The Green Green Grass
The Green Green Grass
| 09 September 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

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    I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.

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    Kodie Bird

    True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.

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    Alistair Olson

    After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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    This sitcom is a spin-off from Only Fools and Horses, in which Boycie and Marlene move to rural Shropshire. It's one of the worst sitcoms ever made. The humour in OFAH works because the characters, acting and story lines are good. Most of the TGGG's characters are stereotypical uneducated rural idiots and the situations aren't funny. Boycie and Marlene's son is awful.

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    Aaron Hassard

    Okay, this show is alright, funny in bits, story's are abit stupid sometimes (Farm Idol? what next) but overall a decent show, but it will never match the quality of Only Fools And Horses has (To Hull And Back, Strangers On The Shore, quality episodes), but i wonder if T.G.G.G will do 60,90 minute Christmas specials O.F.A.H had in the past.I'm hoping to get Series 1 on DVD for Christmas this year and am looking forward to seeing the pilot episode (never seen it before) in which Boycie And Marline sneak of to the country away from the Driscoll Brothers!I would recommend this show to fans of OFAH or people just interested in comedy!7/10

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    STAR RATING: ***** The Works **** Just Misses the Mark *** That Little Bit In Between ** Lagging Behind * The Pits When the testimony of Boycie (John Challis) nearly sends the Driscoll Brothers, two of Peckham's most notorious gangsters, down before the case collapses due to a technicality, him, his infamous wife Marlene (Sue Holderness) and their teenage son Tyler are forced to relocate to the Staffordshire countryside, where their big city ways create a 'hilarious' culture clash with the stuck in their ways locals.This long-awaited spin off of the hugely successful (and rightfully so) BBC comedy series Only Fools and Horses finally came to the end of it's series last night. But I missed it, along with the last two episodes before it. Which should be an indication of, despite how eagerly I awaited it, intently missable I ended up finding it.I had this strong suspicion it would all fall flat on it's face before I even saw it and I'm sure there were those whose knives were sharpening straight away who wanted it to fail. But, sadly, to a large degree, this is what's happened.Being as huge as OFAH was, a spin-off show was always going to happen one day. And, short of Del and Rodney being the two leading stars and basically just starting another series again, Boycie ('heh heh heh heh heh heh heh') and Maaar-lene were probably the best characters to choose (although the writer showed a bit of indecision by having Denzil make a guest appearance in the first episode!) But whichever way you look at it, it's a series that's simply clutching at straws and the desperation cracks are apparent from the off-set, even with John Sullivan back as the writer (more money in the bank.) The main problem is simply that it's rarely ever funny. There were only one or two moments that raised a mild chuckle, and I can't even remember the jokes. Challis and Holderness desperately try to re-ignite the chemistry they once shared, but the dead script simply kills any chance of it. The show appears very cheap and slapped together in light of it's source of inspiration, most apparent in the opening and closing credits, with some clunky production values to match it. The only other redeeming feature is Sullivan singing the opening theme again in true OFAH vein.You knew it was desperate to begin with, and that it would never match the quality of where it came from. And, sadly, here what you see is what you get. **

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    I am also a OF&H fan.I was worried than show spin offs like this won't work. Like the Friends spin off Joey...which honestly made feel sleepy. After watching the first episode I am eagerly waiting for the next one, where we will meet rest of the new characters. The characters of Boycie and Marlene work great together so it would make an interesting show based around their family life. The show is set in the present as their son is now teenager and will be interesting how his character develops. They moved to Shropshire out in the sticks and it would be interesting if they evolve or still have the London banter going on. But,John Sullivan has made a good first humorous episode and long it may continue be that way.

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