Dr. Lamb
Dr. Lamb
| 22 October 1992 (USA)
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An abnormal taxi driver lusts for blood every rainy night, and several young women are killed as a result. The muderer, Laiu, likes to take photos of the victims dismembered bodies as momentos. Inspector Lee is called onto the case in this bizarre thriller.


This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.

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This is one of those typical violence filled Hong Kong movies, that is about a taxi driver on a killing spree and features lots of gore and profanities. It takes you into the mind of the serial killer and shows how he got to his deeds. As an Hong Kong genre movie this one is pretty good and it features some nice storytelling.The movie isn't being told chronologically, which seems a bit redundant and perhaps even annoying at first but as the movie progresses it becomes obvious that this way and style of storytelling was the best one to pick for this movie. The gore and killings are only being shown in the second halve of the movie, when we've already met the movie its serial killer. He seems like a normal guy but as the movie progresses it becomes more and more obvious what a sick man he actually is beneath the surface. It's of course also thanks due to Simon Yam's acting performance that his character- and therefore also its storytelling works out.It's a pretty effective and intriguing character study of a seemingly normal person, who is fed up with the society, as he sees it from his cab night in, night out. It's obvious that this movie got somewhat inspired by Scorcese's "Taxi Driver" but don't worry, the movie as a whole is quite different really and more a typical Hong Kong movie than a "Taxi Driver"-wannabe/rip-off.It of course features lot of typical Hong Kong movie humor and violence and gore, that is a bit over-the-top. Guess some people might find it disturbing and tasteless but those who are able to appreciate a good typical genre movie like this will not be disappointed by the movie.7/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/

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And why do I think it doesn't ? Well , here's the explanation : This movie is described as infamously sick , twisted , depraved , gory and whatnot . You will find a lot of websites that review " Dr Lamb " as if it was one of the meanest movies ever made . But it's not , or at least - it depends on who you ask .A " Scream " fan might see it as the nastiest possible piece of carnage since WWII , but then again, a person that finds this Craven's nonsense anywhere near scary , shocking or gory is -in my opinion - somewhat confused . " Dr Lamb " is not very gory either. There are only few murders and very little blood . You have a couple of dismemberment and mutilation scenes , but they are not too elaborate or long ( and the SFX are nothing to write home about ). Most of the movie consists of boring , almost comical dialogs , interrogations , unconvincing attempts at making some parts of the movie look like drama , cheesy humor , grimacing , yelling , beating up and so on . In other words - it's not very interesting .The acting sucks . That is , most of it . The main actor is decent , it's just that his character is underdeveloped , vague , almost two - dimensional . There is one part of the movie where the killer establishes some sort of connection ( at least that's what he thinks ) with one of his victims that he , for some unknown reason , sees as " pure and innocent " - but kills her anyway and has sex with her corpse . I suppose this part of the movie is meant to show us the sensitive side of a ruthless psychopath , but miserably fails at it . It's too unconvincing and melodramatic, not because of the actor ( well ... )but because of the lousy screenplay , poor dialog , shallow characters . OK , you might say , but this movie is just a low budget exploitation , no one should expect too much here .That's right , but the truth is it's not too exploitative and might leave jaded gore hounds unsatisfied .I have to mention that certain moments are dubbed in English in a manner of Bruce Lee movies , which makes the whole experience even more ridiculous .So my verdict is : unimaginative , somewhat boring ,lousy acting , not enough gore , not enough murders , cheap looking SFX , unconvincing characters , lame story ... 3/10 . If you want a strong dose of movie violence and depravity , check out " August underground's mordum " or " Guinea pig " movies . They are far better than " Dr Lamb " .

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Dr Lamb is only my second Cat III flick, and while it's not as good as the first (the generally well regarded The Untold Story), it's still a decent example of Asian sickness. Directors Danny Lee and Hin Sing 'Billy' Tang do an excellent job of presenting a bleak and depressing atmosphere, which bodes excellently with the style and content of the film. Dr Lamb certainly isn't for the feint hearted, as we get treated to scenes of mutilation and necrophilia, along with various other atrocities. The plot is paper thin, and simply follows a manhunt which results in the arrest of a taxi driver. After his capture, he reveals his crimes and the rest of the film is made up of flashbacks where we get to see what he has done. There's plenty of blood and guts on display (which, let's face it, is the reason we're watching), and the film doesn't hold back at any point - which is pretty much what you'd expect from this sort of film. Simon Yam does well in the lead role as the psychopathic taxi driver, and receives good support from Danny Lee and Kent Chang; a fat actor whom I recognised instantly from a Jet Li film called 'The Bodyguard', which I saw on TV late one night; while drunk. Overall, I can't comment on how this film stands up to other genre entries; but it's not bad in its own right, and comes recommended to my fellow sickos.

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What struck me immediately while watching this delicious trip down terror lane was its gorgeous cinematography. We get glistening mixes of neon and glass and rain and shadows and they really add up to something special.It's the same genre as THE UNTOLD STORY, but I really like this film more than that. Simon Yam is as good as Anthony Wong and the comic relief is not as irritating in this. It's still there and it's more integrated, (a severed breast tossed around, for example), but it doesn't detract much from the horror at hand.The climax is very Argento-esque, almost SUSPIRIA-like as Lam's victim is pursued through the woods in a rainstorm. The rain motif is ever-present and reminded me of Hong Kong's RAINY NIGHT KILLER, perhaps another film "inspired" by Lam's modus operandi.But directors Billy Tang (RUN AND KILL) and Danny Lee produce magnificent cinematic grande guignol in this amazing little shocker. And the photography and design is ably supported by a gorgeous score and superior production design.The scenes of necrophilia are, at once, erotic and repugnant, and the visualization of Lam's madness is thoroughly authentic.Unfortunately, I have not seen the Spanish "uncut" of this, though I can guess exactly where the cuts were made because they are obvious in the Cat 3 Hong Kong print and DVD.Gorgeous horror.

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