The Zohar Secret
The Zohar Secret
| 01 January 2017 (USA)
The Zohar Secret Trailers

Max finds himself in possession of an ancient scroll that describes the entire history of humankind from beginning to end. Seeking to use the information for his own gain, Max triggers the mechanism that begins influencing his own life.


Some things I liked some I did not.

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This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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Mehdi Hoffman

There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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Very well done.. an inspiring and entertaining reminder of everything you already knew to be true.

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Hi peopleI liked it because it has good acting in it. Music, I liked and where it played from and how sometimes was violently and abruptly stopped. Themes and scores are nice, I like them. Movie is funny. Filming is good, scenography is not bad, decently taken care of. It has funny moments. Story is simple, obvious, story is sad, it's not(?) that funny.. Story is about how tormented any of us can feel at times. How great burden often rest on our shoulders, which we have to carry, only we so often cannot tell who put it there. Maybe we did ourselves(?). Story is about how madness can be, is, a disease that each of us could very easily contract, or catch. And how when one is infected, impossible is to find a cure, or! even just to get some help.The whole picture I found... light, bright... refreshing.Listen, I picked up this film while browsing tens of movies in Amazon's Prime, just a click.. Look, I watched it while solving, playing with some computer machine problem. I could have gone for any other movie... I'm glad I did not.Do not take seriously morons who say something like "..budget was small for it was filmed in caves, houses, ..." yet you watch in this movie creators spending(wasting?) a small fortune on a battle scenes. (morons naturally are people disabled in one way or another, nothing wrong with them, waste of time are those who claim they have something to say but what they give is a gibberish). Even if a budget is small, it does not matter(not to a filmmaker nor a cinema fan) for even for a half of small-budget one can make a nice piece.I liked it, not everyone will.

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Guido Mamone

I not going to add much more than what was already described by other user. This movie had almost nine stars but it was just a bubble. Don't waste your time, it is a repetitive movie with no good acting, dialogs, etc.If you don't really believe in the bubble stuff, go check the distribution of the votes. At to date, 80% votes are 10/10. It's just impossible, The Shawshank Redemption (#1 in Top 250) has 50%. Its obvious that a bunch of guys took the time to artificially inflate the number of stars. It wouldn't be the first time, nor the last.

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I will try to write this review with minimum insinuations that might be spoilers so I will intentionally be somewhat abstract… When I first heard about this movie and read the title, I immediately formed certain expectations about what it will be like. This movie is NOTHING like I imagined or expected. It is so rare in our days of "nothing new under the sun" for something to make you feel and think so deeply in unexpected ways. And surprisingly, it is very universal - not didactic or dogmatic in any particular way. What I really value in films is their ability, when the movie is over, to make you continue making new discoveries inside yourself influenced by it as the time passes… I felt exactly that for many days after watching it. It is an existential adventure somewhere very deep inside of you that I cannot even put into words

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