The Bachelor
The Bachelor
TV-14 | 25 March 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Masterful Movie

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    Expected more

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    Am I Missing Something?

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    Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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    Hannah Wilhelm

    I've tried to watch this show several times and I just can't get into it because I can't get past how stupid and shallow it is. They take one hunk and put him in a house with a bunch of hot girls and eliminate them to find his "true love"? Honestly? Anyone who thinks that could ever have potential of working is extremely naive. He leads on as many as 28 girls for weeks, kisses them, hugs them, tells them how he "feels" about them and treats all of them like his girlfriend only to dump one each week? What would we think about a guy who did this in real life? He doesn't have genuine feelings for any of them, he's horny. What would we say about him in real life? But because it's a reality show and the guy is "hot" it's okay? Not to mention how every girl is beautiful. It's ridiculous. Does he have sex with all of them too? Because if so... Puke. Everyone talks about this show and I can't understand why for the life of me. I don't get the hype about a guy living in a house of hot girls who he gets to take his pick of and jump back and forth between whenever, not to mention lead all of them on and probably screws them simultaneously. This is the single stupidest, shallowest sluttiest show on TV. Except maybe the bachelorette.

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    So there I am, fragging on a game server for a game that's nearly as old as this show. In computer years the game I'm playing, even though it's given a graphics upgrade, is ancient, and I'm wishing Electronic Arts hadn't pulled the plug on Battlefield 2142.So what does this have to do with an absolute trash show about vapid females competing for wealthy moderately handsome males.Absolutely nothing.I had the TV on in the background and was too lazy to put it on something I liked. And I'd heard a lot about this show, so I let it run. And my god, how on Earth does this junk get shot and aired?I had a friend. A female. She was in my martial arts class. And she made one observation as a female observing other females. This is her statement, not mine. And she said; "Girls are stupid!" I thought that was pretty cruel, but after tonight, the day after Superbowl 50, seeing this, and the "How to be Single" promo of the "fat girl" making fun of the show in which that commercial was airing, it's hard to argue with my friend (she got married a couple years later).But she went on to say how some girls, not women, will believe anything, and how some really are vapid when it comes to "relationships" or "dating" and related issues.Again, being raised on egalitarian values in a household that was very forward thinking, I thought this was exceptionally condescending, and false. I mean the sexes are supposed to be on par with one another in terms of smarts. Right?Again, after crap like "Dancing with the Stars" or "Survivor", and now having been exposed to this junk, I'm reconsidering my parents' socially forward ideals when it comes to the differences and similarities between the sexes. Ladies, if you REALLY WANT A MAN, there's is someone out there. He may be an ex con, a pervert, both, homeless, fat, bald, big nosed, unemployed, on food-stamps, part of some biker gang, drug cartel, still in college, living with his folks, but he is out there. If you feel the need to satisfy some romantic fantasy by vicariously living it out through this TV program, then perhaps you need to start cracking the books and read up on microbiology or high energy physics, and stop thinking about how that dress makes your fat thighs look like tree trunks.Seriously, I can't imagine anyone taking this show seriously on any level, unless you were a spoiled young female who never had to work a day in your life, and were cruising on your beauty as opposed to trying to compliment it with education as you probably should have been doing all along.Okay. I saw this pile of bio-excrement. Time to go back to that game server, and hope my senses and sensory organs are never polluted by trash of this caliber ever again.

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    I am sorry, but I just can't get over the fact that this show has been running since 2003. What I also can't get over is how much we have declined as a nation and as a culture to the point where ridiculous "shows" like this continue to be successful. Give me a break! The bachelor and all of the "contestants" are all morally repugnant and reprehensible in their actions. The bachelor basically "test drives" 25 different women during the course of the show, and each one of the them tries their best to get this guy to marry them. The women pull out all the stops in order to try to get this accomplished, regardless of how they really feel about him. It is so stupid that it is beyond belief, and you can totally tell they they are only after the guy for his money and security. Why would any woman with an ounce of decency spend even a second of her time with a man who is sleeping with 24 other women at basically the same time? The women all come across as so shallow and dense, and you would have to think that any woman who comes on this show as a contestant is probably someone with issues and who would therefore not be a good catch. If they are such viable candidates, why hasn't someone found them yet? It all just shows how materialistic and depraved our culture has become, and how true love takes a backseat to all of the superficial stuff that everyone is so preoccupied with. Please take this trash off the air!!!!

