The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
TV-14 | 10 September 2006 (USA)

Sadly Over-hyped

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Disturbing yet enthralling

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Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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Two adjectives: hateful and misleading. This propaganda film is completely invented. Al qaeda is only an invention to build a police state.Please don't be fooled by the Hollywood system colluding with the u.s. Government's road map.Everyone knows that there is no plane that crashed at the Pentagon, as no plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.Everyone now knows that the WTC was toppled with controlled demolitions and not caused by fires caused by the impact with the planes.These films are stuffed just bullshit to confuse the ideas to uninformed peoples. Wake up your minds.

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The Path to 9/11 is an awful example of what can happen to the truth in the hands of those who make it up as they go along.Unbeknownst to most people, this program was part of a deliberate disinformation campaign designed to blame the Clinton administration for allowing the 9/11 attacks to occur.According to The Nation, the director, David Cunningham, is a Christian deconstructionist who is dedicated to using stealth political methods to replace the U.S. Constitution with Biblical law. The movie was written by Cyrus Nowrasteh, a right-wing activist connected to far-right activist David Horowitz's Center for the Study of Popular Culture, which also sells right-wing books and heavily promotes David Horowitz's own books. Horowitz titles include: Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes, The Hate America Left and The Politics of Bad Faith: The Radical Assault on America's Future.Following the broadcast of The Path to 9/11, ABC's co-parent, the Walt Disney Company, reportedly ordered an internal corporate investigation into the movie and its intent. One wonders what they found?

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Is it any wonder that there are so many haters of that movie? The Democrats demanded parts of the movie be cut and they got their way. Did Bush ever demand cuts from movies lambasting him? No. He rises above criticism, unlike the Democrats and Clinton. This series is a breath of fresh air in the TV landscape where it's become fashionable to blame everything on the Republicans and Bush while letting the Democrats get away with murder scot-free. Yes, watch it. And learn. It's thorn in the thigh of all liberals who have most media in their pocket. It exposes Clinton's incompetence on national security and of course the Democrats would rather have that censored. And sadly, they got their way. So much for freedom of speech. Imagine the outrage if Bush had demanded cuts from Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11." Double standards are alive and kicking among liberals.

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Excellent docudrama. I suggest everyone see it when they have a chance and ponder the history of the 90's. That it bothers the left so much tells a lot about what they didn't do. They make excuses and this show while somewhat fictionalized in its actions shows that fact of history is true. We had opportunities to have bin Laden handed to us. The people who understood the threat were marginalized and ignored. We had a president who shamelessly led us into a two year forest of persona scandal when he could have been doing his job. His job was protecting the United States not hanging out with 21 year old interns. Instead of having stopped Bin Laden we are faced with if onlys and a former president who bullies news reporters when they ask him the questions he can barely ask himself. A must see for every American who wants to know why and wants the honest truth.

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