Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror
Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror
R | 21 June 1998 (USA)
Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror Trailers

Six college students take a wrong turn and find themselves lost in a strangely deserted rural town... only to discover that this deceptively quiet place hides a murderous cult of children.

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That was an excellent one.

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Perfect cast and a good story

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The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.

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Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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Though the Children of the Corn franchise has hardly been ground breaking they have been consistently passable.............just. This one failed to live up to my already low expectations despite the fact it had the best opening advantage from the start.You see Field Of Terror has a very impressive cast and was Eva Mendes very first movie role. It also stars Jason Voorhees himself Kane Hodder, acting legend Fred Williamson, Charmed actor Greg Vaughan, auto erotic asphyxiation aficionado David Carradine and late Arquette acting family member Alexis.Its also apparent that the movie had a higher budget, unless of course it was all spent on that roster.It once again tells the story of the evil children controlled by He Who Walks Behind The Rows! Though this time it gives no explanation how they came to be for the umpteence time.Sadly the plot is really quite poor, the execution is slow and lacking and the whole movie comes across really dull which is one thing I didn't expect. Maybe the Children of the Corn candle is burning out, this is the fifth movie after all. It just surprises me that 5 movies in the film gets a solid cast and fails to utilize them.Definetly a weak link.The Good:Interesting cast ensembleArquettes final sceneThe Bad:Really quite boringNaff endingThings I Learnt From This Movie:If the franchise's movies followed on as a proper series they'd have likely been more successfulNobody taught the lead actress to hold babies heads up

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New kid in the cornfield Adam Wylie (as Ezeekial) receives a blast of fire and becomes "Children of the Corn" leader. One year later, his gang kills an elderly couple, so the new cast can move in and start to struggle with the supernatural force. After some comic killings, the film focuses on four college students. The main star is Stacy Galina (as Allison), who has an actual connection to the "Children of the Corn" series in that her brother left home, saying he was going to join "He who walks behind the rows." Leading man is Alexis Arquette (as Greg). Convincing herein as a male character, Ms. Arquette has since changed her gender to female...The second tier is model perfect looking Greg Vaughan (as Tyrus) and his likewise attractive love interest Eva Mendes (as Kir). The two couples go to scatter the ashes of their dead friend "Kurt" near the cornfield, which first appeared in Stephen King's story. How this relates to anything is a mystery unsolved. The four become stranded in town after an automobile mishap. In small roles, David Carradine and Fred Williamson add more dollars to their acting income. This is the fifth in a series of movies loosely based on his story. Out of ideas, the story simply recycles material from unrelated horror films. The familiar ending suggests more of the same.**** Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror (6/21/98) Ethan Wiley ~ Stacy Galina, Alexis Arquette, Greg Vaughan, Eva Mendes

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Brandt Sponseller

Before I start getting complaints, or at least dumbfounded looks, from people who strongly disagree with my rating, I should explain a number of ways in which I'm biased here:* I'm an easy date when it comes to horror films in general--as long as they're technically competent, they're almost guaranteed a 5 out of 10 from me. * I have a soft spot for long-running series. The more horror films the better if you ask me, and never-ending series seem to agree with me. * I'm a HUGE Frank Zappa fan, so the excitement of seeing both Ahmet and Diva Zappa in the same film--and with a bit of Frank-like blow-up doll action, no less--brings my score up a notch. (My only question is why didn't they have Diva's character kill Ahmet's character?) * As soon as Eva Mendes appears on screen, I fall in love and become hypnotized. By the way, great decision on the wardrobe, Mr. Wiley. * I'm a big fan of "B-movie" warhorses like David Carradine and Fred Williamson.And aside from those biases, this isn't at all a bad film, even if it can be a bit predictable. It's consistent with the Children of the Corn mythos--in so far as the mythos makes sense in general--and also extends it nicely. I can't say whether the film is scary, as I don't really find that quality in any film, but it certainly was entertaining, and the Teflon coating on the main protagonist, Allison (Stacy Galina) was an unusual touch.

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Adam While As the Child was not bad !Adam While is a good actor:-) He's the only good thing came up on my head. The story sucked !I just want to say if you have heartattack ,do not watch this movie ! It's terrible scary !!!! I don't think the story was good,but very scary. I 've seen the first one & the 2nd. They were much better ! If you are fan of Adam While,you could take a look :-) Otherwise keep out :-(

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