Dracula Reborn
Dracula Reborn
| 18 May 2015 (USA)
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Horror about three journalists who travel from Vancouver to Transylvania to uncover the true story of Dracula. As they visit the area's historical sites and libraries to decipher the various clues behind the famed vampire's existence, the trio's determination to get their article may end up costing them their lives.


Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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Disturbing yet enthralling

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Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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This movie is a kill fest and if that is all you want to see well then have at it sports fans! The vampire truly loves to kill and is having fun doing it. He acts silly before the kill and ravishes his prey. This is the problem, because once you have seen the first three kills you might as well skip to the end because all the rest are the same. Not one player ever has a plan to survive or any hope to kill a vampire. It is all about just getting bit in the neck and sucked dry without ever seeing it coming or putting up any resistance. The lead female star looked like real live vampire and could stand to put one a few pounds. I don't know how she got the part unless she was the directors girl friend. The only other thing is that the vampire didn't seem to have any of the usual vulnerabilities, not even sun light and this was disappointing because the characters never seem to have a snowball in hell of not being killed.

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Kiera O'Brian

The reason I love Dracula is because: there were parallels to draw between the military intervention in Syria between the Christmas story We went to war with Islam the implications for the civilian population and how is it all going to end? "I begin to wonder if we have learnt anything and how is it all going to end I think that in some ways the journalists going in, does something to the soul of society... that somehow the mind and the imagination will survive I think there are times when we have to go to war. The opening, camera work, acting and some of the characters are original. great body of work. "Best Art Film" and "Best Commercial Film". However, can you objectively determine whether this film is commercial or artistic... ? 

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Sharp claws. Bloody fantastic. Qudos to see something different when all we get these days are sequels, prequels and comic book stuff. Plot good, characters believable, and surrealistically metaphorical enough for me. It's gorgeous, sumptuously romantic (Paris) and deliciously dark and spooky. It made me jump a good few times, it's really meant to terrify you. It is tense and creepy, though. Gory, occasionally vulgar – basically a horror film for adults. It's a movie with high production values. Again, it's a test of anonymous performers, open up new, inevitably darker looking places. Overall, It's worth the admission price.

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I give 4 to this only cause horror - slasher , scenes are quite original and gory, so thats about only good thing about this "movie" --yeah bloody parts are well made and you cane see goo suffering of victims, BUT.. all victims are incredibly dumb, they are almost like puppets, giving absolute no fight no resistance to vampire, so now we are at acting part. Actually there is no acting here, even main actors look very bored, there are long dead looking scenes, actors have no fire in them, no enthusiasm --they really look like someone who had sex and partying all night and is now completely depleted of all energy, they move around bore, they talk without any energy and as said there are long dead nonsense scenes..I think you get the picture ! Only good thing about movie is bald vampire who is acting, not well but better than others... and another plus is that he not only kill, but is also playing with his victims and he have this crazy faces and laughter going on, he is somehow only energetic character in movie... I can not even say to this acting, they are just repating words automatically like robots, really horrible acting, the worst I ever seen . There are some good horror scenes and creepy well recorded scenery but thats all, because of that I gave rate 4. All else I would even vote 1.

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