The Firm
The Firm
TV-14 | 08 January 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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    One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

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    One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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    Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.

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    If we really analyze some of the TV shows that are kept on week after week. I do not understand some of the productions as to why they want to put a show on for one season. It is unfair to everyone! The Channel Productions really need to analyze the times they put some of these shows on because they don't give a fair chance of some of the times they choose! In the end it's their fault when they are not analyzing the average family's circumstances, on when they can watch these shows. Now, they shuffle it around and say last season? It's over! UNFAIR! I think that the public viewers should be able to have some input to the production studios to pleases not cancel the show.

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    We have enjoyed this series and find each member of the cast grows on you like a good friend. The only problem we have is with the network and the fact that they keep delaying episodes or changing the broadcast time.The many little stories going on simultaneously with the cast is great and the director never leaves you without continuity from chapter to chapter. Some viewers may not prefer the on-going investigation of corruption that appears to creep along from episode to episode. But that is what real life is about. This program is similar in format to one of my other favorite series: "Burn Notice".Watch it and you will be hooked.

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    I enjoy this program. It's refreshing to have a show that is intelligent and entertaining. I like the difference of the characters, the two brothers are as different as night and day, as well as the two women - a nice compliment. I did not read the book or see the movie, so I am not familiar with the storyline but it's interesting, nice twists and turns. A bit of an adjustment in showing the end of the story and then to the beginning, it keeps the show interesting.Unlike this show, so much of the programming on TV these days isn't worth watching - too stupid, too much sex, too many breasts, canned laughter, lame characters, spoiled children - young and old, idiot story lines, etc.Good show. I feel that this show is worth the time it took to register for this site and hopefully, it will encourage other people to watch this program, I hope it will not be canceled.

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    There is always more to a show than what meets the eye and some critics are either too biased or too old to know what a good show is. I'm not saying i have any experience in that regard but i watch enough TV to know a good show when i see it. The pilot is everything to a new TV show. I believe this show had everything you need in a pilot. Suspense, thrill, curiosity, heart, wit, smarts. etc. etc....The past 4 episodes i've seen haven't failed either. Regardless if you read the stories or saw the movie which i didn't even know existing. I have seen the movie but didn't put the two together. It doesn't matter anyway you will be entertained nonetheless. Great show on a bad network, NBC hasn't been in the loop with good shows. (in my eyes).

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