Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
TV-Y7 | 18 January 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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    Sadly Over-hyped

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    Instant Favorite.

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    Rio Hayward

    All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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    I remember liking this when it first came out. I was 13, and so I watched cartoons a lot. I liked throughout the ages of 13 and 14, because I feel i didn't know any better. I then became 15, and what I liked about the show fell. I started to gain more understanding for cartoons and what I like about cartoons. When I look back at season one and I see a fun show that doesn't care much about a huge confusing plot, and I still like those episodes today, because they're just plain old fun. When toffee was first introduced, that was when the show fell. Now don't get me wrong, Toffee is a great character. He's the only one with an understandable backstory and his goals are understandable. But at this point, the show began to try and set up backstories and romance, and it doesn't work with what the show is about. This is why I bring up season 2, because that was when all of this was introduced. In season 2, they make two main characters fall in love, when Star says she's okay with it, but then randomly becomes jealous throughout the episode. I know they were trying to have "character development", but it did not work at all. By season three I gave up watching it. While my sister adores it I find no purpose to what this show has become. I do, on the other hand, like Pickle and Peanut, because is bathes in its own stupidity, and it only wants to make people laugh. Star is nothing but a show that will try to make compelling backstories, with random "emotional" scenes showing up, making you think, "they thought this up at the last second, didn't they?" They would occur out of nowhere. Sadly, this show has gone down to rubble trying to reach the stars (no pun intended). I thought it would be good, but only the first few quirky episodes are.

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    The first couple episodes are mediocre as the writers tried to go a bit too over the top with zaniness and thrill, but by the 3rd of 4th episode the show levels itself (still zany but toned down) and becomes a very enjoyable show to watch that is fun for both kids, teens and adults. It looks a bit childish and at times it is, but it is definitely worth a watch if your looking for show to watch and unwind after a long stressful day

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    Devean Atkinson

    Star vs the forces of evil is one of the best shows of the modern era. It's right up there if not better than the likes of Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, and Steven Universe. The animation is simply incredible for an animated television show, and all of the characters have their own distinct personality. One of the first reasons I think this is such a great show is because the two main characters, Star and Marco have a clear connection you can see right from episode 1. Their chemistry grows over time and even sparks a romantic interest from our MC, Star.Even though the show isn't really too quick with getting into the overall plot, it delivers a superb one once it gets too it. The main villain of the show is one of the most devious and evil in cartoon history(Maybe aside from the Lich from AT) He's not like the normal cartoon villain that just tries to take something from the main character or to directly hurt them. He has a clear plan to completely destroy the butterfly family. He also has a mysterious and interesting backstory that we've dove into a bit, but a lot is still to be uncovered in Season 3. Finally, to wrap up on a few different parts of the show. I do like the humor of the show as it knows when to be funny and when to tone it down, even in a more lighthearted episode, which makes almost all episodes really entertaining despite maybe not having a part in the plot. The animation and character design as I said, is really nice and well done by Disney. This is a show for all ages, really fun to theorize about and a brilliant cartoon all around. And we're only halfway through!

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    Eric Stevenson

    I don't own Disney XD, so I have to watch when the Disney Channel airs their animated shows, which is rare. I finally looked and found a cartoon that I have talked about all the time, but only saw clips from and was finally able to see. That show is "Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil"! This show tells the story of a princess named Star from another dimension living with a boy named Marco. Her supernatural enemies often follow her through Earth. It's no coincidence that I became a huge fan of this show after "Gravity Falls" ended. Yeah, look at my avatar. Anyway, in some ways this show actually improves over GF. While GF is still a better show overall, this is worth checking out.The animation in this show is better. It is simply amazing and the best I have ever seen in a Disney cartoon. The colors are absolutely gorgeous and the movements and facial expressions are wonderful. Another thing is that this show has much better romance. Whereas GF and other shows like "Adventure Time!" have romance that doesn't go anywhere, this show has it wonderfully relevant to the plot. Before this show even started, people wanted Star and Marco to get together. It was even already established that they had love interests, but as the show went on, everyone knew Star had a crush on Marco. In "Starcrushed" she finally revealed it to everybody! Star is one of the best modern cartoon stars because of how powerful she is. She's a magic princess who knows how to use her wand and fight all sorts of creatures. Marco is great too. It's not just because Marco is very entertaining, but because he was already a strong fighter in the series. Right from the get go, he helps Star fight. Normally, a character like that would have to go through a lot to be that powerful. I really feel for this guy and want him to succeed which makes it all the more painful when he fails. Star can join the ranks of characters like Mabel and Pinkie Pie for great happy girls. The other characters are wonderful too.There's Tom, Star's ex, who is a demon. She has some luck picking boys, huh? Flying Princess Pony Head is, well, a flying princess pony head who talks in this hilarious voice. Will they ever do a Godfather joke with her? Marco is already dating this girl named Jackie. They could have just had Jackie be this shallow girl who only existed to be a rival for Star, but instead they made her very likable and well developed. You simply love all of these unique characters. I started out just watching clips and was immediately hooked. It helps that the two lead characters make one of the best couples ever! Don't miss this one! ****

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