Another Heaven
Another Heaven
R | 29 April 2000 (USA)
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A pair of hard-boiled Tokyo cops are investigating a gruesome murder: after killing the victim, the murderer cut his skull open and cooked his brain in a stew. As they try to track down the killer, they discover that, quite literally, everybody is a suspect. Will they bring the terror to an end, or will they become part of it themselves?


Thanks for the memories!

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Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

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Oh gimmie a break. It's sometimes unbelievable what some people write on the imdb, with their quasi limp-wristed outlook on things. Is the Sundance Channel only supposed to show politically-correct films that can't deviate from what the left-wing art crowd expects? Sheesh... It's a murder mystery with a supernatural aspect to it, not some high-falootin' social-statement about Japanese society as a whole. Good grief... And I happen to like it.Tokyo cops investigate the murder of a guy who's had the top of his skull lopped of by the killer. They notice his brains are missing. They also notice a pleasant smell coming from the pot boiling from the stove, open it and find his brains boiling inside. Then the cops all run outside and puke. Hilarious! (laughs)Then more bodies turn up with their brains scooped out of their skulls and prepared as food nearby. It seems this strange alien watery substance takes over people's bodies and turns them into superhuman lunatics. The substance goes from character to character throughout the film making life quite difficult for the cops on the case. Who will the substance inhabit next? Who will be the next victims? I like stories like this. The ending is pretty anticlimactic though, as the two cops manage to burn down an expensive house that the alien watery substance is trapped in. We watch it as it glides silently across the walls trying to preserve itself by finding a new host and avoid the fire. And then the rain falls. A good analogy. 7 out of 10 for keeping me entertained in this what-done-it...

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In the great scheme of things, horror films are never expected to be more than entertaining and "Another Heaven" offered me just that. I confess that the initial draw for me was the serial killer ingredient, but the handsome and sexy Yosuke Eguchi reeled me in within seconds, he is very tasty eye candy!!! The plot? Well... Considering I am a fan of such slasher flicks as "Halloween" and "Nightmare on Elm Street", and the Evil Dead films rock, "Another Heaven" was a bit deeper than I had anticipated.I enjoyed the take on Revelations. With most films I can predict the outcome within the first five minutes, with "Another Heaven" I was baffled until ten minutes to the end. To me that is an accomplishment. Yeah, there is a homophobic element, not unlike the rednecks that live in my city really, and the violence towards women could be misconstrued, but honestly folks... I think that was more of character development, ok?All in all it was a great ride, and one I am happy to show to anyone willing to watch!!!tix

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I saw this movie the other night on Sundance Channel. The first thing that caught my eye was the star, Yosuke Eguchi. Very hot. As I was drawn further into the story, I realized it was very similar to the 1987 film THE HIDDEN, starring Kyle MacLachlan. While very stylish and slick, ANOTHER HEAVEN isn't quite as good as THE HIDDEN. Or maybe it's just not as straightforward as THE HIDDEN. Who or what the killer is in ANOTHER HEAVEN is partly left up to the viewer's interpretation. Still a very interesting and cool little flick that I had never heard of, and I watch waaaaay too many movies...

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Okay, first, think David Fincher's SE7EN with INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS and that's what you get with this supra-slick Japanese action/horror flick. All the ingrediants are included: gorgeous Japanese gals covered in blood, grisly crime scenes featuring brains in boiling soup, and cops chasing serial killers possessed by spirits of Angels or Aliens. I'm not too sure which, but you can make the decision after watching it yourself. The only drawback I could possibly think of would have to be that ALL the "Goddess-like" Japanese women in this film should have had a nude scene and not just the main star's girlfriend. It's also alittle more "mainstream" compared to most of the other movies I've reviewed so far. But other than that, this is a much overlooked gem in the Japanese action/horror cinema and I recommend it to any fan of the genre.

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