Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell
Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell
| 09 August 2012 (USA)

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    Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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    Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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    Married Baby

    Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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    Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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    I haven't even watched an entire episode of this trash that is supposed to be entertainment, but I did watch his tirade about George Zimmerman and it's the most hateful and asinine three minutes of speech ever to be allowed on cable television. Incredibly racist, but apparently it's alright for a black person to call someone racist in this day an age. Sadly this show will probably have a longer run than it should because the majority of so-called "progressives" are too busy following group-think to realize the hatred being guised as "comedy". You are also probably the same people who get their news from The Daily Show. Have fun supporting an openly racist person...

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    I really like this show. And now that it is 5x a week, I am trying to catch every episode. Again, there is so much consciousness around race as this show presents their perspectives, I think it is so important to have this voice on TV. I have noticed that now that it is 5x a week, the writing seems a little weaker. Of course, it is easy to have amazing material if you are just on 1x a week as opposed to 5x a week. I would have given it 10 out of 10 stars except for that shift. I hope FXX stays with this program. I love the guests. The show with Sarah Silverman was great. I liked hearing Kamau Bell's perspective on S. Silverman's movie "Jesus". I had a similar perspective. And I look forward to continue to watch this show.

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    This could be one of the worst television shows I've ever seen and I watch a lot of TV. I even took the time to sign onto IMDb just to criticize this show and I'm pretty lazy. I really don't know how FX picked up this series. I really like most of FX's other comedies and dramas. They made a big mistake here. Maybe they picked this one up because of Chris Rock's name?? Needless to say, I wouldn't recommend watching it. I could probably go on for days about how terrible it is and try to make this a legitimate review and give you reasons supporting my claims but all you have to do is sit through about three minutes of the show and you'll quickly figure out why I took the time to post. The material is weak and the host is unlikable.

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    I'm writing this review mainly for the FX executives that may try to cancel the show. DON'T! Give it time to catch its following, there are plenty of people out there that just don't know about this show yet. I just got my 56 year old father to watch it and he thinks its great.And for anyone out there who's on the fence, DVR the show and give it a chance. I think you'll be presently surprised. Edit: Okay I am back, apparently I don't have enough lines to leave a proper review. I just felt the 3 previous have covered what the show is about and give a good idea of what to expect from it, so I didn't go over it. And with that being said, I think I have passed the mark....

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