City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold
City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold
PG-13 | 10 June 1994 (USA)
City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold Trailers

Mitch Robbins' 40th birthday begins quite well until he returns home and finds his brother Glen, the black sheep of the family, in his sofa. Nevertheless he is about to have a wonderful birthday-night with his wife when he discovers a treasure map of Curly by chance. Together with Phil and unfortunately Glen he tries to find the hidden gold of Curly's father in the desert of Arizona.

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Excellent, a Must See

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In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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A cornier version of "City slickers" original with a lot of copying including the "he's behind me isn't he " joke. Especially the dumb way the joke was carried out the second time when the two cowboys came up behind them while Mitch and company were on their wild west trek. Mitch could've thought of something better to say then "what a coincidence, we were just talking about you. " It was easy to tell the cowboys were shady characters, just by the way they were staring at Mitch during their first meeting at their country store. All Mitch could think of saying was this: after the cowboy tells Phil "I'd think twice before going back to your wife, that would be like sticking your balls in a baear trap". Then Mitch says "that would be a bad thing right?" The cowboys just stare at him uneasily. Mitch: "a joke, that was a joke". The cowboys keep staring. Mitch: "well, it looks like I'm parked in a handicap zone". Cowboys keep staring. Mitch: "gays in the military, what's your thoughts?" Cowboys keep staring not saying a word. None of Mitch's comments there were funny and the whole scene played out all anxious and uneasy. The cowboys in the first film were the bad guys so that also made it easier to figure out the same thing with the cowboys here (and the Mitch talking/ cowboys starting silently scene in the first film was funnier and I liked the way he said "rough corral"). I already knew they were into the copying thing in this movie from already seeing the first "he's behind me" joke in Mitch's house and the happy birthday phone call from Mitch's parents. The first part of the movie in New York was pretty good with our "1 year later" scene with Mitch jogging with the now adult cow Norma. I liked his comment to Norma "if it weren't for me, you would've been a hundred wallets." I wish Mitch would've also thrown in a second comment "if it weren't for me, you would've also been a hundred quarter pounders with cheese." But there's no point in me dwelling on something the writers should've put in the movie but didn't. Bruno Kirby did not return for this film due to Billy Crystal and him having fallen out, from what I read. Instead we get Glen (John Lovitz), Mitch's autistic brother who showed up against Mitch and his wife's liking. It seems Glen had a busy couple of hours at Mitch's house before Mitch arrived home from work. By the time Mitch gets home from work, we hear how during that afternoon Glen has already come over, asked Mitch's wife to make him a sandwich, made long distance calls, acted a scene from "The godfather", watched a Spanish soap opera, and tried to milk Norma. Of course the latter leading to a rather tasteless joke when Glen shares his "milking " experience with Mitch. Now about Jack Palace's role as Duke, Curly's twin. We get a couple scenes earlier in the film revolving around Mitch thinking he buried Curly (from first film) alive when Mitch thinks he's seen him following him. Obviously, the sight of "Curly" following Mitch turns out to be Duke. I like how Mitch asks Phil (Daneil Stern) if Curly was a narcoleptic. And I liked the whole plot of Mitch finding the treasure map in Curly's hat, Mitch and Phil's actions in New York that happen right after the map finding. I found funny when Phil and Mitch are walking down the street excited about the map, Phil: "4 million dollars Mitch! 4 million dollars!!" Mitch: "a little louder Phil, some of the crack dealers didn't hear you". I also enjoyed a lot of the out west treasure hunting scenes with Mitch, Phil, Glen, and Duke. Some of the comments and repitours between them all during the hunt were really amusing. We get a funny reappearance from Ira and Barry Shallowitz, and liked the comments between them and Duke, Barry: "nice to meet you Duke, we helped bury your brother" Duke: "oh? Maybe someday I can do the same for you". I also found funny the other trail boss Clay Stone from the first film showing up and seeing Duke saying "great buckets of bull****, it's Curly!" I remember his hilarious comment from the first film "I'm as happy as a puppy with two p*****!"There is a good twist near the end, and the very last scene leaves a big opening for another "City slickers " sequel, but we never got one. The last scene with the cowboys in the cave, one of them was very obviously a different guy from the guy that was tagging along with the other cowboy in the other cowboy scenes. I don't know what the deal was with that.

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Okay, I may not be the best sequel to a comedy, but at least there were funnier jokes in this one than the original. Don't get me wrong, I really like the first movie and I own it, but watching it again and noticing the jokes in it, pretty much it was all bitching and complaining about their sex lives and their mid life criss-es. And Bruno Kirby is a funny guy, but his character Ed wouldn't stop convincing Mitch to do all these crazy things and asking him ridiculous questions like the woman in the rocket ship and the Kellogs super pack. Pretty much the funniest one (and most unfortunate one) is probably Phil (Daniel Stern). ARLENE: YOU'RE CRAZY! PHIL: THAT'S RIGHT! NOT HAVING SEX FOR 12 YEARS WILL DO THAT TO A PERSON! hilarious, brilliantly hilarious.However, in this movie, the jokes were very well thought, well expressed and sarcastic and frank at the same time. That to me is impressing. GLEN: Hey guys! How do you think those two laughing idiots we rented all this stuff from are going to feel when we bring home all that gold? MITCH: Yeah, the looks on those tobacco chewin', gun rack having, chicken screwin', sister marryin', abandoned bathroom in the front yard leaving, vitamin deficientcied ugly faces! That has to be the best description of two dumbass hicks. There are tons of other jokes in this movie that wish I could recite. I do admit that I was disappointed in a lot of the characters or some recognizable cast were in only in the movie for a very short period of time but thats about it. Anway thats pretty much all I can say about that.

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I would say the movie city slickers 2 would of been an excellent movie except for all the sex stuff, I mean do we really need to see him with his wife? do they really need to throw that in during the ride for the gold? is it because the producers felt that they would get more viewers, thus more money by throwing that in where it really didn't fit the drama? to often they try to get more viewers and buyers by throwing sex scenes in there that really don't' fit the theme or drama unfolding, who cares about what someone's parents were doing, that should of never been even mentioned, it is disrespectful anyway to even bring that up. and frankly not funny or entertaining.but i loved the scenery, the horses, and the other drama, the chase for glen before he goes over the edge, and the feeling like billy crystal is really doing some of the stunts there, and that he can really ride and ride fast and hard, as opposed to a lot of actors who have doubles do the fast and furious scenes in their movies.I enjoyed the duh ness of glen and phil who seem to be from another planet sometimes. out of touch with reality so to speak they seem to be. and mitch jogging with his cow was funny, but they could of left out the milking the cow part, it was disgusting.I enjoyed it when they thought they found the gold and we so happy and they had to find out the hard way it was lead. and the campfire scenes, where they are sitting talking and joking around.but i have to say if you saw the first one you know the horse he is riding is the same horse with it's face painted. so overall it was okay, no terrific, but not really all that bad either.I personally didn't like the third guy in the first movie, in fact I can't remember his name I thought he was a jerk, really stupid character there.RR

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While i would agree the beginning reason for their quest was motivated by greed, at the end, they realize that it was the adventure that had changed their perceptions of each other and their characters, Glen stepped in front of a bullet for his bro and finally accomplished what he set out to do, something he hasn't ever done. Phil jumped a guy at least twice, and had found himself and his own life, with out having to define it by his ex wife. Duke turned honest and gained Integrity. Mitch gained courage, i mean he was gonna suck on Phil's ass.;) He learned to trust his brother. In the end, they found a treasure greater then gold. Then they get the gold so they Win twice :D

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