Sonic Boom
Sonic Boom
TV-Y7 | 08 November 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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    People are voting emotionally.

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    At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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    Joanna Mccarty

    Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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    This is best animation of sonic the hedgehog, for all the time. I love this animation so much,because this isn't Dark as SONIC SATAM not stupid as ADVENTURE OF SONIC THE HEDGEHOG and not trash as SONIC UNDERGROUND and not sucks as SONIC X. sonic boom is a really funny and enjoyable animation and everyone can enjoy. Sonic boom is lovely show!! And Great.

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    This animation is awesome and super- spectacular.this animation is incredibly beautiful and pleasant along with lovely characters like sonic and tails and knuckles and Amy and shadow and with new characters.every episode of this animation has its own story and in every part of the comedy and strips and exciting and adventure scenes are used. Some parts of this animation show the massage and the concept of friendship and solidarity and the fight against bullying and some of them have a massage and another concept. The fun jokes are used and in general this animation is a beautiful animation that is above a childish series 10/10 so Awesome.

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    Eventually the shows writing started to pick up and the writers learned more about the game series, it is a lot more funny for fans now. also the show is more funny all together, because the writers stop using cliché story lines. I would definitely watch late season 1 and Season 2 + as a newcomer of the franchise.

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    Taylor Munn

    So I've been looking at the reviews for this show and, apart from the theory I have that most of the reviewers are made up of misogynistic men who call actresses "strumpets" for no good reason other than misguided nostalgia for the good old badly acted days, the hating reviews seem to be split into two groups: the people who hate Sonic anyways and love to have another outlet for their over-dramatic rage; and the people who "like" Sonic, but hate that it's been reduced to a comedy when, in the past, Sonic used to have good characters with depth and a plot that could be taken seriously. For this review, I'm going to address the latter group, because they seem a little closer to sanity.For those who are blissfully ignorant, Sonic Boom the game series is absolute garbage. As far as I'm concerned, it hits Sonic '06 out of the park with how much worse it is than that game. With 06, at least the creators knew their characters, and actually tried with the plot. Yes, the story was weird, the romance was weirder, and the glitches were hilariously bad. But with Sonic Boom, all the characters were reduced to 2D cutouts of cliché stereotypes. Sonic became the cocky hero, Knuckles was the brawn with absolutely no brains, Tails was a discount Jimmy Neutron (for all you 90's/early 2000's folks), and Amy was the girl. That's pretty much it. The game tried too hard for funny banter and humorous one-liners to the point where all of us were yelling at them through the screen to shut up, and it didn't help that all the humor sucked anyways. The music was bland as hell (you can tell this isn't really a Sonic game, because even the music is bad. At least Sonic 06 had amazing music), the plot was stupid, the graphics were dated, and the glitches could so easily be taken advantage of (Knuckles, anyone?). And the mechanics…well…let's just say they weren't great either. Not exactly revolutionary. You're probably asking yourself at this point, "Why are they talking about the game when this is a review for the show?" It's because the show has nothing to go off of except for the game and the characters in the game. It IS Sonic Boom the show, after all. And because those elements are already so bland to begin with, the show's writers can't really do too much with them. Sonic stays the cocky hero guy, Tails stays Jimmy Neutron, Knuckles stays brawn no brains, and Amy stays the girl. I agree with a good portion of the negative reviews on the fact that the characters are cutouts, the plots are boring and overused, and the setting is just bland.Now, if you're still with me, this is where I reveal why I love this show anyways. It's because I love a show that knows it's bad, knows all the history behind the franchise and the fan-base, and chooses to make fun of itself and that culture at almost every turn. And not only its own franchise and fan-base, either! There was one episode in particular that became a bit too real for how it poked fun at Trump winning the election. And there was another recent episode that just made fun of the common rhetoric of female characters that are attempting to be on equal grounds of guys in shows. The characters are constantly breaking the fourth wall in ways that are usually in line with their characters in the show, and they make fun of old references and memes in the Sonic fandom, but not in an overly obvious way that's cringe-worthy. It works simply because they're not just doing it to be cool and hip, but to make fun of itself and show us that they're on our side. WE think that the show and game is bad? So do they! And they're doing their best to make something hilarious out of it anyways, because they have to work with what they have!I'll be completely honest here. I wish they still made shows of Sonic where the characters were interesting and the plot was worth a damn, too! But the games have to get back to the point where they can do that, and with Sonic Boom, they're not exactly capable of that right now. So yes, the show can only be a comedy to thrive best right now, but I'm more than satisfied with that for the time being. It's refreshing for the humor and mockery to be coming from us, rather than from outside haters, right? And not every show has to have a well-thought-out plot to be enjoyable. Sometimes people just want a laugh. And besides, there could still be hope for the future! Sonic's struggling along, but he's still going, so I believe we can make it!In conclusion, I rate this show the same way I rate the English dub of Ghost Stories: a solid 7.5 out of 10. Because if not for that dub, that show wouldn't be as notorious as it is for being the official version of an abridged parody of a show. It would have just rotted away in the forgotten section of anime with a plot and characters that, much like Sonic Boom, were just too cookie cutter and forgettable to be interesting. But then the English voice actors came along, were told they could do whatever they wanted with the show as long as it made money and followed three rules, and proceeded to make the entire show into a hilariously over-the-top joke that saved the entire thing.So all of you just let your hair down, relax, let optimism back into your life, and enjoy the show for what it managed to make of itself, rather than "what could be." We have plenty of time to complain about that later.

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