| 22 October 1998 (USA)
Chameleon Trailers

A super-killer female cyborg with chameleon-like powers discovers maternal instincts when she protects a child from government operatives in this science fiction tale set in the year 2028.


Very well executed

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everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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Charming and brutal

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Absolutely brilliant

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Bobbie Phillips has the potential - and the body - to be a great action heroine (for further proof, look no further than a little movie called "TC 2000"), but she is disappointingly underutilized in "Chameleon": she begins as a killing machine but, unfortunately, she becomes the guardian and protector of a little boy, which brings out her maternal instincts. If you want to see Bobbie Phillips bonding with a kid for 80 minutes, this is your movie; if you want to see her kicking butt, you're outta luck. I fall into the second camp, so I found the movie - though technically competent for its obviously low budget - talky, dull and unfulfilling. *1/2 out of 4.

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Filmed in a futuristic setting "Kam" (Bobbie Phillips) is a female cloned by genetic research who happens to possess special attributes which include keen eyesight, an enhanced sense of smell and the ability to camouflage herself into the surrounding environment much like a chameleon. She was created this way for the express purpose of allowing her to get close to whatever targets her supervisors deemed appropriate in order to steal important objects--or to kill them if necessary. In one particular instance she is instructed to accompany a commando unit and acquire a secret microchip from a revolutionary named "Aede" (Anthony Simcoe). Unfortunately, the mission doesn't go according to plan which results in both the revolutionary and his wife choosing to commit suicide rather than being captured. However, just prior to that they manage to transfer the microchip to their young son named "Ghen" (Eric Lloyd) with instructions to escape into the country to avoid capture. As a result of his escape Kam is sent to track down Ghen but when she finally catches up to him her instincts cause her to change allegiances. So now she decides to protect the boy from those who wish to do him harm. At any rate, rather than disclose any more of the story and risk ruining this film for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this movie started off pretty good but seemed to falter a little after the first 20 minutes or so. Additionally, other than the performance of Bobbie Phillips I didn't see anything else that was necessarily that remarkable or noteworthy. In any case, I suppose this was an adequate film for the most part and I rate it as about average.

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Bobbie Phillips made the day for this movie. She portrayed smart, strong, sexy Kam projecting her quite confidence and inner conflicts very well. If you like the genre of Wonder Woman, Xena, or Supergirl, then you'll like this movie.Unfortunately, Kam's special abilities, the anchor of the movie's plot, were seldom exploited in the storyline. Bobbie Phillips had only a few chances to show off Kam's special abilities, but when she did have a chance, she was flawless.There is talk of UPN making Chameleon into a series. It would be a smart move. Perhaps people are ready to see women in tough action roles without having to make appalingly stupid VIP and Cleopatra 2525 cheesecake type shows.

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"Chameleon" features excellent acting by Bobbie (Dr. Bug Lady from the X-Files) Phillips whose buff muscle-play reinforces her role as a genetically engineered human. The young actor who portrays Gan, the kid, also displays an accomplished flair for drama--very rare. The effects including a cool skin camouflage are used judiciously and successfully. The intelligent script relies heavily on the characters--which is always a good thing in my book. I get the feeling UPN was considering this movie as a pilot. It's a shame they didn't run with it.

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