The Curse of King Tut's Tomb
The Curse of King Tut's Tomb
TV-PG | 27 May 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    That was an excellent one.

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    Nayan Gough

    A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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    An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

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    I was subjected to watching this at a friend's,who thought I liked Egyptology; Which this certainly isn't! I couldn't believe quite how bad it was.It was rotten at the start and just got worse & worse & worse. As someone else has said Johnathan Hyde & Malcolm McDowell must have REALLY needed the money to make this turkey! Basically it's just a bad rip off from the excellent "The Mummy",oddly enough Hyde was in both of them;maybe he thought the Tut film was more of the same,it certainly isn't. If I could give a Raspberry Award it would go to this movie.As I can't I shall just blow a big raspberry at it. In the words of the great Carol Channing in "Thoroughly Modern Millie" "OH RASPBERRIES"

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    Lets be honest, this is no master piece. But it is good mindless entertainment.I think that all the people going on about the bad directing and less than believable storyline are really quite ignorant and foolish. This movie is clearly marketed towards male teens and people looking for a cheap fantasy story. If you are in to things like that (star trek, stargate, etc) then you will probably like this movie. If, however, you expect to see Oscar winning performances in this movie...well then you are also foolish and ignorant.Realistically, the acting is not that bad. Several people pull off relatively impressive performances. The characters are likable for the most part, the plot is rather interesting, and all things considered the special effects are not that terrible.Basically, after the first 10 to 20 minutes the movie is quite enjoyable. Once you get past the completely unbelievable storyline and accept the film for what it is you can get into it.But unfortunately, if you are a snob who only watches movies of the highest caliber you will not be able to see this movie as a humorous satire like I did. Certainly it is not worth paying $7.50 for to see in the theater, but I think it was time well spent.

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    Let's see, get a lot of neat sets and locations together, mix in lots of special effects and costumed extras, ditch the script and just tack it together, and finally completely forget about any real acting attempt and you have this uh, movie.The Danny Freemont character tries so hard to fill Indiana Jones' shoes that it basically ruins the whole movie, since Freemont could never be Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) and everyone watching is painfully aware of this to the point of frustration.So then there is this Morgan Sinclaire character who goes about literally sucking up friends and enemies like some mad dust-buster (for what reason is unknown) and you would expect this personified evil to finally get what for, but what happens? He himself gets unceremoniously vacuumed up, and thus there goes the villain, sigh, whoopee.Oh you will just love the good against evil fan-dance of flapping wings - what a dismal finale.Best line of the this disaster - "I wish we could all forget"; you said it lady! Unfortunately they didn't forget to produce this wash out.

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    This is not "The Lord of The Rings" by any means and is not even the best work of Director Russell Mulcahy. And there were far too many natives of India trying to pass as Egyptians. Having said that I found this film to be good escapism entertainment if you realize that they are not trying to present any kind of historical fact. One of the best ways to sum it up is to imagine Indiana Jones on the cheap. Casper Van Dien is always fun to watch once you accept his natural cockiness and are pulled into his ability to be comic and serious at the same time.Johnathan Hyde is always excellent either as hero (ala "Richie Rich) or as villain, and he seems to be fated to play these evil archaeologist types recently. And Malcolm McDowell is always superb. But the winner in this film was the sets, props and the soundtrack. The film was worth that alone. Still, a tighter shot film in a shorter time frame might have made it all work better. Not Oscar material by a long shot, but worth the time if you have nothing better to do.

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