Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
| 15 July 2008 (USA)
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog Trailers

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog is a 42-minute tragicomic musical in three acts, each released separately. It tells the story of Dr. Horrible, an aspiring supervillain, Captain Hammer, his superhero nemesis, and Penny, their mutual love interest. The movie was written by writer/director Joss Whedon, his brothers Zack Whedon and Jed Whedon, and Jed's then fiancée, actress Maurissa Tancharoen. The writing team penned the musical during the WGA strike. The idea was to create something small and inexpensive, yet professionally done, in a way that would circumvent the issues that were being protested during the strike.


People are voting emotionally.

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Asad Almond

A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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Kirandeep Yoder

The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.

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I hunted this gem missing firefly and wanting to see at least Nathan Fillion do a male display again. So I checked his list of stuff (thank you IMDb!) and came across this adorable gem.To be honest, at first I thought something mean like: Oh no... barf... some damn Broadway influence making people sing their head off, like in Disney, I just forward it sometimes or bang my head and put a nice anime where people just scream in pain bleeding instead to sing opera, which is only good for showers... and this gem.I played it and the music on repeat for the longest time, and it's in my nearby favorite of all times collection.It's just pure genius... I get shivers...I love mad scientists, sarcasm, superheroes... twists that just rip your mind out, and stuff making you go "wha... what IS THIS!!! (the ultimate villain!!!!) I like surprises... I'm very random, so I'm so glad when someone can beat me.Everybody is cute... well, mostly... But Neil Patrick Harris it utterly adorable, I haven't seen him in ages... I was so happy to see him again, he can sing my own head off if he wants to. I was actually happy to hear them sing.Well, this isn't a proper descriptive review, so don't raise your hopes up (to avoid raising them too high), and just enjoy this gem.I'm moved that it was meant to be with losing money in mind, and doing it for free... everyone gave all their fun and everything they had, out of sheer joy for the sake of doing it... Not just getting some paycheck... That explains the shine of this gem.IT'S A FREAKING GEM I TELL YOU!!! (I apologize for shooting, it's meant with love, I'm just out of words to express my admiration.) Thank you for making this.All the dark humor, so damn politically incorrect... ah the gem! I don't want to spoil anything... but thank you for twisting my heart and throwing it in my face.I liked it~ <3<3<3

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Kimberly Kmit Peter Faziani Eng- 151 November 15, 2012 Dr. Horrible's Horrible Short Blog I personally felt that Dr. Horrible sing along blog was silly. There were three main characters in the blog. Dr. Horrible who poses as an evil scientist, Captain Hammer who poses as the good guy, AKA, superhero and Penny who is comes across as very immature. Penny appears to be, very easily persuaded by others. The blog comes across kind of childish. Dr. Horrible wants to pull off a heist to obtain the wonderflonium which is the final piece he needs to complete his freeze ray gun. Dr. Horrible wants to stop time so he can take over the world, and be admired by his evil hero Bad Horse. Dr. Horrible has a terrible crush on Penny, whom he see's often at a local laundry mat but is too shy to introduce himself and talk with her. It seems rather silly for an evil scientist to be a character that is too shy to talk with a girl. Dr. Horrible was right in the middle of his heist for the wonderflonium, when Penny approaches him asking for his assistance regarding a homeless shelter that requires so many signatures for approval and his shyness looked more like stupidity to me. Captain Hammer swooped in and came across as though he had saved Penny from the fast moving van while throwing Penny into the trash to act as though he was moving her out of harm's way. Which Dr. Horrible was controlling the van with his remote control. Dr. Horrible actually stopped the van.Captain Hammer and Penny started dating and that is when I thought the movie got cheesy. I am not a musical movie watcher so it totally lost my interest at this point. Captain Hammer started to try and portray himself as a hero who does good things for people. I see him as being stuck on himself. Looking at himself and flexing his muscles. Captain Hammer's whole personality came across fake to me. I guess because I really do not care for people of that nature maybe it turned me off the entire short movie. The movie just seemed immature to me. It only seemed to get worse as it went on. All the people acting like he was some big hero and for what? What did he really do? I really did not see what he did that made him such a big hero. I thought the ending was sad. I really did not see Penny dieing as the way the blog would end and Dr. Horrible acting like nothing else mattered without her. I have watched worse movies but I would never watch it again just because. This review is my opinion and I am sure there are people who enjoyed it.

