Today's Special
Today's Special
| 14 September 1982 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.

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    One of my all time favorites.

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    Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant

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    Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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    I remember growing up with Today's Special. Not knowing the name of the show at the time, I often I have described it to people. Some remember and a lot look at me like I'm from another planet. After a lot of searching I know the name.My mum and dad say that I used to watch this show as much as The Elephant Show, which is a lot like Today's Special. Both The Elephant Show and Today's Special had lots of songs and dancing. The bonus was each episode taught you something worthwhile. The reason why I'm into music, dancing, and acting is because of these shows. You could say that Today's Special and The Elephant Show 'hooked me' into the business.Being a musician, I have seen a lot of lost musical techniques in Today's Special. It's good to see them again. Maybe once people see it, it'll bring it back.

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    This show is the greatest. I'm 20 years old and I watched this show since I was really really young...I'm surprised I still even remember it since then. I also remember watching it sometime after 1987 when they played reruns on TVO kids...i even recorded them too. they should really make a DVD collection! i would definitely purchase it. i love the theme song to this show...i even downloaded and it brought back so many memories. i can't believe that this show doesn't air anymore...i wish it still least the reruns. kids these days need to watch shows like there a way we could get them to come up with a DVD collection if there is not any yet??? it would be nice to see these episodes again.

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    This was a favorite show of mine growing up. My brother and I would watch it every day and wait for the "balloon" episode. I wish it would come out in a box DVD set for my daughter, or at least come on the reruns. If anyone ever finds it, please let us know where we can get it. One of my favorite things with the show was how Jeff didn't have any common sense. He would do things like brush his teeth with a hair brush, then we would yell at the TV saying he was doing it wrong. It was also funny to hear the Canadian accents. Jeff was always saying, "I'm sorry" to Jody, but it was pronounced, "sawrey". It's a great show and maybe it will come back on reruns someday.

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    Today's Special was a childhood favourite of mine. The show took place late at night in a Simpsons Sears store. Run by a puppet night watch man named Sam Crenshaw and his computer 'TXL', the show revolved around a mannequin named Jeff. Late at night Jeff would come to life and learn new things along with Muffy the Mouse and Toy Department Clerk Jodie. However if Jeff ever left the store, or his hat fell off, he would become a mannequin again. By placing his hat on his heat and reciting the magic words "Hocus Pocus Alama Gocus" Jeff would come back to life.Like most children's shows, you learn along with the show. Each episode of Today's Special had Today's Special.. a word that would be featured in the episode that you would learn about. If I remember correctly, the woman that played Jodie went on to become a news anchor for CBS and CBC news.

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