Clash of Empires: The Battle for Asia
Clash of Empires: The Battle for Asia
| 10 March 2011 (USA)
Clash of Empires: The Battle for Asia Trailers

Based loosely on the 16th century historical document entitled ‘The Malay Annals’, ’The Chronicles of Merong Mahawangsa’ is an action-packed epic feature film, with mythical characters, magical moments and dazzling visual-effects sequences. Merong Mahawangsa was a descendant of Alexander the Great, a renowned naval captain and traveler who came to Asia several hundred years ago.


Masterful Movie

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Kodie Bird

True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.

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Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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David Holt (rawiri42)

Reviewer Raoul Hostettler thinks his local kindergarten could make a better movie that Clash of Empires and so I would like to please book a seat for the opening night. But then, if Hostettler's local kindy is as good at making movies as he is at writing English, I fear that might be a wasted evening!Yet again (if you've read some of my other reviews), we have illiterate people writing desultory reviews about low-budget movies as though they expected them to be block-busters. Yes, I have written a few pretty scathing reviews myself but you've got to admit, those were for the absolute pits of the film industry. This movie is NOT the pits! No way! That isn't to say it's a blockbuster either but come on people, how many blockbuster movies are released each year? How many does Leonard Maltin give five stars to? But how many does he watch? Get the point? (Probably not! It's most likely too complicated for you!)Let me ask you negative reviewers (and those readers who are contemplating watching Clash of Empires but check the reviews first), why do you watch movies? Is it to be entertained or is to avidly look for bloopers like trees not waving in the background? Is it to get all picky about English spoken with an accent? When it isn't, by the way - as in the case of the narrator in this movie who speaks absolutely beautiful English with just the right timbre for the role - the whiners complain about THAT too! There seems to be no pleasing some folk!OK, I've got my frustration at negative-thinkers off my chest - now to the movie. Firstly, it was made in Malaysia by a Malaysin production company so one would assume that the prime target audience was Malays. However, if it had been all made in the Malay language, the box office would probably never have covered costs (because it definitely wouldn't have been cheap to make). So, very cleverly, the main language used was English which some of the Malaysian actors spoke with a slight accent. Nothing wrong with that (they weren't wearing Saville Row suits!!) I though it a nicely integrated touch for Mandarin and Malay languages to be used with subtitles where appropriate as this preserved the international flavour of the film. The action was good and the CG was OK (if not brilliant). The princess's handmaid added a little comedic interlude a few times and was well-played. Stephen Rahman Hughes as the lead was quite good (I'd like to know what the ladies thought of him). Pity there is no info about him on IMDb. I suspect that, if he ventured to Hollywood and had some good direction, he could become a big star.I was entertained (which is why I watched the movie). I probably won't watch it again (but then I can think of some much larger-budget movies I won't watch again either!) So, if you're one of those picky twits who loves to look for things to complain about, watch Clash Of Empires. You will be rewarded - but PLEASE don't write a review because everyone else doesn't want to know how clever you are! On the other hand, if you enjoy a bit of action entertainment for what it is, then watch it too - and write a review (preferably in coherent English) telling everyone what you enjoyed! Its definitely worth more than 3.7! I gave it 6.

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Honestly I wasted my 109 mins of my life watching this movie. It's worse then a kindergarten play, the kids would have done a better job in acting then they did. Bad graphics on all the themes. I don't know how someone could created such a bad movie. It's Amateur movie a shame for the money they wasted.I don't understand what other people like about the movie and I usually have an open mind for different types of movies but this was certainly one of the worse movies I ever seen.Do not waste your time on this movie 1 star is even overrated in my opinion but if you do not believe me see for yourself.

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Yahmeri Sukon

This film is trying to be big, but ended up being nowhere.It is promoted as a CGI film, but can't even put a computer generated 'Garuda' in the film. What good is the CGI, if the crucial mythical element like this is ignored? If 'Malay originality' is the word, then certainly this film lack much of it. Old Malay language plus modern-sounding English.. come on!! In the end, it's like watching unfinished '300' or 'Troy' parody film with Malay dubbing.. minus the parody. Half an hour into the film, i just didn't care about the CGI anymore, and hopeful for something else. Honesty and pure spirit of Malay film. Sadly it's not there.I give 4 out of 10 because i know this disastrous film will be a good stepping stone for the producer to produce a decent one, later.

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A Malaysian action film based on real history about Langkasuka, sounds great. It's been a while now since the last Malaysian high budget movie (Puteri Gunung Ledang) came out, and to my surprise, this movie was executed really well. The fighting was very intense and the movement is comparable to some Thailand martial art movie. There are also some funny moment between the Chinese Admiral, Marcus and Merong. Of everything the movie had to offer, the music is the best, as it was really good and did a lot to make the already intense scene much more impressive. The CGI in this movie is also very good, but for some reason had a huge quality drop in last part when depicting Sultan Mudzaffar Shah walking towards the harbour.Also, the story was a bit rush. For example, they didn't explain about the relationship between Embok and Merong, then all of the sudden, the narrator (the Sultan) came out and said that Embok was pregnant with Merong's baby. IMHO, this should be make into a trilogy to explain the full story thoroughly.And what is wrong with speaking proper English? Why is there so many broken English in this movie? You see, games like God of War depicted ancient Greece, but with characters speaking proper English, and I didn't see any problem with it, so I really don't understand why should the actor use broken English instead of proper English.At last, I give this movie a 7 out of 10, because the production value was high and some of the scene is really good, but sadly it also has some serious flaw that made the movie incomplete.

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