The Fugitive
The Fugitive
TV-PG | 17 September 1963 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I love this movie so much

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    Memorable, crazy movie

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    While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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    Ava-Grace Willis

    Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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    The series would start every episode with the same narration, effectively summing up the situation of how Richard was wrongfully convicted by a jury for the murder of his wife, which was committed by a one-armed man he would pursue for the entire run of the series after he was freed from a train wreck on route to the death house.It must have seemed like divine intervention to Richard that he was now freed by fate so close to meeting his undeserved execution, but being on the run for four years was not easy, as he helped ordinary people in need, and fled from the relentless pursuit of Lt. Gerard(played expertly by Barry Morse), who was obsessed with his re-capture.It may be considered slow by modern audiences, but this series had mostly excellent writing and gritty realism in how it makes you feel such sympathy for Richard Kimble in his search for justice.Was superbly re-made in 1993 as a feature film with Harrison Ford, this series is compelling television drama.

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    My dad introduced me to when it first came out, must have been around 16 or 17 at the time. Now 21, yet I still can get enough. Absolutely love the show. Every episode just has some kind of thrilling twist. Show isn't about highly cost cameras that can do just about anything these, this is old school. Yet how in depth they get with each character, and certain camera angles really puts this show way past its time. Sad they didn't run the show longer, but there are plenty of episodes and think they did a great job on how they ended it. For anyone looking for good ol' black and white shows, The Fugitive is a must for checking out.

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    And although everyone has their own favorite TV show, "The Fugitive" is definitely a worthy candidate for anyone's list.The show has an excellent premise: a doctor is unjustly convicted of the murder of his wife; en route to the "death house" he manages to escape after a train wreck; he roams the United States in search of the one-armed man who is the real killer; and all the while he is relentlessly pursued by a police lieutenant "obsessed with his capture." The show is a cross between 1) The famous Dr. Sam Sheppard murder case in Cleveland (although the show's creator Roy Huggins consistently and adamantly denied this) and 2) Victor Hugo's classic "Les Miserables" (which Roy Huggins readily admitted).David Janssen is perfectly cast as the lead character Dr. Richard Kimble; the script writing for each and every episode is superb; and the music for each episode matches form and content magnificently.But what stands out most, for me, are the unforgettable performances by the guest stars.--Sandy Dennis as a feisty mountain girl who dreams of making something of herself in the Big City--Eileen Heckart as a Catholic nun who is experiencing a crisis of faith --Ed Begley as a crippled and embittered college law professor who arranges, for his class of law students, a mock trial of Richard Kimble --Brenda Scott as a fisherman's teenage daughter who develops a monstrous crush on Richard Kimble, and she won't let him leave until she gets "her kiss" --Janis Paige as a popular and enigmatic singer who plunges into rudeness and alcohol as a response to her terminal disease --Angie Dickinson as the sister of a crippled man (Robert Duvall) who receives physical and mental therapy from Dr. Kimble --Bruce Dern, Sharon Farrell and R.G. Armstrong as the leaders of a backwoods moonshine community that gives a hard time to Dr. Kimble and an even harder time to Lieutenant Gerard (Barry Morse)--Jack Klugman as a guilt-ridden trucking company owner who is constantly pressured financially by the widow (Geraldine Brooks) of a trucker whose death he caused --Laura Devon as a beautiful but illiterate girlfriend of a con man; she gets tutored by Dr. Kimble and blossoms into a genuine "Fair Lady"--Antoinette Bower as beautiful woman who is perceived as a curse and a deadly jinx to men in a small fishing town --Jacqueline Scott as Dr. Kimble's loyal sister, Richard Anderson as Dr. Kimble's brother-in-law, and Diane Baker as Dr. Kimble's love--These unforgettable characters, and so many, many more, convince me that Stephen King is correct. "The Fugitive" is indeed the greatest TV show of all time.

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    This series did not last as long a others Martin produced, but this one set the standard. It is a dramatic standard he would never reach again in any other series. The stories while always the same in formula (Kimble being chased by Gerard), always had good drama surrounding the chase.The best thing is that they chose to do a finale before it was too late. MAD Magazine was already doing satires about the shows formula before it went off. The formula was rather limiting, but the writers always seemed to find a way to introduce drama.Part of the reason this show was so popular was that it was reality based, more reality based than Survivor. There actually was a real Doctor who was falsely accused of his wife's murder which the show was loosely based upon. This stimulated the original interest in the series. It kept it going for 4 years & they did one of the first of the great series finales.David Jansen really did a lot of terrific acting in this show. It landed him another series after this went off- but this show was by far his best work. It is hard to imagine anyone else playing this role so well for so long. Even Harrison Ford who did it in the movies, could only do a little over 2 hours. Lt. Gerard was played very well too. He would go on to do some shows on Martin's The FBI.This show was excellent in drawing drama out & putting a lot of raw emotions into the forefront. It is a classic.

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