1313: Bigfoot Island
1313: Bigfoot Island
NR | 01 February 2012 (USA)
1313: Bigfoot Island Trailers

On an island in the Pacific Northwest, a young woman calls to ancient spirits in order to right the wrongs inflicted on her. For this she summons the mythical beast that has long been rumored to roam the verdant forests. Nearby, a young man readies a cabin for the arrival of his friends. They’ve been coming to this place every year since they were kids, to relax and shape up before the start of a new college year. Only this time, they’re about to meet their worst nightmare.


Did you people see the same film I saw?

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An unexpected masterpiece

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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1313: Bigfoot Island (2012)BOMB (out of 4) Beyond awful film from David DeCoteau has a bunch of topless guys walking around and there's also an incredibly awful looking bigfoot costume.Sorry if that's not enough of a plot description but that's pretty much all you need to know. This film is aimed at the gay community so that will explain why there are so many male models walking around without their shirts on. I don't mind that because, well, most horror films have topless women walking around so why not make things even? What I hated about this film as well as others like it is the fact that there's nothing going on.I love bad movies and low-budget movies but I almost struggle to call this thing a movie because you've basically got no plot and a camera capturing people walking around. I mean, who on Earth is this movie aimed at? Who is going to like watching this? As I said, I understand that the horror films of the 80s and beyond featured naked women but at the same time we were also given some sort of story. There's nothing like that here.

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chris d'a

I have never ever written a review on IMDb. But, this movie is SO bad, I couldn't help myself. Easily, the worst movie I've ever seen. The first 15 minutes are just scenic shots interlaced with some d- bag walking through the woods shirtless (count the number of trees he has to touch as he passes by them). A whole 15 minutes! The kid could use a gym membership. Then something happens. I assume he's killed by Bigfoot, but it's not shown. At this point , I was rooting for Bigfoot to tear this kid's arms off and beat him with them. Next , d-bag's friend shows up and he's shirtless too. Better yet, there is a disgusting shower scene with him. It's clean, which is more than I can say for him. They didn't even give him soap , so he's washing with his hands. Based on his body acne, he needs soap! 30 minutes in and there have been 3 lines of dialog. 3! All fake cell phone calls. We meet d-bag #3 who also enjoys walking around alone and shirtless. Good news! Only 45 minutes left! 30 minutes in...29 minutes of guys walking and one minute of a homo=erotic shower scene.Oh yeah! More scenery shots as d-bad #4 arrives! Shirt bound to come off soon. More bad cell phone dialog. Well, I wanted more dialog! careful what you wish for because the dialog made me miss the quiet walking scenes! The woman in the movie prays to a spirit lord. Something like "h great spirit Lord, avenge me." So I tried it too. " Oh great spirit Lord, give me back the last 45 minutes of my life!" And there goes shirt #4.You get the picture. There is no reason tho watch this other than you read this and said "it can't be that bad". Trust me, Save yourself! It's too late for me!

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Raquel Santiago

I am a fan of new horror movies, heck I'm a fan of ones with hot guys in them, but this was just bad. The face of Bigfoot was scary and good so that's one 1 star, the guys were hot another 2 stars and the scenery was great another star, but as far as everything else went, i almost fell asleep 10 minutes in, enough scenery shots, get to the movie and learn how to create a monster. Huge kudos's again for the hot guys but my god this wasn't even a B rating. Huge fail and i had such high hopes. If i saw one more scene of the camera staring up at the tops of trees i think i was gong to scream. A 5 year old could redo this movie and make a better Bigfoot, and what is up with Red, really red Bigfoot what did he fall into a vat of red paint?

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For a series of movies that are under the 1313 name, this is one that was probably less of a plot than the other ones. Filming was not all that bad but there were a few noticeable mistakes. I will admit the scenery is breathtaking.As for Bigfoot, did not know he was ever portrayed having red fur.There is a second person walking down the road but with no backpack, suitcase or anything.As for the girl, unfortunately, what does she have to do with the movie? I am beginning to think that maybe she is bigfoot.Apparently, cell phones get great reception on this island of which I have only seen one home. Low budget but great cinematography. Sort of.

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