TV-MA | 14 January 2005 (USA)

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    the leading man is my tpye

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    Really Surprised!

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    This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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    Micah Lloyd

    Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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    I was disappointed overall with the manner in which the final six episodes of the series brought about the end of Kurt Wallander. I have had firsthand experience dealing with the condition (my mother) and it was not presented in a believable manner. It just seemed as though Henriksson didn't give ample notice of his intent not to return and the writers threw together a fast resolution without much thought. A simple execution with that crime being the last of the series to be solved would have been better.Otherwise, overall a decent series though I don't think I would ever travel to Ystad or anywhere close as it must be the residence of every Scandinavian criminal. As is usual for this type of series, the crime rate in whatever locale is higher than that of Chicago or Cleveland and, at some point, requires the viewer to ignore previous episodes in order to attain some level of believability.

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    There isn't enough good things you can say about this series. The casting is perfect, better than any series that I have ever seen on Netflix, the chemistry and interaction between the characters is meaningful, aids the story-line and always likable. Every episode brings everyone together and you end up pulling for the team every time! This is who-dunit at its very best and sets a high plumb line to this genre. There is no personal drama, personal fluff that typically characterizes a series. Each episode begins with a end in mind, and what an end every episode is! What a shame it came to an end. I shudder to watch the series again, and hopefully it won't shatter the magic of visiting it the first time. This truly does justice to Swedish actors, and the scenery is attractive and amazing. This is a must watch for fans of detective series genre. While Jeremy Brett's Sherlock Holmes will always take the cake, Krister Henriksson's Wallander leaves nothing behind!! 10 OUT 10!

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    Hard to rate! Season 1 is a huge "10." Season 2 is a bit of a let-down, maybe a 7? Season 3 starts so dreadfully mediocre and tedious it is easily a 3, but the last few epis bounce back up to an 8 or 9. I gave it a generous 5, because despite the first season's excellence, the subsequent uneven quality is, let's face it, a "fault" and shortcoming of the production team.2 or 3 so years ago I watched the first 7 episodes of season one ("series" one for British readers). I absolutely loved them, and was hooked. So I bought the entire 13-episodes of that first season, and it seemed as if each episode I saw was better than the last one. I waited impatiently for 2 years for the Swedish folks to get season two subtitled, and snapped that up as well, the day that second set became available.I am watching the 3rd episode of season two right now - and am torn between wanting to gobble them all up and watch them all in a row, immediately (!), and hoarding the treasure and stretching them out, watching them as slowly as I can manage, making them last, to extend the pleasure. The third season is in the mail to me as I write. Knowing I'll have 16 more episodes to see after the current episode I am viewing gives me the comfort one only gets from contemplating a secret stash of joy. My only wish is that they were high definition Blu Ray, and not just DVD - but the Swedish Wallander is so good I can overlook that.One word about the BBC version. I admire Kenneth Branagh a LOT, but do NOT like the series he stars in. I don't intend that to be any disrespect of Branagh at all; but it is important and needs pointing out. If you've seen the BBC version and found it dull and depressing - don't give up! Try the "real" version, the one from Sweden. You'll notice it stars Krister Henriksson - an unusual name for English speakers that will easily stand out for you.The BBC take is completely different from the Krister Henriksson Swedish version. The BBC shows feel as if they missed the point - or at least got such a radically different point from the Wallander stories that it well could be from a different literature.For me the great joy of Wallander is not the plots or the "exciting" police action, although they are interesting enough. Rather it's the tone. The shows have a "meditative" quality - at times even existential. They are very evocative. Certainly seeing these more personal views of Sweden and the people delight me, and engage me in a way few TV series can.

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    Boer Poel

    I'm a fan of the Swedish "Wallander" TV series, and I think these last six 2013 episodes has a truly worthwhile ending with Krister Henriksson as the main character. For he performs IMO the best Wallander of all the Mankell book-to-film actors in that role, I've seen.I very much liked this new, unexpected 2013 continued version, where Kurt Wallander become less a policeman, and emphasizes more on being a human being. Krister Henriksson does a terrific job on this of course, as he is one of the best Swedish character players.To conclude; I really enjoyed this final, and on some points, it's even better than the older episodes. Highly recommended!(I don't know if IMDb's information on the TV-broadcasting is accurate, but I have the 6 episodes here on an official DVD release already / Dutch subtitles, but with no extra's, alas)

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