Carnosaur 2
Carnosaur 2
R | 23 February 1995 (USA)
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A team of scientists go to a nuclear mining facility to investigate a possible meltdown and instead find a large amount of cloned dinosaurs.


Such a frustrating disappointment

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Save your money for something good and enjoyable

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I'll tell you why so serious

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I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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Why did I say "The Best in the Trilogy". Here is the explanation: This movie, is no more, no less a horrible and disgraceful copy of James Cameron's "Aliens" (1986). When you saw "Aliens", you can easily see it again in some different fashion. And here it is. The story is very, very similar. Even characters… Well, where to start, a group of technicians arrives in a giant power plant, or mine, or whatever the f**k is it, that happens to be a large nuclear reactor, and of course, we expect it to go boom… The place is crawling with raptors that enjoy to kill everything in their way, including one large (laughable) T-Rex (OK, In "Aliens" we have a bunch of drone aliens (raptors) and a big, nasty bitch – the queen (T-Rex)). The characters were also the same Jack Reed (John Savage, who… how the hell did he get here?), is a fine mixture of Corporal Hicks from Aliens (there played my Michael Biehn ) and somewhat of Ripley (Sigourney Weaver), next we have Tom McQuade (Cliff De Young), a similar character to Burke from Aliens, and then we got Jesse (Ryan Thomas Johnson), a mixture of Newt and Ripley from the "Aliens", why Ripley? Because Jesse kills a T-Rex with a forklift on the end of the film, just as Ripley pushed out alien queen from space ship, The character of 'Monk' is no one else, but Hudson (Bill Paxton from "Aliens"), who makes jokes and get most scared when the things go out of control, other characters as Moses is a original, by the looks of things, but he did a bypass on the large doors, just as Hudson did in "Aliens", and by his looks, he bears a resemblance to Pvt. Frost from "Aliens". Ben Kahane (Don Stroud) is of course, Sgt. Apone and the girls (oh, I left the girls for the end, how rude of me… but I don't give a damn, frankly, my dear), first Sarah Rawlins had nothing to do with "Aliens" character, so it's free to say, that she is quite original, but gives us a resemblance to Pvt. Vasquez… maybe for a moment, or not, but she dies like Hudson... in gore and pain, and finally we have Joanne Galloway the pilot, very similar to "Aliens" pilot Ferro, also a female pilot, that dies in the same way. Killed off behind the pilot chair inside the aircraft. So much about those things, there is a lot more to say about connections between "Aliens" and "Carnosaur 2". In short… one big "copy/paste". The acting, atmosphere, script, special effects (especially gore and dinosaur effects), are just plain funny. The dinosaur puppets are the same and their movements are also the same – Lame! And for the end, guess what? I do recommend this film! Watch it, it is funny and entertaining, more different that the original, or the even more funnier "Carnosaur 3". Enjoy!

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Sweet Jesus what the hell did i just watch. if you want to watch one of the worst made, worst acted, worst overall job on a movie, then you've come to the right place. Carnosaur 2 features NONE of the same actors, directors, or even writers of the first one. i watched carnosaur 1 and it has no relation to this movie at all (another crappy movie by the way). if you want to rent a horrible movie to laugh at, then this is a great one for doing so. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD ANYONE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH PURCHASE THIS PIECE OF CRAP. it has a replay value of about, oh, lets say, none. my favorite part by far was when you could clearly see the outline of a person walking around in the suit when he is about to kill the token black guy at the beginning of a movie. unnecessary cussing and absolutely zero plot add to the fun. i am so looking forward to watching carnosaur 3.

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First off this comment is more of a review and contains a lot of spoilers. This movie is called Carnosaur 2. But there are almost no actual Carnosaurs. They are all raptors and the only Carnosaur comes out at the end for 2 minutes and get's killed by a kid with a fork lift. Need I say more? When the woman gets her arm ripped off, it's slow and she screams as if she was pinched. The blood is the wrong colour and the blood isn't leaking but it's sticky! The Raptor looks very fake and when it kills the first dark-skin guy it slaps him twice then kills him. The acting is extremely poor and is very cheesy. The kid is annoying and is a crappy actor. The blood is sticky when a workman gets his head bit off and his legs are still moving. I can't believe how bad this movie is. In the beginning when the raptor comes, you don't see it and all you see is some people throwing them selves on tables and screaming. However to some degree its funny because of how bad it is and is actually quite entertaining and for that it doesn't get a 1/10.My Rating: 3.6/10

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Evidently someone involved in this production has created multiple email accounts to vault the Vote scoring up to 3.6/10. Believe me: This movie rates a 1. Or a fraction.I have a Love/Hate thing going with this type of movie. On the Hate side movies such as Carnosaur 2 are Z-quality: they pillage clichés without conscience; the special effects don't fool a four-year old; the filming set is often an "underground facility" or "molded plastic cave" to conceal a lack of "site location" budget; the actors are no-names except for one or two spiraling has-beens fresh off the dinner theater circuit; and the plots are ridiculous retreads or riffs conjured on the set.On the Love side: Such movies are unabashedly pure in their lack of production values, star power, and talent. They are beautiful things to watch and their badness should be admired. An ultra-bad movie like Carnosaur 2 is a lot of fun and hilarious if you have a couple of minutes during channel surfing or if you're stoned at 2 am or having a party.Little known fact: The special effects were pioneered in the groundbreaking Barney the Purple Dinosaur series. If you look reeeeeeally close...OK, even if you look from a can see the rubber Carnosaur suits squish up from the guys inside or the obvious camera angle placement to make the 2 foot tall model the size of a forklift...or the rubber toes bending in awkward boneless ways...or you name it.God bless the Sci-Fi Channel for breathing life into these silly, ultra-low budget horror and sci-fi flicks. Long live the B-movie!

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