Baby Geniuses
Baby Geniuses
PG | 12 March 1999 (USA)
Baby Geniuses Trailers

BabyCo is the world's leading manufacturer in baby products. However, what the public doesn't know, is that Drs Kinder and Heep, two of its most brilliant scientists, are tirelessly working in complete secrecy to crack the indecipherable code to 'baby talk': a highly sophisticated language, and the key to the secrets of the universe. Before long, problems arise when mischievous Sly, the smartest of the toddlers, escapes confinement, bent on uniting all babies to free those trapped in the laboratory. Now, Kinder and Heep must find Sly before it is too late.


Best movie ever!

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Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

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Bea Swanson

This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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Good movie but ugly babies! 6/10Who is the big guy in overalls? At first I thought he was their plumber, but they were weirdly close to their plumber. Is he a relative to the babies? Is he a farmer?

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Movie Geek Loser

THIS MOVIE IS UTTER TRASH! It's unfunny, boring, offensive, and terrible! This is why there are still terrible kids films. Do not show your kids this movie. It'll only make them stupid and not grow as people. It may seem like an innocent, funny kids movie but IT'S NOT!!! If you want to show your young kids a movie to keep them entertained, show them something that'll feed their minds! Here's a few movies that'll do better to your kids than BABY GENIUSES: -Any Disney princess movies. -Any Pixar film -The Lion King -Shrek -Kung Fu Panda And if you want some dumb fun for the family go for the Madagascar movies and Megamind. Any of these movies are 100 times better than BABY GENIUSES! Think that this movie is "underrated" for a reason!

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Christopher Evans

This film is an embarrassment.To see some cast members like Christopher Lloyd reduced to this is sad. The concept is dumb and badly executed with unfunny, silly and dull script.The performances and the talking babies themselves are bad and overall this is worthy of its very low rating.Not genius, completely stupid.

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This movie is a bad one. The whole premise of the movie works a little bit better than I thought it would, but it is still a really dumb premise. So sly has enough physical dexterity to judo throw a grown man, do back-hand springs, and swing on ropes, but he does not have mastery over his own bowels? I know they're supposed to be advanced, but being a genius doesn't mean you're physically gifted in any way. I tried to imagine myself as a child when it came to the jokes, but they still were not funny. The mall scene is where this movie really starts to fall apart. The parents mix up their children at the mall but the two twins were wearing different outfits. Yes, I know that the mother acknowledges this but what are the chances that they would be dressed so similarly out of coincidence? I could have been generous and given this movie a 2,but I decided not to do that. The rest of it wasn't any worse than the Mario Brothers movie I wouldn't say, but one scene lead me to this conclusion. There is a scene in the mall where Sly hops inside of a baby carriage and a joke ABOUT SEX occurs between two babies. I know they're supposed to be "advanced" or whatever but that is completely and utterly awful. I feel like a should get a medal for sitting through this entire movie.

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