Conquest of Cochise
Conquest of Cochise
| 01 September 1953 (USA)
Conquest of Cochise Trailers

A cavalry officer tries to keep a lid on a volatile situation when Indian leader Cochise is being prodded into starting a war.


Brilliant and touching

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Am I Missing Something?

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Absolutely Fantastic

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Billy Ollie

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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"Conquest of Cochise" is another low budget but competent little 70 minute western from the team of producer Sam Katzman and director William Castle. shot in glorious technicolor, it provides spectacular scenery under which the story unfolds.A piece of Mexican territory containing Tucson is sold by Mexico to the U.S. in 1853. Army Major Tom Burke (Robert Stack) is sent to the area to make peace with the Apache led by the notorious Cochise (John Hodiak). Burke, who has an eye for the ladies, takes an interest in the daughter of rich Mexican land owner Don Francisco De Cordova (Edward Coleman), Consuelo (Joy Page).Cochise is in favor of peace with the whites but his co-chief Takiwah (Steven Ritch) favors war with the white eye. Slick townsman Sam Maddock (Robert Griffen) who deals in arms, wants to keep the hostilities going. Consuelo's cousin Felipe (Rico Alaniz) whose wife was killed by the Apache, tries to kill Cochise when he comes for peace talks at Don Francisco's hosienda, but is stopped by Consuelo.Maddock supplies Felipe with a new repeating rifle. Still upset with the Apache, Felipe tries again to murder Cochise but kills his young wife by accident. Tukiwah again tries to convince Cochise to go to war bekieving that a soldier was the murderer. Cochise gives Burke four days to produce the real culprit. Meanwhile Cochise holds Consuelo hostage wher an attraction develops between her and Cochise.Cochise meanwhile, is having trouble keeping the Commanche under Chief Red Knife (Rodd Redwing) from going to war. Burke brings in Felipe as the killer with the understanding he will be tried by white man's law. Cochise again tries to make peace with the whites and the Commanche. However Red Knife takes Cochise prisoner and tortures him. Red Knife is about to put Cochise to the fire when.............................................................................................The movie, though it has an exciting finale, kind of drags in the middle. I was expecting that Cochise would have to fight Red Knife at some point or Burke vs. Red knife or Takiwah, but that didn't happen. Maddock's early demise was unexpected.This time Katzman and Castle had recognizable leads in Hodiak and Stack who perform competently. Joy Page makes a fetching pawn between the two leaders. Also in the cast are John Crawford as Capt. Lawson and real life Apache Charlie Stevens as one of the Apache chiefs.Just as an aside, the rifle shown appears to be a Winchester which didn"t come along until much later. As far as I know, the U.S. Army was still using single shot rifles at this time.

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Sam Katzman formerly of Monogram Studios probably could not believe the budget he had with Columbia Pictures for Conquest Of Cochise. Color and location shooting. I can hear him saying I know I'm not at Monogram any more.This story about Cochise takes place as the USA has formally taken over the Gadsden Purchase in 1853, the last bit of continental USA that we acquired. The Mexicans sold it to us for a tidy sum, it was mostly desert and its largest city was a desert settlement that was called Tucson. But it did sit across a possible southern continental railway route and we bought it for that purpose.Now to enforce some law there because Cochise and his Chiracahua Apaches rule most of that bit of turf with Comanches occasionally raiding in there as well. That's what Major Robert Stack of the US Cavalry is sent there to do, make a treaty. Of course there are forces who don't want a treaty made. Nevertheless Stack goes to negotiate with Cochise who is played most impressively by John Hodiak. Broken Arrow which is set post Civil War has a lot of similarities and an actor who got great acclaim for playing Cochise. Jeff Chandler got an Oscar nomination for his performance. Broken Arrow got a far bigger budget than Conquest Of Cochise. Still what Hodiak did should have gotten more acclaim.Conquest Of Cochise was not a bad film and for a Sam Katzman production its positively Cleopatra like.

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Conquest of Cochise (1953)** (out of 4) Another Castle Western from Columbia certainly sticks to its "B" origins but there are a few interesting ideas that make it worth sitting through, although no one should expect a classic. Set in 1953 Arizona, Maj. Tom Burke (Robert Stack) wants to avoid a war between whites and Indians but a greedy Mexican wants both sides to fight and kill each other off. Indian Cochise (John Hodiak), on the other hand, wants peace but his people begin to pressure him into fighting this war. This film certainly doesn't have enough going for it to recommend to all people but I think those who enjoy "B" Westerns might find enough entertainment in its 70-minutes to make it worth watching. The film has way too much talk during the early parts but the final fifteen-minutes really pick up and end up packing a very strong punch. We start off when Cochise is sentenced to three tortures with one being bathed in hot steam and another impressive sequence where he's tied to a pole while the other Indians ride their horses up to him and slice him up with knives. This sequence doesn't contain anything too graphic but the editing and way it was directed makes it quite effective. We fall this up with a big battle scene that has the expected gunshots, bodies falling and of course the wild horse chases. Director Castle is best known for his horror films and most of them were in B&W but these early Westerns he did at Columbia gives you the chance to see him work in color and he certainly takes advantage of it. This movie looks like a coloring book because of all the vivid colors that are constantly on display. Whenever a set is on display it's got as many colors as they could possibly put in and this is a plus as there's always something to look at. Stack is pretty good in his role as I enjoyed the laid back approach he brought the character. It seems like the majority of the budget went to painting Hodiak red but he too is good in the role and gives it a certain passion that you can feel. The rest of the cast are pretty much what you'd expect in a film like this in terms of performances and character. Sam Katzman served as producer so that should pretty much tell you everything you'd need to know. Again, there's nothing overly special here but the final fifteen-minutes are well worth watching.

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The Gadsden Purchase of Southern Arizona is the setting for this underrated western that has fine action, good photography and a nice music score. The plot involves the U.S. Government's attempt to forge a peace treaty between ancient enemies, the Apaches and Mexicans, the latter of whom the American troops are duty-bound to protect from Cochise's raiders. Indian-hating Mexicans and trouble-making Americans stand in the way of peace and inflame hostilities on both sides of the border. The Comanches, at war with both the Americans and the Mexicans, hope to enlist Cochise and his Apaches as allies in their war of extinction against their enemies. Robert Stack is the best-known name among a good cast of players who were veterans of many western films. John Hodiak is Cochise, and his mannered, formal bearing as the Apache chief is better than might be expected.

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