Atlas Shrugged: Part III
Atlas Shrugged: Part III
PG-13 | 12 September 2014 (USA)
Atlas Shrugged: Part III Trailers

Approaching collapse, the nation's economy is quickly eroding. As crime and fear take over the countryside, the government continues to exert its brutal force against the nation's most productive who are mysteriously vanishing - leaving behind a wake of despair. One man has the answer. One woman stands in his way. Some will stop at nothing to control him. Others will stop at nothing to save him. He swore by his life. They swore to find him.


It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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Usamah Harvey

The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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A car company changes its pay structure to one based on the workers' needs. John Galt (Kristoffer Polaha) refuses to go along and vows to stop the motor of the world. He convinces other industry leaders to go on strike and disappear to his hideaway. He has also invented a revolutionary engine to power the world. Dagny Taggart (Laura Regan) goes in search for the mysterious John Galt. Her plane is brought down by an electrical shield and Galt carries her out of the wreckage. She decides to return to the world to fight for her railroad business against the dictatorial Head of State Thompson and her incompetent brother James Taggart (Greg Germann). Meanwhile the world is collapsing without the captains of industrial and under attack from the pirate Ragnar Danneskjöld.The story and dialog are clunky. This is basically a ninety minute sermon. Nobody in real life speaks like this. It makes the story very unwieldy. The Galt hideaway is a huge disappointment. It's a bunch of ski lodges and cabins with a farmer's market. With all the greatest minds in the world, it needs to be a magical Tomorrowland. I was glad when Dr. Floyd Ferris brings out a Star Trek scanner but that's the only thing. Sure Galt has his motor but they don't let it be amazing. It's a horribly flat and boring first half hour. There is an interesting section where Dagny returns home to battle his idiot brother. However, even that section is messed up by simplistic ideas like Minnesota. Apparently Minnesota is the only wheat growing state. It only adds to the ridiculousness. It makes any theory advanced by this movie sound stupid. Then there is the final battle. I didn't know torture requires a complicated machine. It seems like a car battery and a jumper cable would have done the same job. It's also one of the worst guarded torture site ever imagined. It's an ignominious end to a poorly executed story.

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This entire series is awful. It is as bland as baloney on white bread without any mayo. The actors are like zombies, the director doesn't have a clue, the storyline is convoluted, and the capitalist philosophy borders on the hilarious. The film also grossly exaggerates the possible impact of socialism in the United States as well. Hello! Bullet Trains in China travel at 300 MPH, why would anyone get excited over trains that travel over 100 MPH?The new engine idea comes from a GM prototype invented in 1974 by Frank Guida, a super-cleaned coal dust which reduced harmful emissions by 600% and increased fuel efficiency by over 400%, but was never used by the company (one of the reasons they are always lagging behind the competition).But this is about the three TV episodes; I really wouldn't classify them as movies. They are box office poison, as evidenced by the minute sales of their showings. The production values are about the only thing to praise in the film, but that is not nearly enough to rescue this string of turkeys. Save your time and money and take out the book from the library.Arthur H Tafero AskMrMovies.comPS This trilogy is going straight into my Turkey Farm on the site

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This movie is terrible. I've read the book and this is not a representation of it. This movie is a let down on every front. The story line is scabbed together. The cinematography is terrible. Acting is less than second rate. Cohesion sucks. There is less climax in this movie than there is in a retirement home. What's with the music in the movie? Every transition scene has this grandiose symphony playing, making it seem like there is a plot point or twist coming up. I suffered through this junk because I had a fast forward button. Which is sad since I thought the first movie in this series was pretty well done. Then the second movie sucked. The third movie (this one) was so exponentially terrible compared to the first two that scientists are still trying to come up with a logarithmic formula to accurately represent the decaying quality from the first to third movies.Watch the first movie and accept that it never goes anywhere. Don't watch this.

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So I read the book, and then decided to watch all three movies on the same day. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the quality of acting in the first movie, and was very excited to continue on to the second film. I was surprised and slightly disappointed by the entirely new cast, but the acting was still good and the movie kept to the book very well. I was very pleased with the first two films overall.I took a long break and came back to watch the third movie, hoping to see a continuation of the first two. I struggled through the first half hour and then had to turn it off before it ruined the story for me entirely.This movie has the feel of a hallmark film that tries to address a more serious subject matter, and fails miserably. The casting was absolutely awful. The two most important characters, Dagny Taggert and John Galt delivered the absolute worst performances by a long shot. From what I have read, budget was tight for this film, and I get the feeling it was rushed for the purposes of releasing it before the 2014 election, but that is a poor excuse. This should have been the best of the three movies, as the book provided a suspenseful storyline and of course the reveal of John Galt. I think it is such a shame that this series ended in such disappointing fashion. I applaud the producers for their persistence in getting this story out there, and like I said, the first two films far exceeded my expectations. Shame on you for putting out such a poor quality product for the final installment in the series.

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