Dead End
Dead End
R | 12 December 2003 (USA)
Dead End Trailers

Christmas Eve. On his way to his in-laws with his family, Frank Harrington decides to try a shortcut, for the first time in 20 years. It turns out to be the biggest mistake of his life.


Wonderful character development!

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A Disappointing Continuation

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A brilliant film that helped define a genre

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The end was interesting. Even though other reviewers have said the ending was a bad dream, I do not think it was. I think that the grim reaper or "collector" as he calls himself, keeps killing and collecting bodies/souls until he gets the one he's after. The lady in the white dress is apparently already dead. In the end when Marion sees her and the collector car she says "he's not here for you" and she gave herself up. That is when the nightmare ends. The family had been driving on this endless road trying to reach a destination named Margot. When their nightmare ends the nightmare for Margot (which is the doctor and apparently the next victim) begins. He needed the previous victim to give herself up(maybe she had been running) and used this family to get to her so that they could get him to Margot.

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Wind Wolf

Don't know why it's rated 6.7 and I wonder if those possitive reviews are bought! Bad acting with bad actors. Script is mainstream, below average and so easy to predict. It's like a soap movie from 80s. Don't waste your time watching this, I have to turn if off after 25mins since I don't want to waste my precious time on such a failure. Acting is plain, stupid and the character reactions in the movie are unbelievable. If you want to watch a more scary movie, go to youtube and search for some creepy footages or folkores because this movie is even worse than that.

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I consider this among the best three horror films of its decade; very atmospheric and keeps the gorier parts in the audience's imagination mostly. This film is one to watch several times as what seems like a cosy, humorous road movie turns into a nightmare. The story-line is simple. A family are travelling at night on Christmas Eve to visit relatives. In the car is the mother, father, son, daughter and the daughters boyfriend. The father decides to take a shortcut which takes them on a seemingly endless road in the middle of a forest. Shortly after a near miss with another car they spot a woman carrying a baby along the side of the road. Suffice to say after giving her a lift things start to go horribly wrong. A very claustrophobic, intense and incredibly classy piece of dark comedy/horror.For me, this was a movie that at times I wanted to turn off or pause, it's that suffocatingly tense. If you swing the other way and violence scares you, not tension, this movie would still probably work, as some unnervingly nasty things go on as the movie progresses. It's all well and good writing a plot that twists all over the shop, but if it doesn't tie back up at the end, people will come out feeling cheated. This movie stops that from happening, with a tight, clever story arc and some killer twists. Ray Wise is phenomenal as always. It should be an alternate Christmas favourite along with the likes of Die Hard and Lethal Weapon, but unfortunately it's been overlooked. The film has a dark and creepy feel throughout, the dialogue is sharp and witty, and the creative direction sustains the suspense throughout. If you are looking for a gore filled full on horror then 'Dead End' isn't it, but if you're looking for a psychological thriller that will not only hold your interest, but will keep you on the edge of your seat, then this is one of the best films you'll see in a long time.Overall rating: 9 out of 10.

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Michael Radny

I think we've all been at that point in time where we are haunted by something recurring, like a dream or something more realistic. However, nothing will prepare you for the recurrence of an endless repeating road, whilst your family is plagued by death and a woman seemingly may be behind it. This is probably the biggest surprise film that I have ever witnessed. This film is like no other, giving you a real sense of dread and hoping that everything is going to be alright.The characters are the driving force of this movie. The big reveal at the end is so cleverly disguised and done, that you will be reevaluating everything you just saw, just so you can piece it all together.

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