Brothers in Arms
Brothers in Arms
R | 01 January 2005 (USA)
Brothers in Arms Trailers

The two 'most wanted' cowboys in the New Mexico territory ride into Corazon for one last job - to rob the ruthless town boss.


There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.

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It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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Blake Rivera

If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.

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There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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I love bad movies. I specialise in bad movies It seems common to hear about the worst film ever made. Bad films are more elusive than you might imagine. This is far from being a bad film. I can hardly find an aspect of film-making in which it fails.I'm not prepared to say how good it is. It takes me a while to warm to a film.We have black protagonists. Is that the problem? Are they musicians? It doesn't matter. They do well. You get a chance to see some fine support actors go through their paces. David Carradine, Raymond Cruz, Peter Green, Ed Lauter. These actors put the film on the radar of legitimate entertainment.Western clichés are revisited and are freshened up more than a little.The script seldom clunks. Characters are introduced and followed leading viewers to the climax, which is not formulaic.I really hope this film climbs out of the bottom hundred in time. It is occupying much needed space belonging to another film.

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Something is really wrong with this movie.I don't know much about American History. I would think at that point of time, Blacks are heavily discriminated even in the 1960s when a Black person had to give up his or her seat in a bus to a White. Here we have in this movie, a Black Lady Sheriff. Is that real? Also Blacks can freely wander into the Saloon and mingle with the rest of the crowd without any incident? I would think, at that time, drinks will not be served to Blacks.Another flaw, one of the Bank robbers, the Hero who died allowing his brother to escape through a side window, wore a Leather Jacket with zippers. Zippers came into production only in 1930.

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This is one of those movies that I couldn't even sit all the way through, and I have sat through some absolute crap in my days, even many Baldwin movies! I don't mind the blacksploitation genre, but this one was just terrible, acting was terrible, story line was terrible, costumes were cliché and let's not even get into the historical plausibility.The bottom line is: even if you can get this movie for free or see it with a friend, you'll regret the hour+ of your life that you spent watching it (or less time if you can't sit through it like me).On the plus side it may be good for a laugh if you're drunk at home with some mates, although it still doesn't have the drunken laughter appeal of something like Python or any of the 70's and 80's cult movies.If you want a serious movie, don't get this, if you want a drunken laugh then only get this if ALL of the 80's horror films are already hired out.I gave it a score of one because 'awful' really is fitting.

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I can't believe someone would actually want to put this film out for the public to view. Acting was pitiful on most parts (Caradine and some of the other veteran actors excepted). Costumes ranged from tight leather pants and tube top to "Western" costumes from a bargain Halloween store. From the wimpy bank manager to the W.C. Fields mayor, characterization was corny and I felt embarrassed for the actors. I can't even begin to describe the errors and bastardization of Western life and culture. An absolute travesty. This relates to BAD as "Unforgiven" relates to great. I think a 5-year-old could write a better story, film it and direct it... probably even act in it! If someone wants to play cowboy and film it for fun with friends fine, but don't bother publishing it. I do believe you should ad at least a ZERO to your voting scale.

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