Dark Legacy II
Dark Legacy II
| 01 June 2014 (USA)
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Jaw-dropping evidence of foul play in the death of JFK Jr., all based on official gov't documents. The prime suspect, George W. Bush, though very publicly running for president, disappeared the day of the murder, and stayed missing for 3 days.


Let's be realistic.

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Adeel Hail

Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.

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Yash Wade

Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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Walter Sloane

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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I love how we see mainstream historians with no credibility discussing their theory's and everyone seems to accept it just because they saw it on TV. Yet John Hankey shows, without any doubt, the true story. He shows you the actual documents that the government submitted in their reports. He shows you how the mainstream media changes their story and accepts stories from faceless people claiming to be "the family". He makes perfect sense. The Bush's have been crooked since the days of Prescott Bush (which by the way was involved with a Nazi bank that Hoover closed under the "Trading With The Enemy" act). Check your history before you rip on Hankey, he is correct, the Bush family has been a plague on our country for 80 years and it needs to be known publically. George Bush senior has been in the CIA since at least the 60's, he lied and said he wasn't but a document was uncovered, signed by J. Edgar Hoover himself proving that he was indeed in the CIA. Men like John Hankey who put their lives on the line to get the truth out should not only be respected but highly appreciated as well. It takes guts to do the work John Hankey did on this matter and I for one am thankful. JFK Jrs. death never sat right with me, his plane had an advanced auto pilot, all he had to do was hit a button if he got a little dazed. THE PLANE DOVE INTO THE OCEAN!!!!!! That is not pilot error!!!! C'mon America open your eyes, start using common sense and stop believing what you see on TV, especially if the story keeps changing. It also has been proven that the CIA has conducted mind control experiments on citizens against their will or knowledge for that matter, that alone should be enough to dismantle the CIA. Truman was right when he said "My biggest mistake was creating the CIA" but you don't learn that in school!! SAD BUT TRUE

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Rather then presenting a theory and then using facts to back up his theory the movie maker decided to just state his opinion as facts. Statements like "the Bush's are Nazis and the Illuminati" are said as if they are facts that and he uses statements like this to build his very biased joke of a "documentary" into a laughable waste of time. Go find some hot needles and stick them in your eyes instead, you'll have caused yourself less pain then if you watched this.

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My biggest issue is how they lay out this plot that some sinister Manchurian Candidate carried out the execution of JFK Jr. under the direction of George Bush Jr., but then try to say that George Bush Jr.'s mysterious disappearance during the three days surrounding JFK Jr.'s death proves that Bush did it. Then they go on this rant about how the Bush's screw up everything they touch and can't complete a mission, yet in two different documentaries they tell us, in painstaking detail, how the Bush's have gotten away with two of the biggest political murders of the 20th century. Well, if they screw everything up, how have they gotten away with it? How is it that they're still alive and doing quite well since they're such bumbling fools?I'm not saying there is no tie between the Bush's and the deaths of the Kennedy's. As a matter-of- fact, there probably is a link as I do not trust anybody from our government. However, the creators of this "documentary" can't seem to make up their minds about whether the Bush's are stupid, or just really good at what they do. This piece comes across more as a disinformation piece than anything. It is as if the Bush's themselves had this made just to discredit such accusations. The documentary is so poorly put together in certain ways, that it fits the mold of disinformation. Sure, I think the Bush's are criminals, but after watching this, I could see how many would come away thinking the creator of this just has a bone to pick with them and as such, is not credible. That's how disinformation campaigns work. Create something that looks almost real enough to be believed, then sprinkle it with idiocy so that it leaves the audience thinking they can't trust anyone and so they shouldn't care to try and find the truth.

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