Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman
Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman
R | 28 September 1994 (USA)
Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman Trailers

When an abused heiress grows to giant size because of her encounter with aliens, she decides to get revenge on her cheating husband and those who looked down on her.


One of my all time favorites.

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Did you people see the same film I saw?

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I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.

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Anoushka Slater

While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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This 1993 TV movie is a remake of a classic, campy bit of '50s sci-fi cinema and it's an absolute dog of a film. Perhaps understandably, the makes of this pitiful nonsense have gone for a comic, equally campy approach because there's no way the elements of this movie could ever be taken seriously, comedy or otherwise.ATTACK OF THE 50 FT. WOMAN is a film filled with horrible actors reading from a horrible script. It's diabolically bad, the script is puerile and at times it gets so bad that I actually felt embarrassed for those involved. Yes, this stuff could pass muster in the long-gone 1950s, but not in the early '90s when TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY had revolutionised the sci-fi genre just two years previously.Daryl Hannah lives up to her blonde bimbo reputation as the titular character, who doesn't even grow until an inordinate time of boring small-talk and excruciating attempts at character development have taken place. Meanwhile, the Baldwin clan have a reputation for playing sleazy, slimy and obnoxious characters and sibling Daniel takes the biscuit with his adulterous husband here - a character who's literally oozing grease and stupidity.The special effects are poor, and only appear "special" in a couple of scenes in the whole movie, and the sight of a wobbly, poorly-animated UFO is the barrel-scraping nadir, really. The idea of a scorned wife grown to gigantic proportions and wreaking havoc on an unsuspecting town in search of her slimeball husband is an outlandish one and something you think would be difficult to mess up; there's the spectacle if nothing else, but everything about this movie is screwed up in the worst way.

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"Attack of the 50 foot Woman" was intended as a parody of the 1958 cult classic and in the beginning it does succeed on that level. Dr. Victor Loeb (Paul Benedict) tells his audience, "Everything that you are about to see is true," even though it is hard to imagine someone having the foresight to film the entire unabridged life story of the 50 foot woman, Nancy Archer (Daryl Hannah), including shots of her cheating husband Harry Archer (Daniel Baldwin).But from the moment that we see Nancy Archer driving down the highway with her car, this movie falls apart. There are gags, but the gags get old and tired very quickly. Daniel Baldwin as mean- spirited, promiscuous husband Harry Archer is funny in a couple of scenes, but annoying in others. The two police officers -- a fat cop and a skinny partner -- engage in banter that is intended to be funny, but what transpires between them does not payoff. This is the pattern throughout the film where one joke after the other is attempted and yet fails to generate any laughs. A part of the reason for the absence of laughs is that the jokes are lacking in any imagination and the other reason is that you can see the gags from a mile away. A good parody of a fifty foot woman could still be made, but this is not the film that does that. The film-makers seemed to have thought that putting a flying saucer, a fifty foot woman, some fake footage of a town, a mean husband, and two boring police officers would be enough to create a campy comedy. But they were wrong. "Attack of the 50 foot woman" is a primary example of the screenplay simply not being ready for production.

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Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman (1993) ** (out of 4) Remake of the 1958 cult classic has Darryl Hannah playing a smart woman who constantly allows herself to be taken advantage of. Her father uses her for her money while her no good husband (Daniel Baldwin) is constantly cheating on her with some trash from their town. After an encounter with a spaceship, the wife grows fifty feet and plans on setting everything straight. This isn't a "so bad it's good" movie like the original. It's not really bad but it's not really good either so in the end I must say that the film comes off as a disappointment because there's so much they could have done with the story but in the end they ended up doing very little. The funny side of the actual story could have made a good comedy but the film really comes off as lazy and not trying to get any laughs. The entire movie seems more interested in trying to develop characters and one has to ask themselves why. Do we really want to see the sad Hannah rise up (not that way) and overcome the tragedy in her life? Do we care that her mom was a nut? Why the filmmakers decided to add this type of thing or the shady deals of her father is beyond me but it really takes away from the sci-fi aspects of the film. The special effects are pretty lazy as well as are the performances. Hannah doesn't do too bad of a job but she certainly can't compare to the original film's star. Baldwin adds very little as the jerk husband. There are a few nods to the original film as well as Arkoff and Corman but the film needed a lot more of this and a lot less of the character development.

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This is a remake of a film I have never seen so it's impossible to compare but I guess it was commissioned back in the early 90's because remakes of 50's sci-fi films were then in vogue. The idea I imagine was that those old movies could benefit from the new special effects technology of the time. It has to be said, however, that some of the special effects used in this version of Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman are not much better than those used in the original King Kong sixty years previously. Maybe it's because this is a made for TV production and the budget isn't too high. That's possible certainly but I'm still sure they could've done better. Special effects aside, they could definitely have written the movie better that's for sure. The central idea of a giant woman terrorizing a town is silly and trashy and that's fine, but the problem is that she doesn't get to properly attack anything really. The final showdown effectively amounts to a domestic situation between the 50 Ft. woman and her philandering husband. It's not really the best way to showcase the central character. A little bit more destruction would not have gone amiss. Admittedly the National Guard do show up and battle with the giantess at the end but it's extremely half-hearted at best.Another problem is the way that the supporting cast react to the fact that Daryl Hannah has suddenly grown to a gigantic size. No one really seems very surprised and they all basically carry on acting as if nothing out of the ordinary has happened. A little shock and awe would not have done any harm. It might've helped us have a little empathy with some of the characters. As it was, it was difficult to care too much about anybody, seeing as everyone was so poorly written. Daryl Hannah isn't very good as the lead character but Cristi Conaway is actually not bad as the mistress; maybe she'd have been better in the title role.At the end of the day this is meant to be a cheesy film, so it has to be judged on its cheese value and it does provide some entertainment in a completely throwaway kind of way. It thankfully doesn't take itself at all seriously. At the end of the day the idea of a 50 Ft. woman going on the rampage can only be taken so far so I suppose it's not entirely surprising that this one isn't very good.

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