Bad Ass
Bad Ass
R | 13 April 2012 (USA)
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Decorated Vietnam hero, Frank Vega returns home only to get shunned by society leaving him without a job or his high school sweetheart. It's not until forty years later when an incident on a commuter bus makes him a local hero where he's suddenly celebrated once again. But his good fortune suddenly turns for the worse when his best friend is murdered and the police aren't doing anything about it.


Wow! Such a good movie.

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Masterful Movie

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It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.

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Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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..So says a police officer that is on Frank Vega's (Danny Trejo) side. The film is a by the book revenger. There are probably a thousand and one films like "Bad Ass." But Danny's the star, and that makes all the difference. Also, he's a nice guy in this one and doesn't start beating people up until the bad guys force him to beat them up. Lots of action, some blood, and a whole lot of butt kicking. If you're a fan of revenge films, it is recommended.

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Don Perlman was really wasted in this movie. I suppose we are used to people running long distances without getting out of breath. OK it may work with the young guys but Dutton carrying so much weight would collapse after even after 50 yards; then he is also capable of a heavyweight fight with Trajo without getting out of breath. Trajo is not lightweight himself and he would be about 65 in the plot

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With the title of "Bad Ass", you know this is not going to be a masterpiece. The story is a parody of sorts of action films (ie: Chuck Norris, Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Van Damme, etc. vs. the bad guys alone) but this time the protagonist is a frumpy old man.There are movies that are so bad they become entertaining; this is one of them. The dialog is bad, the fight scenes are bad, the special effects are bad, there is nothing noteworthy or redeeming at all. I might as well kick 'em while they're down and note that the entire vehicle chase scene is cut and pasted from a 1988 Schwarzenegger film.If you turn off your left brain (the supposedly analytical side) while watching this, you'll find some chuckles here and there. A frumpy old hero? While not believable that an older person can take out all the baddies hand-to-hand, it is not inconceivable that he can win some of the fights.If you are looking for mindless entertainment and don't mind extreme profanity and violence, you may enjoy this movie. For the same reasons, I recommend keeping kids away it.

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Lots of action as was to be expected with the star and the title. It is nice to see Trejo getting some relatively good guy roles after all the (no pun intended) bad ass roles he played plus the really bad life he turned around. In this movie it is a good thing he is playing his age because he is starting to move like I do, an older man. Poor old Charles S. Dutton has not had a good guy role since "Roc", except for the Die Hard movie. Everything I have seen him in since he is a rotten cop, gang banger, or drug pusher. This movie is really just a platform for Trejo to make bank on after "Machete" and the sequel but it is entertaining. I really like the revenge factor of this movie when the best friend is murdered and that starts everything moving. They never say or I missed it, where the he got the flash drive but it is the catalyst for the rest of the movie. I like how they let the old guy still be forceful and powerful enough to beat up the bad guys. The one really interesting thing about the whole movie was Trejo never used a gun. This is a really decent B movie.

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