The Dr. Oz Show
The Dr. Oz Show
| 14 September 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Mabel Munoz

    Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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    Micah Lloyd

    Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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    The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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    The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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    Reminds me of the Wild West "snake doctor". Always speaks so fast, words tumbling out of his mouth. I like high energy but this just feels weird. And the few times I've tuned in, he's always selling some "miracle" product. Just a sly fox. Once in a while you hear something that at least alerts your attention.

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    John T. Ryan

    IT HAS BEEN said that "Politics makes for strange bedfellows." Well, just a word to the wise for whomever it was who did say that, well so does daytime television.IT WAS QUITE by accident that we stumbled onto this gem of an information bank. Wehad of course, heard about him and his ride to fame in the electronic media, due to his association with Oprah Winfrey. Being vaguely familiar, however, did not last long once we got a load of his hourly 'appointments.' UPON FIRST OBSERVATION one would surmise that this was strictly a women's show; for, after all, the audience seems to be, like Ivory Snow, 99 44/100 female. It is easy to see why; for Dr. Oz, that sly fox, is a born Ladies' Man! Energetic and truly pleasant, he always charms. He never appears to be using a teleprompter, nor to be using any previously prepared scripted material. Intelligent, natural and humble are three of his strong points, among others.ALTHOUGH THE GOOD Doctor's audience may be a girl's club, the information he presents is largely useful to anyone, regardless of their sex. Nutrition myths exploded seems to be a major theme; as Doc presents us with examples of the latest evidence about just what's good for us. As often as not, segments like this are dramatized with the assistance of an MD or PhD, who has both extensive experience and expertise in that particular field being discussed.INSTINCTIVELY, THE SHOW'S production team knew to make maximum use of audience participation by audience members. Certain subject matter will also require the use of his "Special Assistant" of the day; an honor that seems likely to be as coveted as "Prom Queen" or "Miss Congeniality!" THE VARIOUS 'SKITS' that are carefully contrived to be both entertaining and informative, are some over-sized "Rube Goldberg-type" props. In that manner, humor is added to the programs arsenal. And this would be the sort of humor that often makes reference to that which is already familiar to us in the Pop Culture world. His mock panel show, 'FAMILY FOOD', is a prime example.IF YOU AREN'T yet familiar with THE DR.OZ SHOW, you should give it a try; even if you are a male. But remember, view it with pen and notebook in hand. But, if you don't keep a running short hand narrative, no problem; for his programs may be downloaded at his website (Clever, these Americans!)

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    FlameYo Yo

    This is a great way to enhance your health with supplemental material from the and your doctor visits.For your next doctor, keep a medical log with bpm,temp.,pulse, pain scale, Q&A. A vaccine schedule is a must. The ShareCare App is good to have also. holistic program addresses disease prevention, best practices, toxic product, fitness, women's health, and in more modern medicine.The 30 minute format is broken into a demo segment with small interview with guest and medical professional. And ending a fitness or wellness segment.Oz Sharecare iOS(2013)/Android(Coming 2014) App is useful for doctor visits and worth a try.The show promote active precipitation in your health, a lot of vitamin supplements, vegetables, and trendy products/diets. I like the fact these more natural products and produce lessen the use of Rx drugs that may have hidden side effects. Drugs companies that make Ambien ,Liptor, and etc aren't always honest about submitting side effect data to the FDA.Other reviewers had stated this show has too simple demo and gears toward the "makeup" crowd,but the daytime demographic is gears towards health conscious women and medical office background play.In the last 5 season, this has been a reliable medical source addressing toxins (in apple juice, potatoes, milk, sofas), excessive radiation, sweeteners/dyes.Use the Dr.Oz Show and Oz Website as a starter not a sole source of health data. Older episode can viewed at Oz Website since you won't get much from watch a few episodes.

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    I can't believe how childish this show is! Dr oz brings people from the audience to participate in poking dried up body parts where a dried human liver looks identical to dried kidney! The concept is a cross between medical information and a game show with childish women! There is so much time wasted with the audience members that it becomes unbearable! The games he plays are absolutely ridiculous and instead of the information being delivered effectively there is lot of stuffing around with childish games that are tedious and end nowhere! The format of the show is again juvenile and an insult to our intelligence! I just turned over to the Dr oz show to see what topics he was addressing today and surprise surprise, it was about diets for the 10,000 th time! I think that he has addressed the subject of what constitutes a good diet enough but obviously he doesn't think so! I can't believe Oprah was associated with this show being as bad as it is!

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