A Low Down Dirty Shame
A Low Down Dirty Shame
R | 23 November 1994 (USA)
A Low Down Dirty Shame Trailers

A black detective becomes embroiled in a web of danger while searching for a fortune in missing drug money. During the course of his investigation, he encounters various old connections, ultimately confronting the criminal responsible for Shame's expulsion from the force. He must also deal with two women, Angela, a beautiful old flame, and Peaches, his energetic but annoying sidekick.

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Brilliant and touching

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Griff Lees

Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.

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The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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Keenan Ivory Wayans should hold his head up high and be proud for writing and directing and starring in A Low Down Dirty Shame. He shouldn't feel dirty at all. I feel dirty with all these closeup shots of Jada's and Salli's juicy backsides. I'm not complaining. I'm doing the opposite. Jada is dead-seriously gorgeous. I love the way she's acting all ghetto. I wish Jada would just be like that in real life. I would find it appealing, and I would probably love her more than I already do now. That's all a fantasy. Jada is so underrated. She is so good. She is so very sexy. Salli Richardson too. Keenan is the sexiest Wayans brother. Him or Marlon. Or Shawn. Or Damon. I didn't think about Will Smith once.

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When everyone in the 1970s was introduced to the film "Shaft", it gave a great example of the African-American action hero--a cop or ex-cop who is destined to take out the bad guys. All of this inspiration from "Shaft" comes in "A Low Down Dirty Shame". Like "Shaft", "Low Down" has a cop or ex-cop, as well as action-packed sequences, like gunfights and fist fights, and this modernization from the former flick made "A Low Down Dirty Shame" make its positive impact.But there are a few twists. Keanon Ivory Wayans plays the role of Shame, who is actually an investigator who has ties to the DEA and retired as a cop. And instead of the common .38 revolver, his favorite service weapon is the 9mm Beretta. He has his sidekick, a friend named Peaches (played by Jada Pinkett at that time before she became Jada Pinkett-Smith). Shame runs his own private investigation business.So, as the story unfolds, a DEA mole named Sonny invites Shame to take on a mission to capture Ernesto Mendoza, a Mexican narcotrafficker who had a strong romance interest with character Angela Flowers, who was attempting to try to beckon Mendoza to turn himself in.The start of this focused on Shame's remembrances with Angela in the past. He mentions that she wears Covenant perfume, and basically goes on the mend to find her exactly. He does find her in one of the apartments with a bit of a police trick, and calls Sonny to try to get her to turn Mendoza in to the authorities, but regrettably, Angela said that she was on the run because a potential hit by a drug gang is imminent. This is when Sonny drops the ball but not at her...Angela was tipped, and Shame knows this. They escape the apartment as the drug gang comes in to try the death wish attempt...they confront the armed gang, and was able to escape with their lives.At Ernesto Mendoza's compound, the gang comes back home along with Sonny, and Ernesto gets upset. Sonny then rails at Ernesto that what he did will put Ernesto in trouble...and Shame was the main fly in the ointment for all of the trouble. Ernesto then does a knife slash on one of the gang members--the one who messed up the hit on Shame and Angela, and orders Sonny to get Shame.Then, Shame arms himself to the death to try to reverse the tide. He starts by forcing a low-level member of Ernesto's drug gang, Luis, to tell where Mendoza is. Little did Luis did not know that he ran into a White Supremacist rally to find that out. With that psychological torture, Luis was able to tell Shame where he was--at a nightclub. And he does. He likes to do tricks to get what he wants.Another scene I liked was the confrontation between Sonny and Angela at the shopping mall. Sonny had his gun drawn at him after Angela found the drug money. She is forced to step away and Sonny realizes that the money was real. Then, taking out of a page from the "James Bond" movies, Angela undresses her top, and reveals a full-figured black bra. But Sonny was smart, deciding not to take Angela's trick, but despite that, another ugly surprise..Angela then displays a gun from her back but Sonny did not even realize it...he gets hit several times as Sonny was about to use his gun to fire him back. Then a coup-de-grace shot by her finishes him off. So she killed Sonny so she can get the money.The final fight between Mendoza and Shame was something. Shame finally brings Mendoza down after a fight that resembled a dirty street fight and Muay Thai martial arts....and arrests him but the loud bang from a bullet kills Mendoza...but it was Angela who did it, not Shame. Now, she is going to kill Shame but from behind, Peaches, with her karate skills, was able to finish off Angela before Angela could kill off Shame.Then, you hear Peaches' love for soap operas as the movie is about to approach the final credits. So basically, when I flash back, Peaches loves television so much--that's the reason why she loves soap operas.

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This could probably have been an OK action-comedy, had it been done right. Unfortunately, the whole movie is done completely by formula; the comic sidekick, the traitorous agent, the villain who doesn't have a single likable quality. Why is it that every single bad guy in 90's action-thrillers have to be a drug-lord? Seriously, it's getting old. Furthermore, all the 'comedy' consists of racial and sexual stereotypes. Have the Wayans' brothers actually made something that was good? I've never seen anything worthwhile from them. The plot is a simple rehash of hundreds of other action movies. The acting is mediocre, at best. The characters are mostly one-dimensional. The action is OK, but nothing you haven't already seen in hundreds of action movies before this one. I feel sorry for Jada Pinkett, having to play such a stereotypical character; she deserves better. Nearly any actor/actress does. I'd only recommend this to actual fans of the Wayans' brothers, as most others will just cringe at the utter lack of originality. 5/10

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As a huge fan of the genre, I was greatly disappointed with this Keenan Ivory Wayans vehicle. This movie plays upon every single cliche in the action/comedy genre. The jokes are lame and miss on almost every attempt, the heroic one-liners are ridiculous (ala Bowfinger's "Gotcha Suckers!"), and the plot is terribly predictable, moreso than the average action/comedy flick. You know exactly what's going to happen the moment "Shame" appears and even the "extreme" plot twist towards the end is extremely predictable. Don't see this movie if you don't have to; instead, see something like 'The Last Boy Scout' starring the good Wayans brother, Damon.

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