Delivery Man
Delivery Man
PG-13 | 22 November 2013 (USA)
Delivery Man Trailers

An affable underachiever finds out he's fathered 533 children through anonymous donations to a fertility clinic 20 years ago. Now he must decide whether or not to come forward when 142 of them file a lawsuit to reveal his identity.


What a beautiful movie!

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Truly Dreadful Film

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Far from Perfect, Far from Terrible

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I saw this movie in a theater. Without going into the details of the movie - let me tell you how I feel about it. I really have never been a fan of the star - Vince Vaughn. I anticipated that his character David Wozniak would be a total screw-up - and would stumble through the movie, messing with the lives of his biological children. I was HALF right - he WAS a royal screw-up, but as he 'stumbled' through the mess of having 533 children - you could see him grow, and improve himself. He sought to be a better man, a better father, and a generally better human being all the way around. This was a fabulous feel good movie. Seeing this movie gave me a better outlook on life. If a screw-up like David could turn around - and at least head in the right direction, then so can I and others. The portrayals by the other actors seemed genuine and believable. I wouldn't take younger children to this show - it would probably take too much explaining. I WILL look at future shows Vince Vaughn in a different light. I liked the movie enough that I bought it on DVD as well as loaded it up to VUDU.

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Jupiter Cadence

Just another story about the average "Joe", out of shape dim witted "leading man" with the thin wife who gets excuses made for him and evades any type of pressure and responsibility because that's the only type of lesson filmmakers want to prove anymore. "I'm a man, I don't have to be in shape, responsible or mature." It's their fantasy world, after all. Don't waste your time on a premise you've seen a thousand times before. Lacking originality and creativity. Can we please stop handing leading roles to Vince Vagn until we'd be willing to offer them to equally average, out of shape women? I mean, I get it, you want to give your leading role to a man you don't feel threatened by, or you don't want to add pressure to men or promote the notion that they have to look like Zach Efron to be considered attractive, but at least offer the same courtesy to women.

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I adore this movie. I've seen it 3 or 4 times now. There are a number of really touching, heartwarming, moments in this movie which I didn't exactly expect due to the subject matter and Vince Vaughn in it. I expected a tasteless gross out comedy or something similar but it is definitely far from that. The subject matter is handled tactfully, and there is a nice balance of drama, comedy and message without being heavy handed at all. Acting was spot on too. Vince, Colby Smulders, and Chris Pratt are wonderful in it.In short, Delivery Man is a really touching "feel good" movie about fatherhood and being a screwup and trying to make good. All I have left to say is go see it! :)

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Thomas West

Delivery Man 2/10- There is not a whole lot I can say about this movie. I thought the premise of the movie had a lot of potential, but it was not directed well and as a result the movie suffered from it. A comedy where a man who is all ready down on his luck and then finds out that he is the biological father of 533 children sounds like a good comedy that Vince Vaughn could pull off. Sadly, the movie leans more towards the heartfelt side of cinema then comedy that we are all used to from Vince Vaughn. I have nothing against those feel-good movies and in- fact I enjoy them often, but I was really looking for a some laughs when I came in to this movie and I could not help but feel disappointed. The jokes were poorly written and executed. I think it was apparent that Vince Vaughn did not give his best effort in this movie, but again he had very few jokes to work with and it was hard to blame him for it. Everything else in the movie I had no problem with, but it just made me a little sad that a movie that looks hilarious with such a great idea turns out to be a heart-felt film with comedy on the side. If you want to take your family to see something and frozen is already sold out, Delivery Man is something you can try, but otherwise, wait for this to come out on DVD. For more of my reviews, go to my website at

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