Brain Twisters
Brain Twisters
| 01 February 1991 (USA)
Brain Twisters Trailers

Employees of a software company discover a conspiracy to use the games made by the company to control the thoughts of its customers.

Kattiera Nana

I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.

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Matylda Swan

It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.

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Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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This film is very much like the superior Strange Behaviour, except there's no Tangerine Dream on the soundtrack and it's more boring. A high cheese factor does help, however. College kids who get involved with some professor's experiments end up killing people and then themselves. The professor's doing this on behalf of some evil corporation who have folks around just in case everything goes wrong, which, this being a horror film, it does.Just to show how engaging this film this, I've forgotten the names of every single character. There's the main girl who works for the professor, and then there's the professor, who's kind of all over the place acting wise, and then there's this police guy snooping around the professor while trying to put the moves on the girl, while the evil corporation try to quietly clean everything up by shooting people in broad daylight, broadcasting freaky energy waves onto the girl's television, and generally arsing things up.I know it was released in 1991 but this film has a full on eighties cheese factor on the go. However, there's not much by way of nudity or gore to liven up the cheap proceedings, so if you're intending to watch this one be well warned. The ending is also a bit of a head scratcher (with the worst looking console game ever).Also – I'm not sure of why the evil corporation where doing what they were doing in the first place.

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Silly me, I thought that "Blood Trails" was the worst film that I'd have the misfortune to watch today. But lo and behold, here comes "Brain Twisters" to again prove me wrong, oh so VERY wrong.This relatively bloodless tale of an insane scientist (but aren't they all) who's experiments with a video game make his student subjects into mindless murderous psychopaths, has nothing going for it. Insanely bad acting, and horribly disjointed storyline that at times I think was merely jotted haphazardly on paper cocktail napkins. This stinker not only scrapes the bottom of the proverbial barrel, but permanently resides there. It can't get much worse than this.

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This is definitely a forgotten piece of cinema from the early 90's if ever there was one. I found Brain Twisters as part of a recent Mill Creek DVD boxed set and, while the twelve-movie sets aren't nearly as daunting as those with fifty, when I purchase a boxed set I watch them all, no matter how painful.In all actuality, this is not as bad as the other reviews would suggest. That's not to say this is a good movie, either; it just doesn't have anything especially interesting going on with it to fall into that So-Bad-It's-Good category. It does have some blood, but it could have used some more meat and maybe an exposed breast or two.The basic premise is this: a college professor named Dr. Philip Rothman (Terry Londeree, in one of his only film roles--his acting is even more wooden than Keanu Reeves) is working with a private company to develop a mind-altering software, and uses his own workstudy students as lab subjects. The testing consists of the subjects watching some colorful four-bit graphics that look like they were made on a Commodore 64 or some other piece of hardware that was outdated even by the standards of the early 90's. Very pretty, yes, but in this case the colorful squares also turn the subjects into vicious killers. Sometimes they kill themselves, depending on the needs of the script.Most of the story revolves around the life of one of Rothman's students, Laurie Stevens (Farrah Forke, who actually did go on to get some decent work on television). She's not exactly a "final girl" in any sense, though, just to note--I noticed other reviewers calling this a Slasher film, which it is not by any stretch of the imagination. Laurie is just a lead character, but she is written very thinly; she is, for example, apparently able to resist the mind control aspects of the pretty lights, but that is not very well conveyed through either script nor acting.Behind the poorly executed plot is a conspiracy involving a video game developer (I think) that is (for some unknown reason) using the pretty light software to put into commercial games with the intention of making kids go crazy and kill people (I guess). There's also this uncomfortable romantic sub-plot with Laurie and a cop (Frank Tun, played by Joe Lombardo, whoever that is). Really, the whole thing is one big mess.I honestly can't recommend this flick for anyone, but it was moderately amusing, if only because it was so bad.

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Driven Dr. Philip Rothman (a hopelessly insipid and less than sinister performance by Terry Lenderee) conducts mind control experiments on students which in turn causes them to become crazy and murderous. Sound good? Well, it sure ain't. For starters, writer/director Jerry Sangiuliano relates the meandering story at an excruciatingly sluggish pace and fails to build even a modicum of tension. Worse yet, the characters are all blah cardboard stereotypes: we've got the shameless slut (Donna Bostany, who at least looks hot) who sleeps with all her professors so she can earn passing grades, the no-nonsense police detective (flatly played by Joe Lombardo) who's determined to solve the case no matter what, and even the obligatory weirdo janitor (Charles Lopresto, who at least looks creepy) who's always lurking around every corner. Adding additional abject insult to already appalling injury are Larry Gelb's annoyingly shrill and redundant shivery synthesizer score, a numbing surplus of tedious talk, infrequent kill scenes, no nudity to speak of, extremely mild and largely bloodless violence, tacky 80's video game-style (far from) special effects, and a dissatisfying limp ending. This movie crucially lacks the necessary energy and sense of misguided enthusiasm to qualify as an enjoyably awful piece of schlock. Instead this flick is about as fun and exciting as watching two elderly turtles copulate. An immensely cruddy and unrewarding stiff.

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