Alien Armageddon
Alien Armageddon
R | 06 November 2011 (USA)
Alien Armageddon Trailers

For years, UFO sightings have been documented around the world. What were once mere sightings have now become brutal attacks of epic proportions. As the human race faces total annihilation with every major city destroyed only Los Angeles remains. Left with the task of saving humanity from extinction, a group of cowboys is the world s last stand in this Alien Armageddon.


Really Surprised!

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Don't Believe the Hype

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Abegail Noëlle

While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.

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A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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Spoilers - not like it matters The absolutely worst movie of all time. The plot made 0 sense. The acting was horrid. Sets from my high school drama dept were done better. What really happened in this movie? Why did the one doctor turn into a zombie if other people were infected and looked like normal folks? How could worm creatures that needed to feed on flesh of their own kind and require host organisms ever develop space ships and robots? Wouldn't a species that only exists by feeding on itself not be evolutionarily viable anyway? And then the nephilim scientist kissed the other chic at the end because they apparently "fell in love" while running from the bad guys, even though the scientist was a bad guy and half-breed human worm person who experimented on humans and fed them to each other? WHAT!!!!!

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Manny Panning

So awful....worse than "Gigli", an unbelievable mess, exacerbated by kindergarten level special effects, and the aliens are from some ET special ed. class."Look behind you".......thump with a 2X4......And why in the name of any God does some bimbo offer the alien a can of Spam? If this had devolved at some point into early 80's bestiality porn, it would give it some redeeming artistic value. This is the kind of stuff Hollywood people go into porn for, out of pure shame.My brain actually tried to vomit.I will now submit myself to the discipline of a monastary somewhere in Tibet, one of the ones involving silence and marathon vomiting.Then I will watch the second 10 minutes.Yes, that's right, this is based in 10 minutes.Think about that.10 MINUTES.It was like finding pubic hair in your soup, after the first spoonful. You just stop.As you love your eternal soul, avoid this mess.

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This movie gave me the shits, and if you saw it you'd know what I'm talking about. I can't believe they wasted over $800,000 on this. That money could have been better spent helping out the indigent. I got suckered into watching this because of some flashy CGI, but once I got it running on my television, I wasn't 25 minutes into the movie where I shut the TV off and went back to my computer. I figure, if a movie can't hold my interest in the first 15 minutes, then it isn't worth watching the next 60 minutes or whatever. And this is coming from a guy who's watched every Godzilla movie ever made. So if I'm saying this is a bad movie, then you know it's bad.

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I was looking around a big box store for something I had never seen. When I find one, I usually look it up on IMDb to make sure it doesn't suck, but in this case the movie was so cheap ($3) that I didn't care. I just wanted something to watch.From the cover (Yeah, I know what they say about books, and I guess the same goes for movies) it sounded like it might be an interesting story. It sounded like it was basically Cowboys vs Aliens. Unfortunately, it wasn't. It was one cowboy and a bunch of others, it was a very bad script, and very bad actors, and a sucky story.I sat there and watched the entire thing. It wasn't even so bad it was good, it just plain sucked. Mostly boring. I can give them a break here since at least it was a different story. In this movie Aliens have taken over and are keeping humans in cells. They have turned women into birthing machines, giving birth to some kind of genetically engineered meat that is fed to the other prisoners. The meat causes the prisoners to change over time, making them into a kind of vessel to house the aliens.It really sounds more interesting than the producers manage to make it. The script and acting, not to mention the direction, really turn this into not only a "B" movie, but one I wouldn't recommend to anyone. If you see this at a garage sale for 25 cents, save your money (unless you're in need of a spare DVD case, then talk them down to a nickle and throw the DVD away).

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