Cathy's Curse
Cathy's Curse
R | 01 July 1980 (USA)
Cathy's Curse Trailers

A young girl is possessed by the spirit of her dead aunt, who died in a car accident. Soon members of her family begin to mysteriously die off.


Horrible, fascist and poorly acted

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disgusting, overrated, pointless

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If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.

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Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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Michael Ledo

In December of 1947 Jo Ann Gimble absconds with her five year old son George. Her husband and daughter Laura follow in a car (Packard?) and skid off the road to avoid a bunny and burst into flames...which is what happens to every car that goes into a ditch so don't text and drive. In November of 1979 grown up George (Alan Scarfe) moves back into the original house with his nervous breakdown wife Vivian (Beverly Murray) and his daughter Cathy (Randi Allen- only film). Cathy finds an old doll in the attic and sees a picture of Laura accompanied by creep music.Cathy develops telekinetic powers and makes Damien look like a sissy as the ambulance works wheel ruts to and from her home.This is not a film which time has treated well. I watched this on a multi-DVD and it was horribly unrestored. The acting was bad and this could be a "so bad it is good" type of film if you're in the proper mental state as the terror scenes proved to be on the funny side. The Medium who can talk to inanimate objects replaces the Ouija board and saved 10 minutes.Unless you are Randi Allen or a collector far more serious than me, you might want to avoid. As always one man's garbage is another man's cult classic.Guide: "B" word. No sex or nudity.

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A great big steaming serving of fromage from Canada, Cathy's Curse is a truly bad film that manages to still be pretty entertaining due to terrible acting, horrible effects, choppy editing, lazy script, poor lighting, questionable costume design, dreary food, ill-conceived feng shui, bad attitude, foul breath, wrong crossword answers, and inability to replace toilet paper.It's one of those films where a child gets possessed and starts harassing other people while they all live in a haunted house. I think. You see, years before, Cathy's Aunt was killed in a car crash by her (Cathy's) grandad, and her (Cathy's) dad has now moved into her (Cathy's) grandad's house with her neurotic mother (Cathy's). Cathy's (Cathy's) mother will wind you up right from the start as she's kind of the irritable type who starts fights with her husband while doesn't he do much fighting at all.Cathy finds a doll upstairs in the attic and you next thing you next she's getting lippy with her parents, stabbing other kids in the eye and listening to Marlyin Manson. Her nanny takes a header out of a window and this quite rightly sends her mum round the bend. Her dad didn't seem too bothered mind.If you've seen the Omen, or the Exorcist, or Beyond the Door 2 you'll get a general idea of what this film is all about, only it's much, much worse. Why her dead ghost Aunt was so angry we'll never know, nor shall we discover why she killed the dog, who seems to have been hired for its ability to walk backwards.What you do get is particularly bad acting from the mum, the drunk guy, and the kid mixed with your usual haunted house effects (blood running from taps, doors closing, pictures shaking). I'm a sucker for such things, and as the film didn't bother trying to explain anything, it wasn't boring either.

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This movie, called Cathy's Curse here in the U.S., was one I was long curious about since the early '80s when I saw a commercial of it on TV. The version I got was on VHS from Continental Video that I bought from a used video store called Grand Cinema Station. Unlike the shoddy prints I attempted to watch on various internet sites, the one I finally saw looked decent enough. The movie itself had some effective scenes involving rats, snakes, and a tarantula for an elderly babysitter that gets drunk and another involving the title character's mother as she's sitting in a watered bathtub with blood suddenly spurting from the faucet. But those would usually be followed by a lethargic pace where everything is temporarily normal again and one fights some sleep during those sequences. So in summation, Cauchemares has some pretty good scares but don't expect a logical story when viewing...

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Ugh. I can't believe it's my duty to humanity to review this piece of crap. I suppose I should begin.This...wasn't a thing to watch whilst staying home sick. I managed to crawl weakly over to my 50 Chilling Classics Collection and pick it up, stick in my DVD player, and stumble back to couch to watch what appeared to be a really poorly done b-movie.I was way off.This was the most horrible b-movie imaginable! The movie opens with the title "Cathy's Curse". I take a look at it and think, "Eh, crappy title, worse camera. Colors too bad. Must be made in 1960's." I look at the box...1979. I was thinking this was from '66 at the latest! Seriously, the camera is worse than that of Manos! I sit through the intro as a man walks into a house, proclaiming, "Your mother's a b*tch! She'll pay for what she's done!" I giggle a little, then immediately stop as the retarded dad, instead of *stopping* for a bunny, swerves off the road, killing them both in a fire.Fast forward a couple decades, and look, there's the house again! The new retarded family moves in and paranormal things happen. Uh...let's see...the couple makes love...something about an old lady...most of the cast dies...some kind of exorcism by ripping off the stitches of a doll's eyes...really ugly African-American kid...Am I being too crude? Anyway, you have to see it to believe it. Why two stars instead of one, you ask? 'Cause the swearing made me laugh.

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