R | 11 February 2000 (USA)
Mercy Trailers

Detective Catherine Palmer is on the trail of an elusive serial killer. During her investigation she meets Vickie Kittrie, who belongs to an exclusive club of women who engage in secret sessions of bondage and S&M. Matters become even more complicated when Palmer finds herself attracted to Kittrie, leading to a brief lesbian encounter. Palmer soon learns that each victim belonged to this club of prominent, sexually experimental women. In order to catch the killer, Catherine must trust Vickie to guide her through the dangerous and illicit underground.


You won't be disappointed!

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Save your money for something good and enjoyable

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Pretty Good

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Casey Duggan

It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny

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(the spoiler bit is only in the last paragraph)Be warned, if you're scouting for a hot title, this one is just too much of a cold fish to be anything like that, or if you're scouting for a dark title, this one is too mild to be anything like that either. Good performance by Ellen Barkin, but if you carry an erotic torch for her, go to the sea, the SEA OF LOVE, ah, those were the days. Peta Wilson? I was, upon first sight, disappointed, but, yeah, she is something to see, especially as the film progresses. She's a very complicated character though. So any fun? Quite frankly, few and far between, with lotsa yuck getting into the way. And it's kinda dorky yuck, cause convincing it's not, the dead bodies are clearly prop department works of 'art.'Getting slapped with a wet fish through the face, that's what this creepy movie is. I don't mean creepy in a shivery way. I mean creepy as in yuck. Corpses galore. Naked corpses. Bloodied naked corpses. Close-ups of bloodied naked corpses. This movie caters to the vulture mindset.Quite distasteful, leaves a bad taste, though well-filmed. Unsettling story-line is not what I am referring to. Plot holes and lots left unexplained.A dark psychological thriller loaded with psychobabble, inane Freudian ramblings that has never held any water but is being devoured like sweet-cakes at a church fair, because it tells people what they want to hear. In the World as it is, we are all very, very different, and no one damn universal truth exists. We are all very strange bunnies, so damn the case files, just because Person A acted like this ten decades ago, doesn't mean everybody is going to follow suit, but there is a whole industry of psychologists who can afford to live life up high in their own ivory towers charging rent to other people's castles up there in the sky. Much of the motivation doesn't even make sense, for instance, the sniper scenes, I fail to understand, obviously because it is just a bunch of junk.I originally saw the downloaded trailer and figured it to be a good bet. Well, it's kinda really really a letdown in many, I'd say, most ways. Visually not nearly as exciting as it promised to be. Wallowing about in stupid badly-presented psychological disorders. The swimming pool scene was well done, however. Danielle Marie Straub, no speaking part, unforgettable in her aquamarine bathing suit, the very symbol of innocence, plays the molested child with a dismayed questioning expression that speaks volumes.It was an expensive purchase for me. All well and fine if you can see it for the price of a rental, or on cable, whatever you guys do, but I went the whole hog.Now, the spoilers:Julian Sands. Getting eaten alive. Yells out campy-voiced. Oh go home man! Karen Young, who is quite good at times, is absolutely inadequate in that crucial scene where she approaches drag- outfitted Dr. Broussard. That has the feel of a first attempt. And what a monumental waste writing Peta Wilson out of proceedings long before the end. Some unforgivable mistakes.

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I watched this turkey because Ellen Barkin is in it. Thanks, Ellen. This is a serial murder movie, Barkin is a cop. The victims arewomen who belong to an S&M group. Barkin has conflicted sexualfeelings. Get it? In it's best moments, it reminds you a little ofDressed To Kill but without the style, without the writing andwithout Michael Caine. Ellen Barkin ambles through the filmwearing a one-size-fits all expression that could come from asevere sleep disorder, a few reefers or from make-up that set uptoo hard, I couldn't tell. This film purports to tell the story from afemale perspective, and so if you are terribly interested in thisaspect of movie story-telling, you may find something here that Ididn't. I will confess by bias against preachy feminism in film. (Ihated The Piano, and I thought the Julianne Moore characterruined the second Jurassic Park movie.) And as for Julian Sands,he's going to wind up typecast like Anthony Perkins. Thetransvestite dancing scene is as funny as the "She Works Hard forthe Money" scene in The Birdcage. Too bad it wasn't played forlaughs.

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The erotic ambiance of this film is overwhelming. The plot is sexually charged despite the fact that there is no overt sex depicted in the film. The nudity that is shown seems more for function than exploitation. Peta Wilson's performance is incredibly compelling and sensual. "Mercy" is worth seeing for her presentation alone. Add the somber mood of the film, the secret femme culture of rough sex that is explored, Ellen Barkin as a troubled detective, and what could have been merely an "B" Movie cop thriller becomes a special film that held me rapt from start to finish. Female protagonists dominate "Mercy". I think that is one of the key factors that make it so entertaining. It makes no apologies its depiction of its women being independent and living their own, albeit secret, lives. One learns gradually of this subculture as the erotic Vicki Kittrie reluctantly guides Detective Catherie Palmer through this dark, ethereal world in search of a killer. This is really a film worth enjoying. The acting is superb from one and all. The plot moves along with constant suspense, and the climax is gritty and real, yet stunning in its poignance. And that aura of the sensually erotic simply pervades every scene. I highly recommend "Mercy".

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This one is a bit more stylish than the average erotic thriller and Peta Wilson is a very sexy presence but it plays like they lost a few pages of script somewhere. Subplots come in and out of nowhere, the connections between some of the characters are murky and the killer's motivation is unclear to say the least. Maybe they could get away with this in a porn version, but here some more clarification is needed.

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