hell would anyone want to stay there for...Well this time we have a new writer and that is probably half of the problem. The great Dardano Sachetti is not on board and Tito Carpi wrote this one. It seemed better produced although it was made less than a year later and with the same producer and Enzo Castrelli still on board as director. They tried making it a better movie and took the cheesiness down a notch and tried to make it more flawless. Doing these cautious edits and attention to detail actually made the movie worse. The flaws are part of what makes a b-movie great.Don't get me wrong the movie was still cheesy, overdubbing was bad, plot had funny bits and there was some over the top BS going on with the story line. I mean from a couple pistol shots blowing up a helicopter to the same locations being re-used but trying to make them different places. Trash looked less in shape and seemed to be a lot less cool here, maybe it was to try to make him more serious now that he is working alone. I just absolutely love Mark's work but this is perhaps his worst acting job.Mark is still good even if this was his worst role(that i have seen). Henry Silva was great as he always is and most of the cast did a great job for this type of film. I didn't care much for Antonio Sabata Sr. He is always hit or miss with me. The music was a lot different but I liked it.What can I say about this, it was a cheesy Italian b-movie action/ post apocalyptic mess. I enjoyed it a lot, but it was trying too hard to learn from the mistakes of the first one and that made it a bit too serious for a film that should never take itself that serious to start with. The directing was okay but the editing needed loads of work. Music was fitting and acting was middle of the road. I didn't care much for how it ended, but I guess it got its point across, and still left room for a sequel...but I am guessing nobody bought it after they saw this one...4/10 stars but I can only recommend it to those who love the cheesy exploitation films as much as I do.

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