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    Network: ABC; Genre: Reality/Game; Content Rating: TV-PG (suggested sex); Classification: Classic (star range: 1 - 5) Season Reviewed: Series (4+ seasons)The precursor to the really ridiculous reality/dating shows from Fox and NBC, ABC's "The Bachelor" is the granddaddy of this deplorable new subgenera. Often imitated and duplicated. The show has the unmitigated gall to call itself a reality series – and people actually repeat it – all the while setting up and knocking down a premise so absurd that is, and could only be, contrived for TV. 25 beautiful women, vie for the attention of 1 guy with a marriage proposal up for grabs at the end. Yeah right, right? Because everybody knows that women don't care enough for men to make fools of themselves for one of them – even for the chance to be on national TV – the bachelors are elevated to superhuman status by the show. All applicants chosen are dream boyfriend-types that are model good looking, rich beyond their initially appeared intelligence (often owners of their own business) and can be frequently found wooing their dates by staring off into space or recycling greeting card clichés about what "love" means to them. Part of the "A-group" in high school these guys are the types that have no trouble getting dates back home. The show isn't about getting them dates or even getting them hitched, it is a self-indulgent parade for them to show off to the rest of the country how they have women falling all over them. It's about nourishing the egos of people who don't exactly need it (while those that do sit home and watch) and not any end resolution – which should be abundantly clear after years of this show resulting in no marriages. The recent multi-million dollar blow-out extravaganza for the snoozefest that was Ryan and Trista's Wedding showed just how desperate ABC is to prove that this concept isn't so fundamentally flawed that it's a waste of everybody's time. The girls get a chance to return to their high school days as well, with supposedly adult women reduced to crying, groveling and the much anticipated catty 'backstabbing' among their peers to win over the guy they just met and also conveniently for the show just fell in love with. Take a drink every time on of them says "I can really see myself with him" and you'll be in AA before the final rose. The whole pageant is more a nasty, pandering popularity contest than a game show. And it is the same thing season after season no matter who they put in the roles. The bottom line is that, sorry, it just isn't really that interesting watching beautiful people meeting each other. What's the challenge there? the achievement? It might all be sad if it was all real. The bachelors and his women are not average people but clearly aspiring models and actresses that can't otherwise get work. ABC pours through their headshots and videos searching for strictly outlined qualities to make an interesting show and – if only – start some real friction in the house so "the claws will come out". That, along with the phrase "the most dramatic rose ceremony ever", have become laughable staples of 'The Bachelor'. It is so dull that it doesn't work even work on a guilty pleasure and so pandering that it is insulting. This should be a living fantasy for men but it's handled with such melodramatic soap opera seriousness as to crush any of the potential ridiculous fun. I don't know why a woman would even watch it other than as a chance to gossip about people without it doing any damage. How should I put this gently? The show inadvertently creates a paradox for itself. The Bachelor is an open-palmed slap in the face to the institute of marriage and the romanticized notion that people meet someone they are supposed to be with in a mystical magical way. As I said, I think the show is designed and that these clearly aren't regular people, but the bigger and more dangerous question is if the emotions that come forth from them are real. Think about it. It's common for people to write both the men and the women off as acting or sad, pathetic basket cases. That's the easy way out. But, how are their emotions any less legitimate or real than that of people who didn't meet on TV, but met in real life in the more typically romanticized way? The show proves that it can be contrived and manipulated and people will believe it just the same. It expedites the process with group dates, contests and fantasy suites but what they go through is still pretty much the series of events that line up and lead anyone to find anyone. Whose being manipulated here? If we put the love lives of most people married or dating the 'natural way' it would look just as sad and pathetic. It's a question a lot of people don't want to think about – particularly those responsible for this show. If this show brings down the romanticism surrounding love and dating than there goes it's primary audience. The only person that comes out of this smelling, well, like a rose is host Chris Harrison. He's a likable personality and has got a pretty good gig, stepping into the middle of the drama and calmly laying out the guidelines. Harrison's biggest moment in the sun aside from announcing the "final rose this evening" is in the post-show interview specials. He's not bad. Then again, it's probably effortless to look that cool given every thing else that's around him. * / 5

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