Cannibal Apocalypse
Cannibal Apocalypse
R | 18 September 1981 (USA)
Cannibal Apocalypse Trailers

Released from captivity in Vietnam, two American Army officers return to civilian life and discover they have acquired an insatiable taste for human flesh. A city is terrorised... as they stalk the inhabitants to satisfy their primitive appetites.

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I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.

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Asad Almond

A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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Anoushka Slater

While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.

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I have not seen all that many cannibal films, in fact, the only other one I have seen is the zombie/cannibal mash up, "Zombie Holocaust". I have seen previews from some of the other cannibal films and from what I have seen, I just am not all that keen on seeing them. The reason I wanted to see this one is because it sounded more interesting than those films in that it does not take place within the jungles and cannibalism in this film is transferred much like rabies. It also starred John Saxon and he does a rather good job here which is funny in that he really did not like making this film. Of course, the director was not all that happy about this one either. Nor was the one actor who played, Bob in City of the Living Dead, basically saying that this is the worst film he played in. So apparently, the way to make a good cannibal film is to bring a bunch of people together who do not want to make the film and force them too and the result ends up being a very nice Italian splatter film.The story has a Vietnam veteran who is trying to cope with nightmares he is having about the time he saved his buddies in Nam. Apparently, one of them, chomped his arm and now he has started to have cravings for meat. One of his friends goes on a rampage during what is sort of a weekend pass out of a mental institution and soon he and his buddy still locked up begin to melt down and revert to the flesh eating that they ended up turning to when in Vietnam. Turns out they also transfer this condition to others and soon the police are having to try and stop the three Nam buddies and a nurse, before they can infect the entire city with this strange virus.The film was good and fast paced as it never lingered to long on pointless plot points to pad out the film like so many lower budget horror films tend to do. There is ample gore, but never does it go overboard like other cannibal films. Granted, I have never seen ones such as Cannibal Holocaust, but I have seen the trailer and it is quite bad. I also felt sympathy for the John Saxon character and that helped the film too. The man has struggled and kept this strange urge to eat human flesh controlled, but due to a lapse of good judgment by mental health officials his buddy got to him causing him to spiral downward quickly. The film is not perfect as they could have explained the virus better, but overall it was a nice film that passed time quite well.

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This video nastie was eventually released in Britain with 2 seconds cut. Those two seconds must have had all of the action because there was really nothing left in this movie that would qualify it as a nasty.Some Vietnam soldiers are trapped in a cage and they get an opportunity to gnaw on some flesh. That is the only nudity you see in the film - 2 seconds. One of them bites his Captain's (John Saxon) arm when being rescued and he has the dormant virus that will come to haunt him in later years.For some reason, the two soldiers never fully recover and they go on a rampage that is tame by cannibal standards. The police end up chasing them all in a sewer, but our hero escapes and puts on his uniform for an honorable death.You can be sure they did not get them all, but I don't know if there was an Apocalypse II.

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Witchfinder General 666

I am a great fan of director Antonio Margheriti, whose impressive repertoire includes brilliant Horror as well as great Spaghetti Westerns. His doubtlessly greatest film is the Gothic masterpiece "Danza Macabra" aka. "Castle of Blood" of 1964, starring the great Barbara Steele, followed by the brilliant revenge Western "E Dio disse A Caino" ("And God said to Cain", 1970) with Klaus Kinski, and "La Vergine Di Norimberga" ("Castle of Terror", 1963"). Even though not one of his masterpieces, "Apocalypse Domani" aka. "Cannibal Apocalypse" of 1980 is an original and highly entertaining film. This is quite different to other Italian Cannibal movies that are set in the jungle, as it takes place in the city almost entirely (only the first five minutes take place in the Vietnamese jungle). This film was banned in several countries after its release, but it is not nearly as gruesome as one might expect. It is full of nauseating gore, no doubt, but compared to other contemporary Cannibal-films such as "Cannibal Holocaust" (1980), "Cannibal Ferox (1981) ore "Eaten Alive" (1980), "Cannibal Apocalypse" is actually quite tame."Cannibal Apocalypse" is about a mysterious virus that gives people an irresitible hunger for human flesh. American soldiers have been infected with the virus in Vietnam, and have brought it back home with them... The greatest aspect of "Cannibal Apocalypse" is arguably the brilliant casting of John Saxon and Giovanni Lombardo Radice. Saxon is, as always, great in his typical stoic manner. The best performance, however, comes from Radice who is once again excellent in his role here. Giovanni Lombardo Radice enjoys a deserved cult-status among fans of Italian Horror/Gore films and his role here perfectly illustrates why - his character (of the name Charles Bukowski!) is one of the first infected with the cannibal virus, and Radice excellently portrays the Vietnam veteran's blood-lust and insanity. The film often resembles a Zombie-flick more than the Cannibal-flicks of the time. The people infected, however, are not brain-dead flesh-eaters, but intelligent, thinking people - only with the unconquerable hunger for human flesh... One of the greatest elements of Italian Cannibal flicks were their scores, and even not quite typical, Alexander Blonkensteiner's score is great. "Cannibal Apocalypse" may not be one of the greatest Italian Cannibal films, but it is definitely highly original. Lovers of Italian Horror/Gore cinema can not afford to miss this!

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Although Ruggero Deodato's CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST takes the title of ultimate cannibal movie, CANNIBAL APOCALYPSE is a pretty good addition and takes the movie in new directions. John Saxon is pretty good as well, as a Vietnam veteran who experiences life with cannibals and finds when he returns home that he can't resist a taste for flesh.Italian favourite John Morghem turns up as worthy support and although he comes off no worse in this than he did in HOUSE ON THE EDGE THE PARK or CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD, he provides sterling support to Saxon as their predicament gets worse and worse.Some memorable moments of horror punctuate a rather neat-stylish film that is elevated above other Italian Zombie flicks and give the film an air of sophistication rarely achieved.

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