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Renee Goforth

Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog (2008) is a comedy that follows a want-to-be super villain genius who dreams of becoming a member of the Evil League of Evil, run by its' scary leader, Black Horse. Dr. Horrible talks to us via his blog, answering fan mail and talking about his evil plans. He also reveals how he is madly in love with a girl named Penny, which his alter-ego Billy often refers to as the girl of his dreams. Billy/ Dr. Horrible is played by Neil Patrick Harris, who is known for playing comedic rolls, making this movie a walk in the park for him. The girl of his dreams (Penny) is played by Felicia Day, who has been in a wide variety of films. Casting them along with Nathan Fillion as Captain Hammer was comedy genius. This movie consists of the typical good vs. evil theme, but with a slight twist. Instead of rooting for the good guy (Captain Hammer), you find yourself rooting for the bad guy (Dr. Horrible/Billy). Often breaking into song through out the movie, Captain Hammer gets the girl, leaving Dr. Horrible heartbroken. Seeing no other way to get the girl, he throws himself into his work, creating the freeze ray. He focuses on getting into the Evil League of Evil, and hopes his success will impress Penny. Unfortunately for Dr. Horrible/Billy, things do not go as planned. While his plan seems to be going perfect, things backfire and Captain Hammer avoids being killed by Dr. Horrible/ Billy. Penny was not so lucky, being struck by a piece of Dr. Horrible/Billy's freeze ray. Dr. Horrible/ Billy loses the one thing he truly loved, but he got exactly what he wanted. He was accepted in to the Evil League of Evil, and considered the worst super villain ever. He got everything he wanted, but at the same time he lost everything he needed. Although Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog appears to be a typical good vs. evil type of movie, it turns out to be a comical story that pulls on your heart strings at the end when the beloved Penny dies. The end can appear shocking to some, because it lacks the traditional happy ending, in an ironic kind of way. Dr. Horrible/ Billy achieved his dream, what he thought would make him happy. Unfortunately, he lost what truly did make him happy.

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Dr. Horrible Sing Along Blog was an innovative take of the traditional good vs. evil movies. This movie was written and produced by Joss Whedon. Dr. Horrible Sing Along Blog is a low budget film so the effects are not outstanding, but there are many other aspects that more than make up for anything that the movie may be lacking. My first take on the movie was that it was corny but as I watched I found myself hardly able to contain my laughter. There was a lot of subtle connotations in the movie which I enjoy interrupting. Neil Patrick Harris plays Billy also known as Dr. Horrible who is a wannabe villain that has a need to be esteemed by Penny and Bad Horse. Penny is played by Felicia Day; she has captured Billy's heart. Bad Horse is considered the "thoroughbred of sin" and is the leader of the evil league of evil. On the quest to enter in to the evil league of evil Dr. Horrible has to make choices between Penny or his evil plans. Through his evil plans we meet Captain Hammer who is considered Dr. Horrible's nemesis. Captain Hammer wins the affections of Penny; so there is an interesting love triangle that in tangles it's self in the movie. Dr. Horrible's evil plans don't always turn out the way he expects them to, but he desperately wants to be associated with the evil league of evil. The songs were meaningful and had comic flares to them. The movie is simply a terrific story that is unusual, but funny with the elements of love and passion. I disliked the ending at first but I did like what it stood for. You can interpret it in many different ways but I took it to mean every path has it's puddle, and what we want can come with a great price.

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