Walker, Texas Ranger
Walker, Texas Ranger
TV-PG | 21 April 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I love this movie so much

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    If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

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    A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."

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    Kien Navarro

    Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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    Yes, Walker is entertaining and often the only thing on TV worth anything. It is also the most violent show on TV. The bad guys get beat up, pounded in the face over and over with sizzling sound effects yet they never sustain even a scratch! I cannot imagine what Mr Norris was thinking when he allowed this portrayal of fights to be done! What kind of example is this for young people in their formative years? Bad guys getting kicked in the face and keep coming back for more with out any signs of damage! What are you thinking Chuck? I am disappointed !

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    This is a show stuffed with action, martial arts, true friendly relationship, honesty and also the fight for justice. If you're yearning for one thing to look at wherever there's ne'er a uninteresting moment, then you have got actually found it in Walker, peace officer. Throughout the show's eight seasons, you ne'er stop wanting them to "get the dangerous guys!" and are available out on prime.Did you know that In 2010, Chuck Norris and his brother, Aaron, were given the honorary title of "Texas Ranger", by Texas Governor, Rick Perry. Other cool facts like this are available at http://www.endedtvseries.com

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    The year was 1993 and there was darkness across television. Chuck Norris appeared and decreed: "let there be a show starring myself as a Texas Ranger named Walker." Now there was show called Walker Texas Ranger. And that is how the show got started. Chuck Norris did not have to persuade CBS to broadcast his program; he simply demanded it and it was done. Thus begins my wonderful journey into the kingdom of Walker Texas Ranger.Yes the formula for Walker Texas Ranger was simple but effective. Case in point: Walker and his partner Trivette would be cruising down the streets in their Dodge Ram and notice some illicit activity going down in the park. They would get out investigate said activity--- and by now everyone knows the shady looking characters are dealing dope. The 6 or 7 dope dealers feeling very cocky think they can take on Walker and his partner. Big mistake! Apparently the dope dealers have never seen Norris's action blockbuster: TOP DOG because if they had, they would known that Norris was an 8th degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. After Walker and his partner punch and kick justice into the lowlifes, they learn the dope is being shipped and concealed through cans of baby formulas and thus begins the story.Walker Texas Ranger would adhere to that type of story line every single week and BINGO, the viewers were awarded 9 years of bliss. Of course the critics and elitists would pooh-pooh the show calling it over-the-top and badly acted, but they don't understand the appeal of those types of shows. The viewers enjoyed Walker Texas Ranger because they know the bad guys will get what's coming to them at end, but like to see Walker karate chop his way to the point.I know Chuck Norris is very busy selling the TOTAL GYM but if ever have the chance to meet him I would shake his hand and tell him THANK YOU for bring Walker Texas Ranger into my home and my life every Saturday Night.

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    Let's review the situation : Chuck Norris wildly can't act, Clarence Gilyard Jr was extremely unbelievable in his fight scenes, Noble Willingham was excessively fat, the episodes were largely the same, so how in the world did it manage to run for 9 years ????? I think considering the types of shows at the 1990s, it's nearly logical, and it must be a success. The old school of entertaining TV that lived its high climax at the 1980s had become in decline after, so with shows like (Walker, Texas Ranger) it's like a memory from an old age. The audience longed for an old style, old fashion, moral man like (Magnum, MacGyver, Simon & Simon, or even Columbo) whom now seem dated !??? Therefore (and somewhat unfortunately !) Mr. Walker became important. In addition to more attractive factors like the Karate stuff, with the ethical high tune of the show, and being stand-up episodes too; something missing now with the long breathless running after the unending many events and seasons of nowadays' action shows like Lost, Prison Break, The Shield…etc.However, how to stand (Chuck Norris) ?? This is too bad condition for a person who can't do his work or try to get any better ! True that the action parts can pull it off, but you've got to feel terrible out of watching (Norris) wearing this forever wooden mask (aka : his face), talking or God Forbid saying a joke (Ahh.. what a horror !). Actually me and my friend used to imitate him especially while saying catchphrases or even simple ones that need no efforts at all ! Still there is big debate between us about one matter: Who's the one with the worst acting in the history of mankind ? Where I always say (Norris) in this show so all of his movies, and my friend stubbornly insists on (Steven Seagal) and (Norris) in this show so all of his movies ! How Unfair ? The best episode is one in which (Norris) goes undercover as a school teacher. The worst one ?.. Although I want to say the rest but.. There was an episode in 2 parts that had 2 plots, originally for 2 episodes, but played in parallel ! I said to myself while it : this is bankruptcy, deception, and naivety ! Yes, there was that character of magical Red Indian mentor, some well-made action, but as one follows the 1980s' rules it's less good, and as a buddy-cop show it's definitely unfunny one. In fact the only thing that I loved is the closing credits song with the voice of (Norris) himself, one because he did something right this time, and two as it ends the episode once and for all.Long story short : (Sammo Hung) in (Martial Law) compared to this was like (Orson Welles) in (Citizen Kane) !

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